chapter 4: Galactus

Come back baby




Discleamer: Do not read the following, skip to chapter 4.







Manipulate vectors.

The power to manipulate matter and energy through vectors. Sub-power of Mathematics Manipulation and Physics Manipulation. Refined and simplified version of Telekinesis.

Also Called

Euclidean Vector Adjustment/Alteration/Change/Control/Influence/Manipulation/Modification/Shifting/Transformation/Warping

Geometric Vector Control

Redirection Manipulation


Spatial Vector Transformation

Vector Adjustment/Alteration/Change/Control/Influence/Modification/Shifting/Transformation/Warping

Vector Control


The user can manipulate vectors: a fundamental concept in physics and mathematics representing quantities characterized by both magnitude and direction. Vector manipulation encompasses many potential applications, ranging from force and velocity to acceleration vectors. Vectors are pivotal for several fields, including engineering, physics, and applied mathematics. Vectors exhibit significant versatility and are integral to numerous scientific theories and technological applications. With vector manipulation, the user uncovers an extensive spectrum of potent abilities, both practical and theoretical.

At a basic level, the user may exhibit rudimentary capabilities in vector manipulation, such as alteration of velocity (both speed and direction) of objects or themselves. For example, they could instantaneously accelerate a stationary object or change its direction, akin to telekinesis. The user can apply force vectors to physically move or manipulate objects, akin to pushing or pulling them without physical contact. They may also generate vector fields, influencing the direction and magnitude of quantities within a specific area. A novice user might manifest an aura within which all vectors can be exploited, altering projectiles' or individuals' movement direction or speed.

Progressing to an advanced level, the user changes into a "professional" in vector manipulation, capable of altering more sophisticated vectors, including acceleration, momentum, or even abstract vectors as utilized in linear algebra's vector spaces. For instance, a user could change the acceleration of a rapidly moving vehicle or alter momentum vectors to stop a bullet in its tracks. Such an individual can influence vectors on a grander scale, causing complex and widespread changes to vector fields around them and achieving an extensive understanding of vector principles across disparate scientific fields.

At the ultimate level, users become masters or even deities within their field. They can control all physical quantities that are vectorial, such as electric fields, magnetic fields, gravitational fields, or any physical field. For example, a master user could manipulate electric field vectors to control electrical charges, modify magnetic field vectors to influence magnetic objects, or even adjust gravitational vectors to manipulate gravity. Such users would be able to handle virtually any phenomena characterized by vectors. A profound understanding of vector manipulation can grant control over complex technologies and concepts, potentially extending their influence across continental, planetary, cosmic, galactic, or universal scales. In rare and extreme circumstances, the user might manipulate the very fabric of reality, considering that many physical theories are expressed using vectors. The limit of such power is defined solely by the user's comprehension and creativity with this mathematical construct.


Basic Level

Acceleration by increasing the magnitude and the direction of force vectors.

Attack Reversal by reflecting the vectors of any attack or opposing force.

Deflection by inverting/reversing the direction of momentum vectors.

Inertia Negation by nullifying all vectors related to inertia.

Motion Reversal: by reversing the direction of vectors in movement.

Telekinetic Maneuver: redirecting directional vectors to travel to a different point in space.

Vector Creation: by creating any vector.

Advanced Level

Directional Manipulation by manipulating the directional properties of vectors.

Enhanced Condition by manipulating the vectors of oneself to increase one's condition.

Flight by decreasing the magnitude of gravitational vectors or by using wind vectors as self-propulsion.

Inertia Manipulation by controlling the vectors of inertia/resistance.

Location Manipulation by manipulating positional vectors.

Magnitude Manipulation by manipulating the magnitude properties of vectors.

Momentum Manipulation by manipulating the magnitude and direction of momentum vectors.

Personal Vector by manipulating all vectors relating to oneself.

Regokinetic Combat by manipulating various vectors in battle.

Sound Manipulation by manipulating the magnitude of molecular vibrations.

Vector Field Generation by using the surrounding vectors.

Velocity Manipulation by altering the speed and direction of kinetic vectors.

Vibration Emission by increasing the vibration rate of subatomic vectors.

Master Level

Air Manipulation by manipulating the vectors of air molecules.

Plasma Generation by increasing the vibration rate of atoms and molecules.

Razor Wind by concentrating the vectors of air molecules into a blade.

Centrifugal Force Manipulation by controlling the magnitude and direction of centrifugal forces.

Rotational Energy Manipulation by controlling angular momentum/rotation vectors.

Centripetal Force Manipulation by controlling the vectors of centripetal force.

Orbital Force Manipulation by controlling the vectors of orbital force and motion.

Field Manipulation by controlling all physical fields of force/energy.

Gravity Manipulation by manipulating weight (gravitational force/pull) vectors.

Kinetic Energy Manipulation by manipulating the kinetic properties of vectors.

Motion Manipulation by manipulating the vectors of anything moving.

Physical Force Manipulation by controlling the vector fields of said physical forces.

Reflection Manipulation by controlling the directional vectors of reflection.

Invisibility by manipulating light and water reflections.

Telekinetic Regeneration by continuing the normal blood flow despite injuries and closing open wounds via carefully increasing cell division.

Vector Defiance by defying vectors and how they combine.

Vector Shuffling: by shuffling magnitudes and directions around.

Ultimate Level

Aversion Field by reflecting every oncoming vector away from them.

Power Reflection by reflecting the vectors of all powers or supernatural attacks.

Spatial-Temporal Lock by redirecting teleportation and time flow vectors.

Bio-Energy Manipulation by manipulating the energy carried by the bio-electric vectors of an organism.

Bio-Electricity Manipulation by manipulating vectors relating to bio-electricity.

Electrical Signal Manipulation by altering vectors that carry signals in electronic or living systems.

Quantum Manipulation by manipulating vectors of interactions below an atomic level.

Information Manipulation by manipulating vectorial information.

Particle Manipulation by manipulating the vectors of subatomic particles.

Probability Manipulation by actualizing a possibility concerning the state of vectors

Space-Time Distortion/Rift/Manipulation by using vectors to distort the space-time continuum.

Teleportation by instantaneously rearranging a physical system by modifying related position vectors.

Absolute Level

Absolute Constant Velocity by manipulating velocity vectors to maintain their state.

Absolute Defense by preventing vectors from being able to access the space surrounding the user.

Absolute Vector Manipulation by manipulating vectors outside or beyond normal means of vector manipulation in the physical plane. Everything is perceived as a vector by the user.

Metaphysics Manipulation in definition, everything possesses a vector due to having direction and magnitude, controlling a theoretical form of vectors: abstract vectors; this can be applied to magic, potent science, internal functions of supernatural creatures (gods, demons, angels, demiurges, ghosts, or any entity that may exist)

Reality Warping by manipulating the vectors present in the physical plane interconnected to the outside or manipulating vectors beyond the physical plane.

Universal Manipulation by manipulating the contents of the universe as they are expressed through vectors.

Fundamental Forces Manipulation by commanding the vectors in association with the four fundamental forces: strong force, electromagnetism, weak force, and gravity.


Vector Magic


Absolute Vector Manipulation (Ultimate Version)

Distortion Manipulation

Flow Manipulation

Instant Change

Motion Manipulation

Omni Distortion

Physics Manipulation

Remote Motion Manipulation


Trajectory Manipulation


Vector Defiance

May have a limited range, including touch only.

May only be able to affect vectors related to physical objects.

