" that's a tricky question" Beth said
" To be honest, I don't know. I feel Andrew is more like Will and I think that's why I'm thinking I like him. I'm not sure" I said
" Look, I feel both of you just have similar features of your ex. And you guys are thinking you're having feelings for each other because of that, but the truth is no matter how much you love your ex you're feeling a thing between each other. If it's about your ex, you're not meant to have any connection of such because you'll still be keen on your ex" Beth said as Annie and I just started at her.
" Honestly, I don't understand what you just said" Annie said
" Same here" I said
" You guys wanna grab something to eat " she asked
" But you haven't explained what you said " I said
" I'm not repeating myself again because you'll not still understand until you realize it yourself " she said getting up to dress
" I'm hungry though" Annie said
" You didn't tell us about your night " I asked
" It was the best night of my life " she said
" I saw your posts " Beth said
" It was really fun, Scott..." Annie said talking on and on about Scott. How cool, sweet and nice he was, how he behaved and so on
" Why do I feel you'll later like this guy" Beth said
" Beth" I said
" What, I'm saying what I feel " she said
" What about your night " Annie asked beth
" It was good, we did cleaning and cleaning and clea.... OMG!" She said like she remembered something
" Fuck what have I done" she said sitting on her bed
" Oh no, what did you do " I said sitting beside her
" Yeah, what did you do. Tell us" Annie said sitting my her left
" After we finished cleaning, Michael brought snacks. Then we sat down eating and he was talking about him being an artist and stuff and he paused and he looked at me and said when I'm an artist my first artwork will be you and then it felt like they was music, butterflies flying around, stars shinning on us and his lips were like yeah kiss me and my lips was like okay and I kissed him" she said
" That's good news" Annie said
" No" Beth said
" Serious, you took the initiative. It's a good thing, must girls now wants the boy to take the lead and that can take forever" she said
" You don't get it, I don't like Michael" Beth said
" You sure about that, because you sounded like you do" Annie said
" C'mon Belle, won't you back me up " Beth said
" Wow" I said
" That's the only thing you can say about this " Beth said
" I mean, just wow" I said
" Seriously, not now " Beth said and her phone rang
" OMG, it's Michael calling " Beth said
" Answer it " Annie said
" I'll tell him that what happened yesterday was a mistake " she said picking it
" Hello " she said
" Hy, Beth I was wandering if you're free this evening " Michael said
" Yeah I am but....." She was saying before he interrupted
" I got both of us tickets to watch your dad fight. I mean we'll be there in person to see him fight " he said
" You don't mean it " she said
" Oh yes I do, so will you come" he said
" Of course, I'll come " she said
" Great, see you in the evening. I'll come pick you up " he said
" Oh there's no need for...." She was saying before he hang up
" What happened to the mistake part, I mean I didn't hear it " Annie said
" I'll just tell him tonight after the fight" Beth said
" Come on, I'm starving " I said dragging both of them along