
He did a great job hiding the entrance. Ensuring that the entryway was exclusively accessible to him and his deity Elaine.

Elaine planned her escape and waited until the wee hours of the morning to execute it. Her father's property has a lake behind it that will deter suspicion. The maids and guards believed she was incapable of steering the yacht. If she attempted to sail the yacht, they were also certain to intercept and stop it, but their guesses proved to be incorrect.

It was evident from the concentration of guards at the exit gate. They added three times as many guards. The presence of these guards is necessary in case her father offends a powerful adversary. They did not do as planned—they did not march around the estate. It was the boss's daughter they were after. They are to prevent her from escaping the mansion.

Grayson understood his daughter very well. Whenever she didn't bicker on a decision, she was bound to do the craziest things. One likely crazy thing was her escape. The suicide rate or other choices are too low. His daughter loves her life. She won't attempt suicide.

He made sure to block the only escape route. This will make her behave well until Dr. Rancid, who called to say he would drop by at the odd hour of the night, arrives at the mansion.

The fewer guards and maid spies in the lake region were because they were sure Elaine wouldn't dare swim the long lake to arrive at the other region. The honest fact is that she won't swim far before the less guarding coastguards scoop her up to a rescue boat.

The time was racing. Dr. Rancid might arrive at any time. It was already half past the eleventh hour. His surgery on his patient ought to be done.

She has to act now. The lake is her best chance. No one will notice their little hideout.

She got out of bed. She switched from her night gown to a denim short with an oversize top, and she knotted the edge of the shirt at the left region of her stomach. She wore a tennis cap. A sport sneaker to match her outfit. She walked out of her room. Her outfit alarms the whole mansion household. All eyes were glued on her as she walked from the long passage to the lounge connecting the lakeside.

Her little actions were known to all. Her father received the scare of his life. He thought his social promotion was playing a joke on him.

Of course, he gave his subordinate an order to watch her. When he found out she was heading toward the lake, he relaxed. The lake was the most difficult escape part of his mansion. As far as the dive gear, boats, or yachts were banned for her use. He was good. As for the canoe, he will wish her good luck in any escape plans she hatches with a canoe.

The scrutiny was reduced. Elaine walked toward her favourite canoe. The canoe held a lot of memories between her and Gary.

Today, the canoe will complete this mission. Paddling it for an escape. The impossible choice everyone thought she would never resort to.

She stepped into the canoe and paddled away. Everyone was relaxed except the coastguards. They were to make sure Elaine stayed within the safe nautical mile. Any more, and they will be in hot pursuit to bring her back.

She paddled to their blind spot. It was the very spot where she met Gary. Not once, twice, but a lost number of times. Yet, they were never discovered.

Minutes went by.

Everyone concluded she had given up on her fool escape plan. The odds of such an escape were too low, and she had learned the hard way.

Meanwhile, Elaine had swam to their hideout position. She carefully removed the piled stone. She pushed aside the rock to reveal the entrance to their sea hideout. She didn't immediately dive in. She carefully rearranged the piles of stones. She used Gary's method of smoothing the beach sand to erase all evidence that she was here.

When the lake bed was devoured of any clue. She rolled over the rock. She shut herself inside the hideout. She has successfully escaped while fooling the smart asses who kept records of all her moves. She swam the long distance to the underwater cave. She remembered her first try. She almost drowned herself. It wasn't an all-negative day. At least she lost her first kiss to a new boy.

She blushed underwater as she remembered the manly hands that firmly held her tight and close. T-then, her first kiss. She lost it just like that... It wasn't how she visualized it in all her numerous pinky fantasies.


Her thoughts are drifting away. She had yet to arrive at the underwater cave for some rest and oxygen. She had dangerously lost some withheld oxygen. It would have been great if her diving gear wasn't seized.

Luckily, Gary made sure she wasn't too reliant on this tool. It was as if he were a prophet who could tell the future.

Three minutes to the dive. She arrived at the cave.

Deep inhale...

Finally, she completed it. Most of her attempts required a kiss to complete the long dive. For the first time in all her dives, she completed it without a kiss.

She would rest here tonight and be on her way by dawn. At least, their little underwater cave has a lot of survival stocks. One of her fantasy days, she forced Gary to escort her to get those things.

She would live on these packages for tonight before she went out to search for Gary. She reminded herself not to waste much time on the search or risk being caught by her father's pawns. She has to escape this city by tomorrow night.

She went to the stalactite at the edge of the cave. She remembered disturbing Gary to carve a cold mini-room for her to store some mineral sodas. She opened it and took some mineral and wafer biscuits.

She went to their bed and ate till she fell asleep.


A heavy search was being carried out by her father and all the mansion workers. Elaine has done it. She had mysteriously vanished before Dr. Rancid reached the mansion.

How was this possible? They knew she would pull off some escape plans. The boss made preparations for such a stupid plan, but at last, they were outgunned by a teenager. Too hateful!

They have found the canoe, but Elaine, who ought to be canoeing, has mysteriously vanished. This escape was a classical study case.

But, first let them carpet search the whole lake. The boss wished to see her corpse if she was drowned herself or her breathing self to whip her to senses.

"Gosh! Did she hate the senator's son enough to choose suicide? But she loved her life. Why walk the path of suicide? Cutting off his path of social ascension. Why? Why couldn't she wait a little before making a suicidal plan?"

Splash! Breaks~

Grayson didn't spare his wine glass.

"Damn! Such ingrate. Watch how I will straighten her up. The corrections would never leave her mind. It will stay as a scar and a reminder to all the unborn generations."

The search went on throughout the night. Grayson made sure to seal up every news story for the time being. He was trying to avoid stupid media scandals.