If the user is required to perform calculations to use this ability, Enhanced Intelligence may be needed.

If the user lacks Enhanced Endurance, their performance of calculations to use this ability may cause them to suffer from exhaustion and other negative side effects.

May only be able to manipulate a certain number of vectors simultaneously; distraction may put the user at risk.

The user may be harmed by Attacks of/from another dimension, Conceptual, Magic, and Mental Attacks that have no vectors and attacks that the user cannot properly react to.

If the ability is used to form an automatic reflection field, the opponent can take advantage of it by reversing their attack at the exact moment of contact with the field's area of effect, which tricks it into drawing the attack towards the user and thus allowing it to harm them.

Users of Personal Vector have the ability to manipulate their own vector fields, making them highly resistant or even immune to them.

May have their manipulation overpowered by an opponent with superior control over their respective force/element/power/etc., as most manipulators would require some degree of power over their substances vectors to control & move them effectively.


Manipulate the vectors of anything.

The power to manipulate the vector of anything and everything. Refined and simplified variation of Omni-Manipulation. Sub-power of Omni-Physics Manipulation. Ultimate version of Vector Manipulation.

Also Called

All Direction

Conceptual Vector Manipulation

Limitless Vector Manipulation

Metaphysical Vector Manipulation

Omni/Meta/Unrestricted/Ultimate Regokinesis


The user can manipulate the vectors of anything and everything they choose to interact with. The user can perceive or deflect absolutely anything. Everything perceived by the user is a vector. Their power and skill are in equilibrium, balanced and concentrated, allowing them to perform such strengths behind their outbursts of techniques and skill collaborating with them to manipulate these unfamiliar phenomena.

As everything is considered vectorial movement even beyond the material world, they can manipulate the vectors of magic, quasiphysical energy, quantum level particles and even these scarce energies themselves for precise empowerment.

Applications (General)

Vector Manipulation (Absolute Level)

Applications (Detail)

Absolute Force Manipulation

Absolute Defense

Absolute Storage

Higher-Dimensional Manipulation

Reality Level Manipulation

Multiversal Manipulation

Universal Manipulation

Reality Energy Manipulation

Almighty Ascension (High Level)

Zenith Form

Ultimate Power

Existence Manipulation

Existence Inducement


Logic Manipulation

Dual Warping

Boundary Manipulation

Access Manipulation

Beyondness Manipulation



Interaction Manipulation

Ley Line Manipulation

Omniverse Manipulation


Meta Event Manipulation

Meta Probability Manipulation

Meta Space-Time Manipulation

Meta Gravity Manipulation

Meta Matter Manipulation

Meta Space Manipulation

Higher-Spatial Manipulation

Meta Time Manipulation

Higher-Temporal Manipulation

Nigh-Complete Arsenal

Omni-Energy Manipulation

Bio-Energy Manipulation

Elemental Energy Manipulation

Psychic Force Manipulation

Telekinetic Force Manipulation

Telepathic Force Manipulation

Teleportation Force Manipulation

Transcendent Force Manipulation

Transcendent Elemental Manipulation

Ultimate Element Manipulation

Transcendent Energy

Ultimate Energy Manipulation

Divine Force Manipulation

Immanence Manipulation

Transcendence Manipulation

Transcendent Aura Manipulations

Ultimate Force Manipulation

Unbreakable Aura

Science-Magic Transcendence

Transcendent Mage Physiology


Esoteric Force Manipulation

Magical Force Manipulation

Reality Warping

Transcendent Scientist Physiology

Physical Godhood

Formula Manipulation

Physical Plane Manipulation

Physical Force Manipulation

Science Manipulation

System Manipulation

Butterfly Effect

Domino Effect

Universal Irreversibility


Absolute Existence

Interaction Manipulation

Limitation Transcendence

Nigh Omnipotence

Plot Control

Omni-Physics Manipulation

Vector Manipulation



The power to receive and transmit information with one's mind. Sub-power of Telepathy Manipulation. Variation of Psionics. Technique of Higher Consciousness. Not to be confused with Telekinesis.

Also Called

Mental Contact/Surfing

Mental Interaction/Interaction of Minds

Fiction-Specific Terms

Legilimency (Harry Potter)


The user has telepathy, the ability to receive and transmit information with one's mind without physical interaction. However, many other mind-based abilities fall under telepathy due to those powers overlapping with the core concept of telepathy, allowing a telepath to interact with their own mind and the minds of others in a variety of ways. Some of the more common abilities also considered telepathy would be perceiving the thoughts of others and detecting the presences of other minds through extrasensory means. More advanced users can influence or completely control the minds of their targets and manipulate their thoughts, memories and emotions at will. Potentially, they even control Psychic energy from their telepathic abilities, strengthening their previous powers and maybe even gaining new ones.


Similar to "Telekinesis", "Telepathy" is an umbrella term for any ability that involves projecting, reading and manipulating thoughts or affecting and interacting with other aspects of the mind.

Various Psychic powers relating to mind reading, mind control, and mind-to-mind communication

Basic Skill Level

Astral Projection: The ability to project the consciousness of oneself or others from the body.

Empathy: The ability to interpret the emotions of others.

Telempathy: The ability to communicate through emotions.

Visual Empathy: The ability to see emotions of others.

Mind Reading/Thought Detection: The ability to read and sense the thoughts of others.

Imitative Mind Reading: The ability to verbally mimic the thoughts of others.

Visual Mind Reading: The ability to see the thoughts of others.

Memory Reading: The ability to read the target's memories.

Visual Memory Reading: The ability to see memories of others.

Telepathic Communication: The ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information.

Telepathic Broadcasting: The ability to simultaneously send one message to a group of people.

Telepathic Speaking: The ability to speak aloud using only the mind.

Advanced Skill Level

Astral Suggestion: Coax others through the immaterial world to do and act on your behalf.

Control Negation: The ability to negate mind control on themselves or others.

Dream Walking: The ability to enter the dreams of another.

Dream Communication: The ability to converse and relay information through dreams.

Dream Observation: The ability to perceive the dreams of others.

Emotion Manipulation: The ability to make one feel pleased, happy, pained, or any other emotion.

Information Detection: The ability to detect information/knowledge.

Information Transferal: Transfer information.

Download: The ability to quickly process, store, or download information through another's mind.

Experience Sharing: Transfer experiences between minds.

Information Trapping: The ability to trap any and/or all information into mind.

Knowledge Absorption: The ability to steal knowledge.

Knowledge Erasure: The ability to erase knowledge.

Knowledge Projection: The ability to project knowledge into another mind.

Calculation Transfer: Transfer calculations to someone else.

Memory Transferal: Transfer memories to someone else.

Telepathic Language Instruction: The ability to teach languages telepathically.

Knowledge Recovery: The ability to recover knowledge.

Knowledge Replication: The ability to replicate the learned knowledge and skills of others.

Hallucination Inducement: The ability to cause hallucinations, often ones based on the subject's own psyche.

Hypnagogia Inducement: The ability induces waking dreams into the target's subconscious.

Mental Inducement: The ability to temporarily push the targets mind into the wanted state.

Command Inducement: The ability to command a target using one's mind.

Paralysis Inducement: The ability to restrict the movements of others via the mind.

Mind Control: The ability to manipulate the minds of others via thought process.

Hypnosis: The ability to induce haze like states in others that make them more suggestable to action.

Mind Image: The ability to project one's image to the mind of another.

Mind Link: The ability to develop a permanent mental bond with any person, also called imprinting.

