Saved by a gangster beauty

"But I do not wish to obey. I am more interested in facing your wrath." Elaine quietly said while staring straight into their eyes.

Her provocative gaze mesmerized the young, healthy boys. They started feeling an intense desire to claim this young beauty.

One of the boys threw in their ultimate scare card. This trick has practically worked on all the girls they scared into their beds. "Do you know who my boss is?" The lean, almost skeleton-atrophied boy said it menacingly.

He thought he was scaring some no bodies.


All of Elaine's escorts laughed, including the hidden driver.

The atrophy skeleton boy raged, "What is the meaning of this? Do you think I am a clown?"

"Eh! Yes, a very entertaining one." Elaine said it casually. By this time, their little furry chat had attracted a lot of students, who immediately engaged in heated conversation.

Some of the students were happy that the rapist group, who used their family background, had met their match. She was hiding to avoid future trouble.

"I won't repeat myself. The fine young man...his father is the only brother of Secretary Adell. The only women who can cover the whole Saphila South region. Disrespecting him means your entire family is having a bad time. You know what... You are also destined to accompany him until he gets bored of you while your family is having the horror of their lives because of your insane stupidity to challenge our boss." He looked as if he were gasping for some oxygen to regulate his almost bottom-out breath.

This time, Elaine wasn't enjoying this show again. It quickly reached its climax and fell into a rocket booster endorsed by anticlimax. Indeed, a loose mouth will always bring trouble.

"How long has this issue been going on?" Elaine turned to the students gathered around her and asked her questions.

"What is the meaning of all these questions? Follow us, or we get to beat you up before dragging you with us. You can see my boss is already getting annoyed." He tried to use force to grab hold of Elaine's left hand, but he met a punch in the face.

Ann had already cast her judgment on these boys. She will beat the shit out of them and hand them over to Jace. His so-called father will also be interrogated. How many of these damned crimes were overlooked by the school management staff? A total overhaul is needed.


A kick followed by the punch. She engaged with the six young men. Of! course, the so-called boss who had the hand behind this madness was beaten blue and black.

He received free facial surgery.

Cody had already called Jace. He would tidy up the aftereffects of this scene. As for the management of the university, most of them will be transferred to prison. The students engaged in all kinds of inhumane crimes will complete their studies in prison.

No wonder Saphila University keeps losing its ranking. No sane, intelligent student would love to study at a chaotic university.


In the open sea.

It seems as if the storm has awakened, but it still refuses to leave its bed. A billionaire yacht was sailing at full nautical miles to escape the eye of the storm. A wounded young man was being attended to by the yacht's doctor.

The bleeding young man was G-Gary... Gary Ian. His escape was not as smooth as that of Elaine, but his luck was top-notch.

On his day of escape, he was ambushed by Zero and her father's cleaners. This time, he wasn't pierced with a pistol bullet. He was blasted by a sniper bullet. The second change of direction he made when the sniper was fired caused the sniper bullet to miss his intended heart.

The bullet pierced between the lower region of his heart and his stomach intestine. A bit away from his kidney, or he will be finished.

Of course, he didn't escape unharmed. His rib cage was shattered. Chunks of his flesh and blood splash around the open space. The whole pedestrian was in chaos, making it easy for him to dash to the ship's harbour.

He collided with an unknown beauty in her prime. That was all he knew about the beauty before going into another coma for a couple of weeks, maybe more. But he didn't forget to ask for help before slumping into a deep sleep.

A beauty held a young, perfect, handsome, bloody man. She believed he should be in his teens.

This beauty body build was a dream body for all girls and boys. A fanta-shaped body curve. Coca-Cola shape would have been fantastic, but we are not dealing with a model and star beauty. We are dealing with ancient vampiric beauty here.

Her complexion is as pure white as that of people who live in frigid climates. Her iris pupil was gold, as if she were practicing magic spells. Her bones and skeleton curves were perfectly chiseled by her creator to bring out the lust in both sexes. Be it male or female, no one is exempt.

Indeed, no one was exempted.

This beauty was none other than the mysterious fourth underground boss, Joyce Leah. Everyone in the underworld had yet to see her face or know her name except for her moniker, 'Seductress Lilith', but they knew she was the big player behind all the famous assassinations of top brasses.

She had her organization filled with 80% peach blossom beauty and 20% pleasure males to keep these beauties happy.

She held this young, bloody teen in her hands. Her heart, which seemed dead, was stirred again. The girls with her were speechless. Will their boss save this fine man for them to enjoy, or will she cast him aside for the dead?

But the otherworldly young teen's last word before slumping was heart-stirring. The 'Please, save me' would move any lady's heart.

Joyce's heart was stirred. She picked up the teenage boy and boarded her black-laced, purple-phantom yacht. The group of fine ladies who were with her boarded the yacht too.

A beautiful female doctor took over from Joyce as she quickly operated on the young boy. They are always medically equipped due to the nature of their jobs. Not all jobs can be successful. They might arise problems in the escape that urgently require the service of a doctor.

You don't expect her and her people to visit the hospital, right? It will leave a trace and a pile of future troubles. She made sure her private doctors were always on standby to save her girls.

Today was also a mission day. A successful mission with no hiccups. The beautiful female doctor was to leave after making sure they arrived at their den safely. She was expecting a paycheck without any job done, but the universe wished her hands would get bloody.

The beautiful female doctor and her nurse quickly began their surgery on the young teen in a coma.



At Pier Harbour, the Phantom Cat organization had sailed away. Zero had arrived with his group. They could see traces of blood on the tiled marbles, but no dead body. The traces of blood stopped at a particular spot and vanished totally. Their lead vanished just like that.

No way! They rushed to the nearby CCTV but found the cameras all manufactured around that moment. What kind of shitty luck is this?