

I feel tense all of a sudden. I wasn't feeling like this before accepting this. I'm sweating. 

No backing down! 

"Kalyani, are you ready to do this?" Prakash sir's voice interrupted my chain of thoughts.

"Yes sir,"

 "Alright. Get ready. He's getting here in less than 10 minutes. Make sure he cannot find that the police have sent you. Be careful."

I nodded in agreement and got out of the van parked in the basement of Forum Mall (Hyderabad), where there was no chance of getting caught by security cameras. 

With all the messy and scattered thoughts, I climbed to the first floor.

You can do it, Kalyani. I said to myself and let out a deep breath.

I merged into the huge crowd who were busy with their work.

I started to scan the surroundings. After a little search, I found the target.

It's him. The same guy who killed my father. PradeepThere are almost 5 goons around him. My blood started boiling. Unknowingly, my eyes were wet. 

No. This is not the time to cry. 

He's boiling with rage. His long hair covers his forehead completely and his dark brown eyes partially.

I immediately felt intimidated by him. 

My breathing stops. I'm in awe. His muscles are visible under the half-folded sleeves of his black shirt. Even in his rage, he looks heartstoppingly handsome. His shirt hugged his muscles so tight, I might even see his nerves popping out of his biceps. The denim he's wearing might be custom-made for him because no store has a size that can fit his long legs. He's so tall. I should angle my neck at an angle of 90 degrees backwards to look at him when standing in front of him. He's 6'4? I don't know.

FOCUS! I can hear my inner voice shouting at me. 

I started moving towards him. My face was covered with my scarf. I sped up… I was looking down at my feet.

I ran into him. I can feel his strong torso against mine. I almost fell on my back if not for his strong arms surrounding me for the support. 

He probably hits the gym every day.

He grabbed my shoulders and held me straight.

My scarf fell off. 

"Sorry, that was my mistake," I said. 

Of course not. 

"Are you blind? Better get a pair of glasses." one of his goons yelled at me.

Pradeep signalled him to stop.

"It's ok... Just be concentrated here rather than flying in your dreams.." he said, leaving without waiting for a reply. 

My heart seemed to resume and come back to its original senses after he left.

I feel so intimidated by his presence. I never expected a goon to be so devilishly handsome. He's affecting me so hard that I can barely breathe with him in front of me.

There was still something I was planning on doing but I needed to find the correct chance to implement it.


I heard a loud noise just as I was about to leave. 

Even before I could realise what was happening, the goons started beating up a guy.

The man is begging for his life. But not even a single goon stopped hitting him. 

Pradeep, that bastard, stood there just enjoying the view. I wanted to kill him right away. I wanted to swipe the smirk off his face. That stupid smirk.

Kalyani focus!  

That is when it hit me.

This is the chance, do it!

I started to record the situation. Everyone else was so scared that they ran away from the mall.

All that matters to people is that they need to be alive. They don't give a damn even if a person is dying right in front of them. 

"Hey! Catch her!" one of the goons shouted.

The mice got caught in the trap. 

Oh no no. I don't think this is going to end well.  The other side starts worrying.

I started to run towards the steps. But the goons have already reached me. They pulled me. 

The one who yelled at me previously raised his hand, holding my shoulder firmly in place.

You're dead today. My brain whispered to me.

Pradeep caught his hand and pushed him away standing in front of me as if to rescue me. 

Much to my surprise, the opposite of what I've expected has happened.

"This is why I've trained you? To raise a hand against women?" he yelled at Mr aggressive. His tone was a composure of such coolness, if it had been an object, the iciness would've sliced a human into half.

Then he turned towards me.

"Miss… you don't want to die today right? Why mess with us then?" he said and held his hand out asking for my phone.

Inches separated us. I bet my ragged breath hit his chest muscles.

And the bastard seems to enjoy the fear very much.

My hands were trembling. I gave my phone to him. He deleted the video I shot.

But his expression changed in a second. If it wasn't for my sharp eyes, no one would ever see his expression before switching back to the original.


The plan has been perfectly implemented. He saw the photo of me and my father which I wanted to happen. 

He stared at me for a second too long. And an expression crossed his face. It was barely possible for me to understand the switch of emotion if not for concentrating on his chocolate-coloured eyes. Anger? maybe…

He quietly left, handing me my phone. 

Ughh!!! What a day…