Mind Melding: The ability to fuse one's consciousness with another.

Mind Walking: The ability to enter the mind of another.

Subconscious Walking: The ability to enter the subconscious of another.

Omnilingualism: The ability to intuitively understand all languages.

Sensory Inducement: The ability to cause the target to experience certain sensory effects.

Telepathic Invisibility: The ability to become invisible via telepathy.

Telepathic Translation: The ability to translate all languages.

Expert Skill Level

Action Inducement: The ability to make others do whatever one wants.

Speaking Inducement: The ability to make others say whatever one wants.

Astral Solidification: Conjure and materialize psychic force energy in the waking world.

Brain Manipulation: Stronger telepaths can reach into the cerebral matter of another being and play around with it at will.

Brainwave Manipulation: Hotwire synaptic discharges for the sake of cleaner physiological control.

Reanimation: Restart the neurological motor functions within cadavers to puppeteer lifeless husks of the deceased.

Intelligence Manipulation: The ability to to make smartest.

Psionic Inundation: The ability to launch psi-bolts to cause mental damage.

Telepathic Static: The ability to project telepathic static.

Unconsciousness Inducement: The ability to shut down an opponent's higher brain function.

Psychic Falsification: The ability to create false psychic phenomena.

Psychic Shadow: The ability to mask psychic presence, hiding from other psychics.

Psychic Inhibitors: The ability to place inhibitors in the mind to limit the target's capabilities.

Psychic Navigation: The ability to create a mental map of the area.

Psychic Shield: The ability to erect a psychic shield to protect the minds of oneself and others.

Psychic Torture: The ability to torture victims mentally and spiritually.

Telepathic Implantation: The ability to implant memories, thoughts, and emotions into others.

Sensory Scrying: The ability to perceive through the senses of other beings.

Telepathic Aura: The ability to project telepathic field.

Telepathic Hijacking: The ability to hijack telepathic communication.

Telepathic Illusions: The ability to create and control illusions via telepathic manipulation.

Empathic Illusions: The ability to create and control illusions via empathy.

Telepathic Language Instruction: The ability to project language information to others to communicate.

Telepathic Prediction: The ability to know an opponent's moves and attacks by reading their brain waves.

Telepathic Relay: The ability to act as a mental relay station for a group of minds, allowing said minds to "speak" to one another through the user.

Thought Projection: The ability to make the thoughts and ideas of oneself or others visible.

Memory Projection: The ability to make the memories of oneself or others visible.

Thought Manipulation: The ability to control the thoughts of others.

Master Skill Level

Astral Trapping: The ability to tac into and harness the essence of the spectral realm in order to strengthen ones psychic power.

Clairtelepathy: The ability to detect mental resonances from other locations and times.

Clairempathy: The ability to detect emotional resonances from other locations and times.

Consciousness Transferal: The ability to transfer the minds of oneself or others between bodies.

Darkside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the dark side of a person's personality.

Dream Manipulation: The ability to manipulate dreams.

Dream Inducement: The ability to cause dreams.

Extrasensory Perception: The ability acquire information by means other than the ordinary senses.

Lightside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the good side of a person's personality.

Memory Manipulation: The ability to erase, restore and alter the target's memories.

Memory Communication: The ability to converse and relay information through memories.

Memory Walking: The ability to enter the memories of others.

Mental Manipulation: The ability to manipulate functions of the mind.

Hypnosis Manipulation: The ability controls the spread and effect of any suggestable psychosis.

Mental Shield Creation: The ability to create mental shields in themselves or others to protect them of psychic attacks.

Mental Shield Penetration: The ability to bypass or penetrate a mental shield.

Mind Exchange: The ability to transfer one's mind into another's body, taking control of that body.

Possession: The ability to project one's mind into the body of a living being to inhabit and control them.

Multi Possession: The ability to possess multiple targets at once.

Partial Possession: The ability to possess others without leaving one's own body.

Remote Possession: The ability to possess others from a distance.

Power Manipulation: More powerful users are able to psychically control the superpowers of others.

Power Augmentation: The ability to adjust the powers of others either to make them more powerful or allow that power to function differently than before.

Power Negation: The ability to temporarily "turn off" the powers of others.

Power Replication: The ability to channel and reproduce the powers of others within themselves.

Projective Omnilingualism: The ability to emit a field that translates every spoken language.

Psychic Wave Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate thought waves.

Psychic Element Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate psychic elements.

Psychic Energy Manipulation: The ability to produce and manipulate mental energy.

Psychic Constructs: The ability to generate constructs out of mental energy.

Psychic Perception: The ability to perceive various forms of psychic phenomena.

Psychosomatic Illusion: The ability to create powerful illusions that may cause severe physical damage.

Remote Telepathy: The ability to use telepathy from a long range.

Signal Creation: The ability to manifest one's telepathy in the form of a signal.

Psionic Signal Placement: The ability to cause objects or individuals to emit telepathic signals that repel or attract.

Subconscious Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the subconscious.

Subliminal Messaging: The ability to implant thoughts and ideas into the subconscious.

Telepathic Dilation: The power to water down the abilities of others by blocking neurological signals.

Telepathic Surgery: The ability to perform neuropsychic surgery, healing and damaging the mind.

Ultimate Skill Level

Astral Plane Connection: Establish a link with the astral plane itself using telepathy.

Cosmic Empathy: The ability to interpret the emotions of billions or more subjects at once.

Cosmic Telepathy: The ability to read the thoughts of billions or more subjects at once.

Cosmic Projection: The ability to project one's image across space and time.

Deprivation: The ability to telepathically interact/transmit with abstracts concepts/manifestations, transcendent beings, non-entities, spirits, and the psychic residue of the dead.

Mental Projection: The ability to project thoughts into reality.

Mindscape Transportation: The ability to transport physical matter into one's conscious or subconscious thoughts.

Neural Jumpstart: The power to augment another's abilities by accelerating neuronal activity.

Absolute Skill Level

Astral Manipulation: The ability to manipulate astral energy.

Astral Bridging: The ability to blend the astral realm with the material one. Overlaying illusion with the surreal.

Material Astral Projection: Give solid form to your astral

Mindscape Materialization: The ability to will one's thoughts and their inner world into reality.

Omni-Empathy: The ability to sense and feel an infinite number of emotions across all universes, planes and dimensions.

Omni-Telepathy: The ability to read, sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions.

Unimind: The ability to be connected with all things and their essences.


Empathic Mimicry

Mental Mimicry

Mindscape Creation

Psychic Blasts

Remote Viewing

Telepathy Bestowal

Telepathic Bomb

Telepathic Combat

Telepathic Intelligence

Telepathic Power Replication




















Telepathic Dream Creation

Telepathic Illusions

Telepathic Force Manipulation

Telepathy Manipulation

Temporal Telepathy

Umbrakinetic Telepathy

Universe Variations

Some universes include Telekinesis as a form of telepathy.


Alien Physiology

Astral Manipulation

Astral Projection

Extrasensory Perception



Higher Consciousness

Intuitive Aptitude

Psychological Mastery

Mental Shield Penetration


Spiritual Meditation

Superior Human Physiology

Telepathic Power Replication


Does not work on mindless beings such as corpses, animated objects, robots, etc.

Cannot work on users of Psychic Shield, Psychic Immunity or Indomitable Will.

May be ineffective to users of Alien Mind.

Users of Fathomless Mind are immune and can overpower user.

