
These are poison hounds, creatures like dogs, however they are mostly slime-like beings. The poison they make is strong enough to put them into Goliath rank, however their speed and power are lacking being far behind a true wolf.

I once heard someone complain. "So let me get this straight, these hounds are poisonous. They can't even be killed without the use of magic, and yet they're only Chimera rank?"

What the man said is true, without magic your weapons will go straight through their poisonous exterior. This made them an unsavory choice for a hunt. What added to the fact, is that they leave nothing but their thick almost useless poison behind after death. 

I unsheathe Horises bane. The sword even without my help oozed magic. One of the twenty took a step back upon seeing the blade, as if it could see all the monster souls clinging to it in agony. In Fact many fear the sword saying the crimson blade is stained with blood. 

A monster with litterer poison for brains, charged. It etched the dirt with its mighty crawls. The beast, without insight of the combat of man, leaped into the air. With one foul swoop, like a batter hitting his thousandth baseball, the gleaming edge took the beast's head. Its body falls like rain hitting the ground with a sprat. The monsters looked a bit threatened, but numbers are their advantage. Not of course that they have any clue what numbers actually are. Five charge form the front, well the smarter ones attempt to flank. One of which draws my eye as it chooses to run. The five beasts in the front Soon found the sky to be the ground, as their heads went flying. The rest of course wouldn't go down without a fight. Weaving in and out of the beast attacks, taking openings to cut them down one by one. Within just thirty minutes the nineteen of them were dead. 

To those who could have witnessed it they would question why the man only ever aimed for the neck. 

The battle ended and one got away. It was surprising that a monster would even run, but still not out of the norm. Returning to the village it is as silent as the moon up above, some would call it peaceful.

Why a man with the skill to kill nineteen beasts of Chimera ranks stays in this small village is beyond the knowledge of the villagers. However with each day the urge grows, to return home, to see his son who would have now become so old, to see his father one of strongest fighters he has ever met. But now was not the time, the beast has yet to die.