True teaching.

The second day began, the first period came and went. They practiced against each other showing immediate outliers. William of course showed his skill with zero losses, next up though absent for half the class came Alexander who only lost to William. Dom did good, but refused any matches against the other two. Cassandra, although apparently a little injured, did good. A kid named Rook came up next, he showed mastery of hook style combat. Asuka refused to participate. 

I prepared myself, and as soon as I did so, the next class came wandering in through the door.

You know I almost forgot I teach multiple classes. What was this one again? Survival martial arts, I believe it's an elective. The class mixes survival training and the use of martial arts against say animals.

Animals at times can be more terrifying than any monster, the thing is just like humans animals are capable of using magic. They usually know how to use it much more naturally than humans. This means to be capable of taking down a bear, a tiger, or a lion, could be just as praiseworthy as killing a dragon. 

The class won't even dare to prepare you to fight these, at most I will teach them how to get away. The best I can teach how to fight is mountain lions, bison, and wolves, which all could easily kill you even if you are prepared. Next is survival training which is arguably even harder than dealing with the monsters. Poisonous food, deadly climate, and horrifying weather, which can all terrifyingly easily kill you. 

A couple lectures on plants and the class ended nice and smoothly. Next came break periods which due to my lacking skills I have been assigned to watch other teachers in practice. Whether by coincidence or meddling by Saint's Hand, I ended up shadowing Grant. 

Grant gave a light bow, which caught me off guard.

"How was your morning?" He asked me. 

"Fine, thanks for asking." 

"So vice leader how am I doing as, what did you say it was, teacher."

"Who am I talking to?"

"Markess of course."

"Ha, what, hmm." I mumbled.

The sight in front of me was one hell of a scene. It was like a child playing doctor, his lessons although sounding complex are just a whole bunch of gibberish. However to my surprise there was someone in the crowd of confused birds who nodded along, in fact the lesson would pause just for him to ask questions.

"How do you calculate that magic?"

"Like this." He showed how to do it on the board. Witch was now filled with numbers sliding and wishing to overlap each other. "Do you understand?"

"That's what I thought."

The thing is he never explained, he just wrote on the bord, and when he did explain he just tells you the best way to kill a demon.

When the class ended I learned twenty new ways to cut, blast, bludgeon, burn, and a couple other ways to destroy a demon head. Not that I knew exactly what a demon was. I mean there's biblical and a couple other ones explained by religion and conspiracy, but none that I would have to destroy a head of. 

The next class he taught was completely Normal, stuff about how you kill werewolves and some other Siren and Goliath class monsters. 

He came to me with confusion on his face.

"When did you get here?"

"Grant?" I ask.

"Yes, that's my name, is there something you needed?"

"No, No, I'm just shadowing."

"Oh, right."

That last class went much the same, and that ended the school day.