May be limited to a certain range to work, including touch only.

May be limited to a certain number of targets at a time.

May be confused by geniuses mind, Like someone who is thinking caluation, etc...

May be constantly active and have to constantly hear thoughts.

Since the user constantly hears thoughts, this power becomes ineffective in large crowds.

May get overwhelmed by too many thoughts.

May be limited to the thoughts which the target is currently thinking.

May be limited to reading either thoughts or memories.

May not be able to read impulsive actions.

Users of Divided Mind may be hard to process due to multiple patterns of mind.

Some minds may be overwhelming to the user.

May not understand information's perceived.

May be hijacked and overpowered by higher users.

May require concentration

The power to manipulate the minds and mental functions of oneself or others. Sub-power of Immaterial Manipulation. Not to be confused with Brain Manipulation.

Also Called


Higher Cognitive Manipulation

Mental/Mind/Telepathic Alteration/Influence/Influencing

Mind Manipulation





The user can manipulate the mind, the mechanism of proceeding information and set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it. They can create, control, customise, negate and otherwise fashion parts and functions of mind as perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, emotions, attention, personality, behaviour, psychologic and intelligence in variety of ways. Beneficially, this ability can be used to unlock one's inner potential, bestow talents and skills, improve mental capacity. Destructively, this power may shatter minds, grant diversity of mental disorders and take over others. Either way, users possess outstanding power that make them force to be reckoned with.



Mindshifting: Has direct and total control over their mental structure, being able to manipulate at will their own emotions, sensations, perceptions, consciousness, memories, personality and everything connected to their brain and mind granting highly advanced capabilities.

Mind Control: Can control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions and personality. Depending on the user's skill and power, this can range from a trance-like state very similar to hypnosis, to the target being completely subject to the user's control.


Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Mind: Can reach its zenith mentally and even develop it to higher levels. In this way, the user can achieve mental success that no one has achieved before and achieve results that are considered impossible by others.


Anima Manipulation: Can manipulate animas, or the inner personality.

Addiction Manipulation: Can create, shape and manipulate addiction.

ASMR Manipulation: Can manipulate ASMR, "autonomous sensory meridian response".

Attention Manipulation: Can manipulate the attention of oneself and/or others.

Behavior Manipulation: Can manipulate the behavior, the range of actions and mannerisms of oneself and/or others.

Belief Manipulation: Can manipulate the beliefs of oneself and/or others.

Comprehension Manipulation: Can create, shape and manipulate the boundary between the known and unknown.

Comfort Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the comfort of oneself or others.

Confidence Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the confidence of oneself or others.

Confusion Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the confusion of themselves and other creatures,

Consciousness State Manipulation: Can manipulate, modify and control states of consciousness onto other people.

Dream Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the dreams of oneself or others.

Emotion Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects.

Headspace Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate headspace, altering the general state of mind.

Hypnosis Manipulation: Can manipulate hypnosis, manipulating its effect on the subconscious mind of others.

Lie Manipulation: Can manipulate or induce lies forcing others to cover up the truth.

Intelligence Manipulation: Can manipulate intelligence, one's capacity for logic, abstract thought, etc.

Instinct Manipulation: Can manipulate instincts, the inherent inclination of a living organism towards a particular complex behavior.

Fun Manipulation: Can manipulate the concept of fun itself and thus affect the enjoyment people are having in particular situations.

Imagination Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the imagination, of themselves and other creatures.

Labor Manipulation: Can manipulate the labor and work of others.

Madness Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate insanity/madness.

Memory Manipulation: can create, shape and manipulate all memories/forms of memory, including muscle, cellular, genetic, dream, abstract/conceptual, elemental, inanimate, phenomena, etc.

Meme Manipulation: Can create, shape, and manipulate memes, ideas, behaviors, or styles that spread by means of imitation from person to person within a culture.

Perception Manipulation: Can manipulate perception, which is the brain's processing of sensory information to organize and interpret it.

Personality Manipulation: To partially/completely change the personality.

Psyche Manipulation: Can manipulate ego, id, superego and related things.

Inspiration Manipulation: Can manipulate the inspiration of others or themselves.

Selection Manipulation: Can manipulate selections, or final choices, what others decide to do or pick.

Sexuality Manipulation: Can manipulate sexuality of themselves and other creatures.

Social Interplay Manipulation: Can manipulate how social they or others are when they interact with other people.

Social Phenomena Manipulation: Can manipulate the behavior and/or trends that are done socially or affect society as a whole.

Subconscious Manipulation: Can manipulate everything hidden inside their or others subconscious.

Thought Manipulation: Can control the thoughts of others; they can make others think what they want.

Truth Manipulation: Can manipulate or induce truths, forcing others to confess.

Willpower Manipulation: Can sense and manipulate the willpower of themselves, people, animals, and other creatures.


Mental Augmentation: Enhance one's mental capabilities at will.

Mental Attacks: Can release/use mental powers in combat to various attacks/effects.

Mental Barrier Destruction: Can sense and destroy/remove the psychic barriers in the minds of others placed.

Mental Breakdown: To cause psychological breakdowns and mental collapse.

Mental Defense: Can release/use mental powers to defend oneself.

Mental Disorder Manipulation: Can induce, remove, and manipulate mental disorders.

Mental Entity Physiology: Turn oneself into mental energy.

Mental Healing: Can heal mental illnesses, disorders and other forms of mental trauma.

Mental Inducement: Can cause the target's mind/brain to convert into a desired state.

Mental Projection: Can project their thoughts, consciousness, and emotions or that of others into reality, either as images/illusions or fully materialized creations.

Mental Infection: Infect others with propagating mental effects.

Mental Mimicry: To mimic aspects from the minds of others.

Mental Nullification: Can suppress/negate anything that is part of the mind.

Mental Release: To release/remove mental attributes.

Mental Reset: Can reset the mind of a target, reverting their knowledge, memories, experiences, behaviors etc.

Mental Restoration: Can restore and return lost mental functions (memories, sanity, free will, etc.) to those who have lost them.

Mental Scramble: Can scramble the mind of other people, creating several different effects.

Mind Absorption: To absorb someone's mind.

Mind Creation: Can create minds, including consciousness, perception, thinking, judgment, language and memory.

Mind Imprisonment: To imprison the users in their minds.

Mind Link: Link minds with other living being, sharing thoughts, memories, emotions or feelings.

Mind Summoning: To summon anything from the mind.

Mind Walking: Can enter the minds of others, where they can see all the thoughts, memories and emotions of that person.


In fiction, mind is often portrayed as a triple structure consistent out of three components:

Subconscious is described as set of processes that happen automatically without one's awareness of it: breathing, growing, regeneration, habits, etc.

Conscious is portrayed in fiction as one's sentience and awareness of existence, it is responsible for all activities one does realizing it: studying, thinking, exploring, etc.

Superconscious is said to be one's supreme mental essence that consciousness evolves into. It is often associated with spiritual realization, Enlightenment and becoming whole with oneself.

Furthermore, in psychoanalytic theory mind consists out of another three elements:

Id: instinctive awareness and competence that is presented in individual since birth.

Ego: sense of self that organizes personality.

Super-ego: piece of collective mind that connects group and gives it similar properties.

Interaction between mind and consciousness vary in fiction as in some cases, they are considered one whole psyche, while in some others' mind is only a tool (or a framing device) of independently existing consciousness.


