
This realization did nothing to quench my fear. 

"Just die!" the boy screams.

Ice approaches at a growing speed.

"Wait, kid just wait!" I throw my hands in the air. 

The ice didn't stop if anything it started to increase in speed.

Dread, fear, and self pity rush over me. How did I get here, what misshapen road did I take? Why did I come here, hell I've never killed anyone before. I guess I was blinded by greed. I told myself I would never become like him. Sure I made up excuses, like my looks, my, my mom and dad, I did tell myself I had no choice. Why did I except that fuckers invitation. I can see it now a tombstone with my name, no one visits, no one even grieves for my death. How sad. 

I couldn't tell if it's the coming freeze or a natural reaction, but A chill runs down my spine.

Grasping at straws and speaking out of my ass I say "I know your father."

The ice completely stopped in its tracks. The boy looks at me with questioning eyes.


"I know it sounds insane but I do. He told me that if I were to ever meet you to give you some advice."

The boy looked suspicious, in fact he looked like he didn't believe any of it.

"How do you know him, then?"

"I, oh, we were friends at one point. The thing is he didnt tell me his last name, and I guess, well I guess I just realized you look just like him."

For a second the boy's eyes wavered. He held his cheek, letting out magic power it healed in an instant.

"You tried to kill me."

"Well, you see, that was just a test. I had to make sure you're worthy."

What the hell am I saying? 

"Worthy of what?"

 His face looked as if he'd never heard a lie. His innocence makes me feel queasy.

"Worthy to become my disciple of course."

The boy released the spell. The tempicher shot up and the ice began to melt.

"Where is my deadbeat dad now?"

The boy looked as if hope finally returned to him, like his suffering can finally end.

"No idea. But I believe he said he had to hunt some monster."

Lies lies lies. If the kid catches on I'm doomed. Who could have expedited the boy to awaken.

 The boy's face darkens. 

"You don't know?"


''I accept. I officially swear to be your disciple. However, I need you to promise one condition."

He accepted? What can I even teach him?

"What's the condition?"

"As my dads friend and as a favor for me, help me find him."


I didn't see a problem with agreeing, once I'm done here I can put all of this behind me. 

"So, um, what do I do as your disciple."

I don't think I could sleep soundly at night if I just booked, and then a thought came to me, I may not be the best, barely noteworthy, but I could teach him the basics of combat.

Two weeks went by with in that forest. I taught him all I knew. Simple swordsmanship, how to use a spear, bow, gun, and fists. He got to the point where he could beat me 60% of the time, of course without using magic or his awakened skill. I couldn't teach him anything else, it wasn't like I was that skilled myself. It came time for me to leave, however I did grow a little attached to the boy.

"Master," The boy cried. The boy felt like he wasn't alone anymore. "I'll miss you." 

"Wait." I pulled out a checkbook and wrote my info. "Take this to a bank" I continue. " Take the twenty grand and sign up to a good hero school."

This was all the savings I had. I just wanted to give the kid the life I never had.