The beginnings of war

The next candidate is a guy named Andrew, his abilities are useful for a support type His ability is to give people extra healing, Rate or extra strength, speed, or endurance.

I sent another 40 of Kurama's shadow clones. They also got their gear and went to the curtains. I gave them. The third and final candidate is name is Jacob and he is a five year old. We'll just give them some candy that is really really big and I'm pretty sure we can have them help us .

Another 40 of Kurama's shadow clones Went to convince him Back to Ken's POV, me and Jeff went to go plan out or war preparation's after gathering up the army thanks to shamus. We started secretly surround Japan. After two months, we finally got all of the people with godly abilities to join us.

I began the battle. I started on the Hiroko battlefield.First started by taking down all major cities and government will track down most of them, but now we gotta find all of them using Jeff's ability rewrite peoples Will, It was fine, so I took Jeff and we went to all the ballfields using Jeff's ability

We were rewrote, all their minds to help us on our journey to create the best kingdom Ever There was some major resistance and lost a lot of men, but we finally took over Japan, are beginnings we I created a base of our operations and training

It has all the training tools we need, and will also be training new recruits that want to join our kingdom with , godly abilities.

After we were done that the whole world know that we took over Japan within a week and then they realize how serious it was, but by the time that happened it was too late by the time the people who had all those abilities learned of it they also started doing the same as us.

Forming groups of them and I'm taking over large plots of land and rolling over it there's already major wars going on.