Esoteric Mind Manipulation


Brain Manipulation

Characteristic Removal

Extrasensory Perception

Form Manipulation

Ideal Manipulation

Mental Arts


Neural Impulse Manipulation

Psionic Arts

Psychological Intuition

Superior Human Physiology

Esper Physiology


Unrestricted Thought Process



Does not work on mindless beings (corpses, animated objects, robots, etc.).

Users of Indomitable Will/Mental/Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).

Users of Mental Regeneration can recover quickly and built-up resistance which eventually develop into immunity.

May be limited to a certain range to work, including touch only.

May be limited to a certain number of targets at a time.

May not work with users of Brainlessness and Pinnacle Mind.

Utterly useless against users of Absolute Mind, Fathomless Mind and Almighty Mind.

The power to move and manipulate energy and matter psionically. Sub-power of Psionics. Psychic-version of Telekinesis. Not to be confused with just Telepathy or Telekinesis. Root of Psychic Warping.

Also Called

Psychic Telekinesis

Psychokinetic Matter Manipulation




Users possess psychokinesis, the psychic ability to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with energy and matter with mental effort alone.


The difference between this and telekinesis is that while telekinesis allows one to move or control objects at a distance, it does not specify the method by how it is accomplished.

Telekinesis is a general term for manipulating matter and energy from a distance without physical interaction from the user. Telekinetics can use natural and mundane forces (gravitational energies, electromagnetism, kinetic energy, space-time, dimensions, elements, etc.) or supernatural forces ranging from extradimensional energies to holy or demonic energies, or even normal superpowers that can manipulate matter in the process.

However, psychokinetics only utilizes their mind power (thoughts, emotions, instincts, personalities, desires, etc.) or psychic energy driving from the astral or mental plane to power their telekinetic abilities. Many non-fictional and fictional sources mistakenly merge the two with the same ability; they aren't incorrect since psychokinesis can be categorized as a mental variation of telekinesis. But the solely mental aspects are what create the distinction between the two abilities.


As the ability is tied directly to the mind, it can be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotion of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user's thoughts and ideas, imagination, desires or belief in their abilities, something that could make the power harder or easier to activate, and in these cases, it is often more challenging to control. A common example is behaving erratically during moments of stress, rendering it a liability or even a hazard in those scenarios unless the user can regain control.

Moreover, these aspects of the user's mind and mental capacity can potentially affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability and the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, and reliability in different situations. In extreme examples, the power can be so extensive as to allow for the user to passively influence matter and affect their environment using their presence alone. In other cases, the user's power may be used through instinct or some form of intuition or extrasensory perception rather than physical senses or conscious thought. Sometimes, the ability itself can be used to actively perceive the world by projecting psychic energy onto it, similar to echolocation, acting as an extension of the user's physical senses.


Psychic Force Manipulation

Psychic Energy Manipulation

Psychic Energy Generation

Psychic Tendrils Generation

Raw Power

Telekinesis/Cosmic Telekinesis varies

Telekinetic Force Manipulation

Psychic/Telekinetic Attacks

Remote Telekinesis

Simultaneous Interaction


Telekinesis Negation

Telekinetic Aura

Ambient Resource Construction

Attraction & Repulsion


Object Calling

Orbital Field

Telekinetic Constructs

Telekinetic Solidification

Telekinetic Destruction


Telekinetic Combat

Telekinetic Enhanced Strike

Telekinetic Strike

Telekinetic Defense

Telekinetic Durability

Telekinetic Maneuver

Telekinetic Touch


Extrasensory Perception

Flawless Precognition

Flawless Clairvoyance



Imagination Manifestation

Effect Generation/Manipulation

Psychic Constructs

Powers via Psychokinesis

Psionic Healing

Psionic Invisibility

Psionic Resurrection

Psionic Shapeshifting

Psychic Element Manipulation

Psychic Illusions

Psychic Probability Manipulation

Psychokinesis Bestowal

Telekinetic Heat Vision

Telekinetic Regeneration


Cosmic Telekinesis

Matter Manipulation


Mental Manipulation


Memory Manipulation


Ballistic Telekinesis (May be a byproduct of one's emotional instability and mental issues; triggered as a defense mechanism.)

Remote Telekinesis

Psychic Channelling

Telekinetic Force Mimicry

Telepathic Force Manipulation

Teleportation Force Manipulation


An opponent with superior physical strength than the user's mental strength may break free or even be immune to the ability altogether.

Psychic Energy Absorption/Psychic Immunity/Psionic Negation

Might be linked to or unwittingly triggered by emotions, thoughts, dreams, causing the user to be unable to control or possibly even access their ability.

May trigger a psychic defense mechanism by being in life threatening situations.

Mental illness can affect the user's capability to use this power.

Might be physically or psychologically fatiguing, straining, or even crippling for the user, with the user either bleeding from the nose or eyes, falling unconscious, entering a coma, or even dying from the mental effort of using the ability.

May only be capable of moving objects they could physically move.

May be able to affect only targets that they can physically perceive or within a certain range and distance from them.

May only be able to manipulate a limited number of targets or a limited amount of size/mass at once.

Use of the ability may be channeled through the motion of the eyes, hands, or fingers. The user may need to perform specific gestures to utilize the ability, such as touching their heads, meaning that their abilities could be nullified if the user cannot move their bodies or visualize their target.

However, with enough advance practice, users may not need to rely on specific gestures at all, and all their abilities direct for sheer thought and will alone.

The user does possess the potential to perform sophisticated telekinetic operations; however, they require tremendous cognitive abilities, so they don't overload their mind when they perform an advanced technique.


Control minds.

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The power to control minds. Sub-power of Telepathy and Mental Manipulation. Variation of Remote Possession.

Also Called


Consciousness/Mental/Mind Domination/Manipulation

Manipulative/Psychic Hypnosis/Possession

Mind Compulsion

Mind Master/Lord/Ruler/Manipulator

Fiction-Specific Terms

Dominate (World of Darkness/Vampire: the Masquerade)

Superpower Contamination (Mighty Med)

Telepathic Influence (The Gifted/Marvel Comics)

Triton App (Lab Rats)

Concilium (American Horror Story: Coven)


The user can control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, behaviours, movements, memories, emotions and personality. Depending on the user's skill and power, this can range from a trance-like state very similar to hypnosis, to the target being completely subject to the user's control. A skilled user may be able to control the minds of multiple people simultaneously. The target(s) can be placed in a semi-conscious state, where they may have no recollection of any actions that they perform while under the user's control; and whilst enthralled, the recipients may display capacities that they would otherwise not be capable of in their normal state.



Animal Manipulation; Controlling the minds of various fauna

Behavior Manipulation

Vocal Mind Control

Command Inducement

Consciousness State Manipulation

Consciousness State Inducement

Hypnagogia Inducement

Sleep/Coma Inducement

Dream Inducement

Mental Manipulation

Emotion Manipulation

Emotion Inducement


Illusion Manipulation

Memory Manipulation

Mental Inducement

Telepathic Implantation

Motor-Skill Manipulation

Remote Mind Control

Sedative Inducement

Sensory Scrying

Sentient Control

Subconscious Manipulation

Subliminal Messaging

Subliminal Seduction

Suicide Inducement



Convinced Inevitability


Illusory Mind Control

Organic Mind Control

Superpower Mind Control

Tactile Mind Control

Telepathic Implantation

Technological Mind Control


Alien Physiology

Hive Mind

Mental Manipulation

Puppet Mastery

Psychological Mastery

Remote Possession

Sensory Scrying

Siren Song

Subliminal Messaging

Superior Human Physiology


Thought Manipulation



Users of Indomitable Will (highly resistant) and Control Immunity (immune)

Users of Psychic Shield/Immunity (impervious).

