Spirit Fusion

Nobis charged at Dobroslav with unbridled fury, delivering a qi-infused punch powered by the might of a rank 39 cultivator. However, Dobroslav stood unwavering, locking eyes with Nobis as he uttered in a low, ominous voice, "Plague Shield." A green bubble of plague magic materialised around him, forming an impenetrable barrier against Nobis's assault. The ancient demon lord's punch collided with the shield, the impact reverberating through the chamber.

Undeterred, Dobroslav maintained his stoic gaze, watching as rage boiled within Nobis. "You damn thief!" Nobis roared, his voice echoing with indignation. Dobroslav paid little heed to the accusations, focusing on the unfolding clash of powers.

With a sinister twist, Dobroslav added, "Shadow Veil." Countless shadowy branches, adorned with wicked spikes, manifested around the magic shield. They writhed and moved like serpents, creating an intricate dance that seemed to defy the laws of reality. The shadowy veil encircled the Plague Shield, its ominous presence heightening the tension in the chamber.

"Hahahaha," Dobroslav's laughter echoed with a malevolent edge. "You trash! What can you do to me now? Nothing! Nothing! You're just an empty shell of your past glory! Nothing but a barking dog! Hahahah!" The taunts flowed freely, each word a venomous barb aimed at the once mighty Nobis.

Suddenly, the laughter ceased, replaced by a cold arrogance in Dobroslav's gaze. He stared at Nobis, the green flame in his eyes flickering with disdain. And then, with a single utterance that cut deeper than any blade, he said, "Pathetic."

The word hung in the air, a declaration of superiority that pierced through Nobis's pride like a dagger. Rage and humiliation painted Nobis's face as the insult fuelled the fiery core of the ancient demon lord. The once mighty being, reduced to a vessel of wrath, roared with unbridled fury, a storm of qi-infused power swirling around him. The chamber trembled as Nobis prepared to unleash the full force of his wrath upon Dobroslav, the arrogant half-demon who dared to mock his glory.

As Nobis continued his relentless assault, the Plague Shield wielded by Dobroslav proved to be an effective defence. The shadow thorns embedded on the shield inflicted more damage upon Nobis than he could deal to Dobroslav. Each punch and strike sent shockwaves of agony through Nobis's form, the shadowy thorns tearing at his essence with each contact.

Dobroslav, with a calculating gaze, observed the effectiveness of the shadow thorns. The once overwhelming attacks from Nobis were now tempered by the insidious, corrosive power of the plague-infused shield. However, as the battle unfolded, something unexpected began to transpire.

Nobis's attacks intensified with each passing moment, a relentless onslaught that seemed to defy the initial advantage of Dobroslav's Plague Shield. The shadow thorns on the shield caused visible damage, but to Dobroslav's dismay, the ancient demon lord's strikes grew stronger and more potent.

A small green flame ignited in Nobis's eyes, casting an eerie glow that reflected the surging power within him. Dobroslav's realisation struck like a bolt of lightning – stripping Nobis of his essence wasn't enough to render him powerless. Instead, the relentless fighting was propelling Nobis to break through the confines of his current cultivation realm.

"Oh no!" Dobroslav thought, his mind racing as he comprehended the magnitude of the situation. Nobis, fuelled by the green flame of newfound strength, was on the verge of transcending from rank 39 to rank 40, a leap into the next major realm.

With an ominous surge of power, Nobis shattered the confines of rank 39, breaking through to the coveted rank 40 – the Spirit Fusion realm. However, the term "Spirit Fusion" seemed paradoxical, for Nobis had lost his demonic essence, essentially his spirit.

A vortex of ominous green and black energy swirled around Nobis, creating an otherworldly spectacle that defied the laws of cultivation. In the heart of this tempest, Nobis laughed with manic exhilaration. "I am the pinnacle of perfection, the ultimate being! Hahaha," his laughter echoed through the chamber, a proclamation of newfound power that reverberated with a chilling intensity.

"I am invincible!" Nobis exclaimed, his voice carrying an air of triumph and madness. The energies enveloping him seemed to pulsate with an unprecedented force, casting an eerie glow across the chamber.

Nobis locked eyes with Dobroslav, his gaze predatory, as if sizing up his next meal. "Your soul will be mine!" he declared with ominous certainty.