Chapter 96

"If you want I can-"

"-No. No, it's okay. Probably can't get anymore sleep tonight anyway," Luke said as he walked away from camp and into the forest without looking back.

Percy sighed and waited for Luke to be out of sight. The moment he was gone Percy sighed and pulled his blanket closer as he drifted to sleep.


You have slept on a very uncomfortable surface; HP and MP have been restored 50% each. All ailments and negative status effects have been cured.

Percy rubbed his eyes awake and on instinct dismissed the box. He then looked around and saw Grover and Luke packing up as the sun was already out.

"Anything interesting happen last night?" Percy asked as he got up and put his own blanket into his bag.

"No, nothing interesting," Luke said with his signature smile.

Percy nodded, "good. That's good." He then looked to the forest and saw one of Alecto's wings, "ah I have to go and 'relieve' myself." And with that Percy quickly walked into the forest and as soon as he was far away from his friends Alecto and Craig revealed themselves to him.

"So did we have any problems during the night?" Percy asked as he pulled the gauntlet of Kefka out to dismiss them.

"There was nothing trying to attack the camp," Alectos said, "but there was something strange."

"Strange? Like what?"

"The blond kid, Luke? He snuck out during his patrol and made an Iris call in the middle of the night to somebody."

"Iris call? In the middle of the night? How did he get the light? Or the water?"

"Squirt bottle for the mist and he used the moonlight to from the rainbow."

"So who did he call?"

"We don't know. We couldn't get close enough to hear. The kid had good instincts. the moment I got 20 feet of him he noticed something was approaching him."

"Did you get anything? Hear anything?"

"All we heard is, 'we are in a forest in the middle of the country somewhere. I will get them to Denver just be ready for us there.'"

Percy frowned and nodded, "okay thanks for that." He then dismissed the two servants and put away the gauntlet. As Percy walked back to camp his head was spinning with idea about what Luke meant when he said those words. And more importantly who.

The moment Percy meet with Grover and Luke he smiled, for now he would need to act normal. Until he found out what Luke was up to.


The both nodded yes as the three began their trek again. They went across the forest just as a mist started to settle in blocking their view to a degree. An hour or later Percy realised something, Grover was going the wrong way.

"Hey G-man you sure we are going the direction?" Percy asked.

"Yeah Percy, why do you ask?"

"Well it's just that we are now kind of heading in the wrong direction here."

"No we are not," Luke said looking at Percy strangely.

"Yeah we are," Percy then pointed to the sun which was nearly to the center of the sky, "see this is where the sun came from, we were going to the West, now are are going East."

"That….that's impossible," Grover whispered in fear as he realised Percy was right.

"But wait we were heading a straight line! I know we were," Luke exclaimed.

"Not really no," Percy replied, "Grover took a right a few minutes ago without noticing, I just thought he wanted to take a shortcut or something so I didn't really object. But then he took another right and started to head off in the wrong direction."

"Bu-but I don't even remember that! I don't remember taking a turn!"

"Yeah Percy. I don't remember Grover taking a right. I would have said something if I did!" Luke exclaimed.

Percy rubbed his chin….could it be? "Guys… I think someone is trying to trick us from getting out of this forest."


"No way!"

"Yeah," Percy replied nodding, " you see where we are right now," Percy said pointing to the two mountains between which they were walking, "this valley probably leads to something that we are not supposed to see. Meaning whatever, whoever, is trying to confuse us is right ahead."

"How are you not effected?" Luke asked curiously.

'Because of Gamer's mind duh,' Percy thought but obviously he didn't say that, "I'm not sure. Maybe it's a son of Poseidon thing."


Lie success!

"The mist!" Grover suddenly exclaimed, "maybe it has something to do with all of this! And maybe it doesn't effect Percy because he is a son of Poseidon! You know since mist is basically water."

"Can can you do something about this mist Percy?" Luke asked.

"I'm not really sure," Percy replied, "I haven't really tried."

"Well mist is just water in gas form. You should be able to control it," Grover said.

Percy nodded, "okay, let's see." Percy put his hands up and focused. He pushed his mana out and immediately it caught onto the water in the air. He could feel the moisture around him, moving passed him Luke and Grover. He then willed the mist to move back, it felt like pushing a table with one hand, difficult but possible.

Percy opened his eyes and saw the mist roll back. He allowed himself a smile;


A skill of yours has evolved! Steam control has evolved into Moisture control!

· Water Controlling Lv-11 (62%)

Allows you to control any form of water from any source of water. You can reconstruct it in anyway you wish and it will obey your every command.

Cost-10 MP per minute

Special attack- Water Spikes-210 Damage cost 80 MP

Special defence- Water shield-35/35 Durability cost 95 MP

Special control- Blood control-cost 46 MP per minute.

Special control- Moisture control- cost same as water control + 10 MP

Percy blinked at, he didn't know skills could evolve! Does that mean if he learnt beginners karate and he mastered it it would evolve to advance? Hm this demanded research.

"Cool!" Grover shouted, "okay we should be good now."

Luke nodded, "okay but just to be safe Percy take point. I don't like the fact we were being manipulated so easily. Whatever is up ahead in probably what caused this all, we need to be alert."


Quest Alert!

Find out who is messing with your head!


A way out of this god forsaken place,

Skill book: Mist illusion techniques




Percy pressed yes and the group began to move again, this time in the right direction. The mist became thicker but Percy managed to push it all way. Soon the sunlight started to become dimmer and dimmer and even the sounds of the animals went path between the mountains was clear now with Percy leading the way. Soon it turned dark as the sun slowly set down. Eventually the forest opened up and the mist started to clear revealing a large lake in front of the group.

"Holy shit," Grover said as he looked across the lake, "this thing is huge!"

"Look!" Luke shouted pointing to their right. There near the edge of the lake was a old fashioned log cabin with three cars in front of it, the most important thing however was the fact that the lights inside the cabin were on.

"Is someone in their?" Percy asked curiously.

"I think so," Luke replied, "let's go find out."

The group of questers did just that as they walked along the lake to the cabin. When the finally reached it they noticed a few things. The windows of the cabin were covered with blinds but Percy could see a few shadows inside. The cars all had their doors were wide open with the keys in the ignition. Percy walked up to each car and tried to turn them on, but none of them worked. All of them had dead batteries.

"Think we should go inside and talk to them?" Percy asked Luke.





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