Can be negated by Control Negation, Mental Healing, Mental Restoration and Mental Regeneration.

Users of Higher Consciousness and Mass Consciousness may be uncontrollable.

May have some trouble with control against users of Dominant Activity.


The power to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with matter/energy without physical means. Sub-power of Telekinesis Manipulation. Not to be confused with Telepathy or Psychokinesis.

Also Called



Fiction-Specific Terms

Dominators Touch/Ruler's Authority (Solo Leveling)

Force Telekinesis (Star Wars)

Magnum (Zoolander)

Molecularkinesis (Lab Rats)


Telekinesis (from Greek: τηλε- "far off" and κίνηση "movement") is the ability to influence/control/manipulate matter or another aspect of a physical system with the 'mind' or through other non-physical means. Commonly, the most fundamental trait is to move or otherwise interact with objects (or to generate and apply physical force on a target, or potentially, an area) both from a distance and without physical contact.

As the ability is connected to the mind of the user, it can either be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotions of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user's thoughts, ideas and whims, making it far easier to activate but potentially more difficult to control. Moreover, these aspects of the user's mind and mental capacity at large can affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability, as well as the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, functionality, and reliability in various situations.

Telekinesis is one of the bases of many superpowers that are based on "controlling/manipulating," and may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic, particle, and universal level.


Since not every telekinesis user is equally strong or skilled, the applications are divided into 6 levels/layers: Basic, Advanced, Expert, Master, Ultimate and Absolute. This leveling is a generalization and is theoretical. For this reason, applications and levels may vary depending on the fiction. The purpose of the levels on this page is to emphasize the potential of the power and the diversity of its application area.

Basic Level

Binding: To keep object/being from moving.

Levitation: To lift an object, e.g. raising a pitcher several inches into the air.

Object Calling: To call any object to one's hand.

Orbital Field: To make objects and possibly energy orbit around the user.

Telekinetic Choking: To choke or strangle others without physical contact.

Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g. keeping the tides from washing a friend away.

Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course, e.g. changing what number a dice lands on or deflect an opponent attack.

Telekinetic Pull/Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user, e.g. yanking a book off a shelf or sliding a cup across a table.

Attraction Field: To cause surrounding objects to be drawn towards the user.

Aversion Field: To cause surrounding objects, especially projectiles, to avoid the user's immediate location.

Repulsion Field: To cause surrounding objects to be moved away from the user at a variable speed and intensity.

Pressure Strike: To exert pressure and kinetic energy from a distance to strike a target, either to repel or damage it.

Advanced Level

Biological Manipulation: To telekinetically manipulate the biology of oneself and others.

Blood Manipulation: Use telekinesis to control blood of oneself or their peers.

Body Manipulation: To telekinetically control the body of themselves or their peers.

Damage Inducement To use telekinesis to remotely inflict damage onto organic and inorganic targets.

Wound Inducement: To use telekinesis to cause physical wounds on others without physical contact.

Homing Effect: To make any object automatically follow, home in, and lock onto its target or targets until it hits them.

Motor-Skill Manipulation: To manipulate the movement of others.

Self-Manipulative Puppetry: To manipulate the movement of oneself.

Object Manipulation: To alter an object's inner workings, e.g. unlocking a door.

Animation: Give motion to motionless items by focusing your mind power through it.

Radar: To "see" one's surroundings using telekinesis, e.g. sensing a target from a distance.

Simultaneous Interaction: To interact with multiple objects at a time.

Telekinetic Attacks: To release/use telekinesis to various attacks.

Telekinetic Aura: Possess powerful telekinetic extension fields from oneself.

Telekinetic Combat: To use telekinesis in physical combat.

Telekinetic Constructs: To create weapons, objects, and creatures out of telekinetic energy.

Telekinetic Compression: To crush an object, e.g. squeezing a chair into a ball.

Telekinetic Destruction: To make an object explode, e.g. blowing up a table.

Telekinetic Flight: To use telekinesis to fly.

Flight Field Projection: To use telekinesis to carry objects and people, granting them the ability to fly.

Telekinetic Pressure: To use telekinesis to damage the surrounding area.

Telekinetic Solidification: To solidify telekinetic energy/force, possibly to create various objects.

Telekinetic Surgery: To conduct complex surgery through telekinetic means.

Telekinetic Tethering: Use telekinesis to tether and move objects.

Unarmed Weapon Wielding: Use weapons without touching them.

Vibration Manipulation: To emit powerful vibrations strong enough to make objects shatter, i.e. a sonic boom.

Jolt Inducement: To telekinetically induce tremors and miniature earthquakes in an area or cause violent, abrupt movements in a target that mimics a seizure or spasms.

Expert Level

Molecular Manipulation: To manipulate matter and energy on a molecular level.

Elemental Manipulation: To control any and all prominent forces from the physical to the esoteric.

Molecular Acceleration: To accelerate matter at a molecular level.

Property Manipulation: Change the physical and chemical properties.

Self-Molecular Manipulation: To manipulate self at a molecular level.

Transmutation: Ability to change molecules turning anything into almost anything else.

Physical Force Manipulation: To create and manipulate physical force and utilize it in influencing matter.

Acceleration Manipulation: To control the acceleration of matter.

Friction Manipulation: To control the effects of friction on matter.

Impact Manipulation: To control the forces surrounding impacts and collisions.

Inertia Manipulation: To control the resistance of an object to movement.

Kinetic Energy Manipulation: To control the energy of moving objects.

Psychic Energy Manipulation: To control the energy of their telekinetic abilities.

Momentum Manipulation: To control the magnitude of the force of moving objects.

Motion Manipulation: To guide or shift directional vectors through direct molecular motion manipulation.

Pressure Manipulation: To create control and apply pressure on matter.

Velocity Manipulation: To control the speed and direction of moving objects.

Power Activation: To sense and activate the superpower potential within any sentient being.

Power Deactivation: To cancel out the superhuman powers of others.

Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: To use telekinesis to enhance the user's condition.

Telekinetic Agility: To augment the user's agility, e.g. dodging high-speed projectiles.

Telekinetic Durability: To augment the user's durability, e.g. withstanding getting shot.

Telekinetic Endurance: To augment the user's endurance, e.g. suppressing pain.

Telekinetic Reflexes: To augment the user's physical reflexes, e.g. seeing high-speed objects moving slower.

Telekinetic Senses: To augment the user's sense to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better e.g. perceive with higher awareness.

Telekinetic Speed: To augment the user's speed, e.g. outrunning a speeding vehicle.

Telekinetic Stamina: To augment the user's stamina, e.g. remaining active for extended periods of time.

Telekinetic Strength: To augment the user's strength, e.g. punching through a steel wall.

Master Level

Atomic/Energy Manipulation: To control matter and energy at the atomic levels. e.g. rearranging atoms and controlling energy.

Chemistry Manipulation: By directly applying the change to the sub-molecular bonds.

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Bend and Channel the very energies of the universe through thought alone.

Disintegration: The ability to cause objects or people to lack cohesion.

Energy Absorption/Conversion: To absorb and convert energy.

Matter Manipulation: Change the very nature of substances and the properties they have.

Neural Impulse Manipulation: To redirect the electrical signals between the brain and nerves, achieving limited control over thoughts, feelings, and movement of a body.

