
Boom, the building shuttered. 

"Well isn't this a party?"

Zengo could immediately sense the man's presents. 

'So is it a monster? Hard to tell, oh well the teachers can handle it.'

Zengo grinned. 

"What are you grinning about." A woman dressed in black asked. 

"Nothing, nothing. Back to what you were saying."


The man is old, reaching close to the age of sixty, even through all his adventures, all his monsters killed, even through years of being a hunter all he could reach was low alpha general. This never disappointed him, in fact it made him proud he achieved what most couldn't, even now he considers himself strong, his wisdom skill and passion. The greatest thing, he would think, is he got this far without even awakening. In some places in the world he would be respected as a grand master. But the monster rated him as just another opponent, in front of the monster, he's just another fighter, just an opponent. Again this did not disappoint him, he had full knowing that there's those out there who can match him, beat him. 

The monster in front of him leached forward, its deadpan face sent a shiver down the old and experienced man's spine. 

"You, find an opening, if you can't find one then don't butt in." The old man commanded the high rank commander. 

The monster shot at him, at a remarkable speed for the wound on his stomach. Even with the monster's speed, the old man activated his magic even faster, creating a shield. 

The difference between alpha and Giga Generals, is alpha relies on magic, be it spells, or just peer power. Giga's use physical strength, and martial techniques. 

The monster slammed into the shield, it crackled and discharged magic throughout the area. The shield held, but the old man's feet wavered. Adverting the momentum, the old man transferred the magic power into a wide blast, shooting out like a laser. The beam of magic hit into the monster, tinging the skin and boiling his blood with its blue inferno. 


But to think for one second that the monster would just row over and die would be the height of ignorance. With a stomp the monster shot to the side jumping into one of the classrooms.

"No." The high commander screamed as he ran into the classroom.

"Wait." The old man pleaded, but the man didn't listen.

The old man is not young but to call him slow is like calling a hawk slow. And yet there is a underlying fear, a unnerving fear, something deep in his heart, down to his very soul. It told him that he would be slow, he wouldn't make it. A grimace appeared on the old man's face, not from pain, but fear. He rushed through the same door, to a terrifying sight. The old mans fantasies went wild. Corpses scattered across, blood dripping from the walls, scrunched clumps of flesh that used to be called human. Compared to his imagination, reality is much more tame. The students sat clinging to the walls in fear, with in the hands of the monster is the high rank commander, the man didn't struggle with his grasp, he stares at the monster dead in the eyes. 

"What is it you desire?" The monster asked in a devil-like tone, no more accurately a tempting refined, almost addictive tone.

"I want my brother back." The man choked out.

The monster clicked his tongue, "Only god can bring back the dead."

The man sniffled, "But if god can't answer my prayers, then who but the devil."

"Now your mastakin im no devil, and as for your wish, I give you an answer, deep in the Himalayan mountains, you will find someone who can help you. Now my finite time is almost up and I still have a partner to dance with."

The monster eyed down the old man. 

"Sence you can speak, will you allow us to take this outside?" The old man asked.

"Well, why not." The monster accepted the old man's requisite. 

The old man sensed no malice from the monster, strangely the old man thought to himself that he felt like he could almost trust it. 

The old man turned on his heels, his hands behind his back in almost a relaxed stance. However the old man is anything but off guard, his senses have never been higher. The old man mocked himself; he has faced a deadly leviathan class monster, but fighting this man, this mere high siren class monster, turned his senses up to max. 

The old man was followed in tow by the monster, each step made his heart thump, every click and thud from the monsters shoes made him fear for his life, the tension is so high that the old man thought, "it would be better if he just attacked and killed me." But the old man knew that that thought was meaningless, and stupid. So he pushed it away. By the time they made it out side to an open field, the old man's shirt was stained with sweat. The monster looks towards the sky, with a dumb, wistfully hopeful look in his eyes. The old man noticed this, but didn't think to question it, the only question he was left with was who he was fighting.

"So monster, sense im sure this is going to be a fight to the death, would you mind naming yourself."

The monster smiled, with a devilish grin, one that if he was human would get him locked in a nuthouse.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I can't allow this to be a fight to the death. And as to my name it's Seraphim, however you can call me Raphael."