Mental Manipulation: By controlling the electrical signals in the brain.

Reanimation: To reanimate corpses.

Organic Manipulation: To manipulate organic matter.

Age Shifting: By manipulating the cells through telekinesis, they could potentially achieve Immortality.

Psionic Explosion: To create and discharge destructive psychic energy across a wide range.

Psionic Healing: To heal others with one's own telekinetic powers.

Remote Telekinesis: To manipulate matter that is not within the user's location, e.g. controlling a rock 2000 miles away.

Technology Manipulation: To manipulate the functions and properties of technology and all forms of high-tech machinery.

Telekinetic Heat Vision: To generate beams of heat through the eyes with telekinesis.

Telekinetic Invisibility: To use telekinesis to turn yourself or others invisible.

Telekinetic Regeneration: To regenerate one's own cells via telekinetic manipulation or gathering telekinetic energy to do so, e.g. using telekinesis to induce molecular/biological manipulation.

Telekinetic Shapeshifting: To use Telekinesis to shapeshift.

Telekinetic Teleportation: To teleport oneself or others via telekinesis.

Coordinate Tethering: To restrain and drag objects and individuals through teleportation.

Remote Teleportation: To teleport matter/energy without physical contact.

Weather Manipulation: To manipulate the weather, e.g. create lightning storms.

Ultimate Level

Cosmic Telekinesis: To manipulate matter on a cosmic level.

Fundamental Forces Manipulation: To manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe.

Quantum String Manipulation: Use precise psychokinetic application to tug at the very causalic strings of possibility/probability.

Reality Warping: To manipulate reality

Power Warping: To give, take away, or alternate meta ability potential in those without.

Subatomic Manipulation: To control all elemental forms at the subatomic scale. e.g. manipulating the quantum nature of the universe and beyond.

Self-Subatomic Manipulation: To manipulate self at the subatomic level.

Space-Time Manipulation: To manipulate and distort the space-time continuum.

Dimensional Travel: To bend the very fabric of dimensional barriers, allowing travel through wormholes or teleportation-like movement.

Power Modification: To use precise psychokinesis to modulate ability usage in others.

Absolute Level

Absolute Force Manipulation: Control all forces of existence.

Absolute Will: To control the willpower of anyone as well as themselves.

Omni-Manipulation: To manipulate anything and everything.

Particle Manipulation: To manipulate matter at the basest of levels.

Charged Particles Manipulation: To manipulate all electrically charged particles.

Particle Energy Manipulation: To manipulate particle energy.

Self-Particle Manipulation: To manipulate self at a particular level.

Universal Manipulation: To manipulate the fabric of the universe.


Ambient Resource Construction: Telekinetically construct any object.

Binding: To keep object/being from moving.

Homing Effect: To make any object automatically follow.

Levitation: To lift an object, e.g., raising a pitcher several inches into the air.

Object Calling: To call any object to one's hand.

Orbital Field: To make objects and possibly energy orbit around the user.

Pull & Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user

Radar: To "see" one's surroundings using telekinesis, e.g., sensing a target from a distance.

Remote Telekinesis: To manipulate matter that is not within the user's location.

Simultaneous Interaction: To interact with multiple objects at a time.

Telekinetic Attacks: To release/use telekinesis to various attacks.

Telekinetic Aura: Possess powerful telekinetic extension fields from oneself.

Telekinetic Choking: To choke or strangle others without physical contact.

Telekinetic Combat: To utilize telekinesis in the combination of physical combat.

Telekinetic Compression: To crush an object, e.g., squeezing a chair into a ball.

Telekinetic Constructs: To create weapons, objects, and creatures out of telekinetic energy.

Telekinetic Defense: To utilize telekinesis to defend oneself.

Telekinetic Destruction: To make an object explode, e.g., blowing up a table.

Telekinetic Enhanced Strike: To use Telekinesis to enhance one's physical attacks.

Telekinetic Flight: To use telekinesis to fly.

Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g., keeping the tides from washing a friend away.

Telekinetic Heat Vision: To generate beams of heat through the eyes with telekinesis.

Telekinetic Invisibility: To use telekinesis to turn yourself or others invisible.

Telekinesis Negation: To negate telekinetic abilities.

Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course.

Telekinetic Pressure: To use telekinesis to damage the surrounding area.

Telekinetic Regeneration: To regenerate one's own cells via telekinetic manipulation.

Telekinetic Shapeshifting: To use Telekinesis to shapeshift.

Telekinetic Solidification: To solidify telekinetic energy/force, possibly to create various objects.

Telekinetic Strike: To use Telekinesis to punch, push, pull, throw, or otherwise kinetically strike a target.

Telekinetic Surgery: To conduct complex surgery through telekinetic means.

Telekinetic Tethering: Use telekinesis to tether and move objects.

Telekinetic Teleportation: To teleport oneself or others via telekinesis.

Telekinetic Twisting: To twist with telekinesis.

Wave Manipulation: To influence waves via telekinesis.


Ballistic Telekinesis


Chi Telekinesis

Cosmic Telekinesis


Demonic Telekinesis

Dimensional Telekinesis

Divine Telekinesis

Angelic Telekinesis

Telekinetic Orbing


Esoteric Telekinesis

Force-Field Telekinesis


Inorganic Telekinesis

Elemental Telekinesis






Electrical Telekinesis


Magical Telekinesis


Organic Telekinesis

Plant Telekinesis



Quantum Telekinesis

Quintessential Telekinesis


Spatial Telekinesis

Spiritual Telekinesis

Tactile Telekinesis

Technological Telekinesis

Telekinesis Manipulation

Telekinetic Force Manipulation

Thread Telekinesis



Vector Manipulation

Vector Telekinesis


Universal Differences

Some universes include Telepathy as a form of telekinesis.


Remote Interaction

Free Action

Superior Human Physiology

Esper Physiology



Telekinesis Immunity

Telekinesis Negation can negate this power.

May be able to affect only targets that they can physically perceive or that are within a certain range and distance from them.

User may not be able to affect objects above a certain momentum or that are already moving.

An opponent with greater physical strength than the user's Telekinesis may break free, or even have a sort of "limited immunity" to the ability.

Might be weakened, nullified or interrupted by stress, fear, distractions, disbelief, lack of confidence, and willpower, etc.

Might be linked to or unwittingly triggered by emotions, thoughts, dreams, causing the user to be unable to control or possibly even access their ability.

May require intense amounts of concentration, focus, and mental effort to use properly, preventing the user from being able to perform other tasks at the same time, to the point where the user may be completely unable to move while using the ability.

Use of the ability may be channeled through the motion of the eyes, hands, or fingers and the user may need to perform specific gestures to utilize the ability, such as touch their heads, meaning that their abilities could be nullified if the user is unable to move their bodies or visualize their target.

User may not have control over the speed of which the target moves.

Might be physically or psychologically fatiguing, straining, or even crippling for the user, with the user either bleeding from the nose or eyes, falling unconscious, entering a coma, or even dying from the mental effort of using the ability.

May not be able to manipulate magic-based matters/energies.

Could be ineffective against those who control themselves at fundamental levels.

User may only be able to manipulate targets after touching them.

User may only be able to manipulate inorganic targets.

The power to move, manipulate or otherwise interact with matter/energy without physical means. Sub-power of Telekinesis Manipulation. Not to be confused with Telepathy or Psychokinesis.

Also Called



Fiction-Specific Terms

Dominators Touch/Ruler's Authority (Solo Leveling)

Force Telekinesis (Star Wars)

Magnum (Zoolander)

Molecularkinesis (Lab Rats)


Telekinesis (from Greek: τηλε- "far off" and κίνηση "movement") is the ability to influence/control/manipulate matter or another aspect of a physical system with the 'mind' or through other non-physical means. Commonly, the most fundamental trait is to move or otherwise interact with objects (or to generate and apply physical force on a target, or potentially, an area) both from a distance and without physical contact.

As the ability is connected to the mind of the user, it can either be activated and controlled through conscious effort and concentration, through willpower and emotions of a particular level of intensity, or through achieving a state of discipline and serenity. In some cases, the ability can respond to the user's thoughts, ideas and whims, making it far easier to activate but potentially more difficult to control. Moreover, these aspects of the user's mind and mental capacity at large can affect the accuracy, precision, range, and strength of their ability, as well as the subsequent limitations of its intuitiveness, usability, functionality, and reliability in various situations.

Telekinesis is one of the bases of many superpowers that are based on "controlling/manipulating," and may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic, particle, and universal level.


Since not every telekinesis user is equally strong or skilled, the applications are divided into 6 levels/layers: Basic, Advanced, Expert, Master, Ultimate and Absolute. This leveling is a generalization and is theoretical. For this reason, applications and levels may vary depending on the fiction. The purpose of the levels on this page is to emphasize the potential of the power and the diversity of its application area.

Basic Level

Binding: To keep object/being from moving.

Levitation: To lift an object, e.g. raising a pitcher several inches into the air.

Object Calling: To call any object to one's hand.

Orbital Field: To make objects and possibly energy orbit around the user.

Telekinetic Choking: To choke or strangle others without physical contact.

Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g. keeping the tides from washing a friend away.

Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course, e.g. changing what number a dice lands on or deflect an opponent attack.

Telekinetic Pull/Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user, e.g. yanking a book off a shelf or sliding a cup across a table.

Attraction Field: To cause surrounding objects to be drawn towards the user.

Aversion Field: To cause surrounding objects, especially projectiles, to avoid the user's immediate location.

Repulsion Field: To cause surrounding objects to be moved away from the user at a variable speed and intensity.

Pressure Strike: To exert pressure and kinetic energy from a distance to strike a target, either to repel or damage it.

Advanced Level

Biological Manipulation: To telekinetically manipulate the biology of oneself and others.

Blood Manipulation: Use telekinesis to control blood of oneself or their peers.

Body Manipulation: To telekinetically control the body of themselves or their peers.

Damage Inducement To use telekinesis to remotely inflict damage onto organic and inorganic targets.

Wound Inducement: To use telekinesis to cause physical wounds on others without physical contact.

Homing Effect: To make any object automatically follow, home in, and lock onto its target or targets until it hits them.

Motor-Skill Manipulation: To manipulate the movement of others.

Self-Manipulative Puppetry: To manipulate the movement of oneself.

Object Manipulation: To alter an object's inner workings, e.g. unlocking a door.

Animation: Give motion to motionless items by focusing your mind power through it.

Radar: To "see" one's surroundings using telekinesis, e.g. sensing a target from a distance.

Simultaneous Interaction: To interact with multiple objects at a time.

Telekinetic Attacks: To release/use telekinesis to various attacks.

Telekinetic Aura: Possess powerful telekinetic extension fields from oneself.

Telekinetic Combat: To use telekinesis in physical combat.

Telekinetic Constructs: To create weapons, objects, and creatures out of telekinetic energy.

Telekinetic Compression: To crush an object, e.g. squeezing a chair into a ball.

Telekinetic Destruction: To make an object explode, e.g. blowing up a table.

Telekinetic Flight: To use telekinesis to fly.

Flight Field Projection: To use telekinesis to carry objects and people, granting them the ability to fly.

Telekinetic Pressure: To use telekinesis to damage the surrounding area.

Telekinetic Solidification: To solidify telekinetic energy/force, possibly to create various objects.

Telekinetic Surgery: To conduct complex surgery through telekinetic means.

Telekinetic Tethering: Use telekinesis to tether and move objects.

Unarmed Weapon Wielding: Use weapons without touching them.

Vibration Manipulation: To emit powerful vibrations strong enough to make objects shatter, i.e. a sonic boom.

Jolt Inducement: To telekinetically induce tremors and miniature earthquakes in an area or cause violent, abrupt movements in a target that mimics a seizure or spasms.

Expert Level

Molecular Manipulation: To manipulate matter and energy on a molecular level.

Elemental Manipulation: To control any and all prominent forces from the physical to the esoteric.

Molecular Acceleration: To accelerate matter at a molecular level.

Property Manipulation: Change the physical and chemical properties.

Self-Molecular Manipulation: To manipulate self at a molecular level.

Transmutation: Ability to change molecules turning anything into almost anything else.

Physical Force Manipulation: To create and manipulate physical force and utilize it in influencing matter.

Acceleration Manipulation: To control the acceleration of matter.

Friction Manipulation: To control the effects of friction on matter.

Impact Manipulation: To control the forces surrounding impacts and collisions.

Inertia Manipulation: To control the resistance of an object to movement.

Kinetic Energy Manipulation: To control the energy of moving objects.

Psychic Energy Manipulation: To control the energy of their telekinetic abilities.

Momentum Manipulation: To control the magnitude of the force of moving objects.

Motion Manipulation: To guide or shift directional vectors through direct molecular motion manipulation.

Pressure Manipulation: To create control and apply pressure on matter.

Velocity Manipulation: To control the speed and direction of moving objects.

Power Activation: To sense and activate the superpower potential within any sentient being.

Power Deactivation: To cancel out the superhuman powers of others.

Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: To use telekinesis to enhance the user's condition.

Telekinetic Agility: To augment the user's agility, e.g. dodging high-speed projectiles.

Telekinetic Durability: To augment the user's durability, e.g. withstanding getting shot.

Telekinetic Endurance: To augment the user's endurance, e.g. suppressing pain.

Telekinetic Reflexes: To augment the user's physical reflexes, e.g. seeing high-speed objects moving slower.

Telekinetic Senses: To augment the user's sense to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better e.g. perceive with higher awareness.

Telekinetic Speed: To augment the user's speed, e.g. outrunning a speeding vehicle.

Telekinetic Stamina: To augment the user's stamina, e.g. remaining active for extended periods of time.

Telekinetic Strength: To augment the user's strength, e.g. punching through a steel wall.

Master Level

Atomic/Energy Manipulation: To control matter and energy at the atomic levels. e.g. rearranging atoms and controlling energy.

Chemistry Manipulation: By directly applying the change to the sub-molecular bonds.

Cosmic Energy Manipulation: Bend and Channel the very energies of the universe through thought alone.

Disintegration: The ability to cause objects or people to lack cohesion.

Energy Absorption/Conversion: To absorb and convert energy.

Matter Manipulation: Change the very nature of substances and the properties they have.

Neural Impulse Manipulation: To redirect the electrical signals between the brain and nerves, achieving limited control over thoughts, feelings, and movement of a body.

Mental Manipulation: By controlling the electrical signals in the brain.

Reanimation: To reanimate corpses.

Organic Manipulation: To manipulate organic matter.

Age Shifting: By manipulating the cells through telekinesis, they could potentially achieve Immortality.

Psionic Explosion: To create and discharge destructive psychic energy across a wide range.

Psionic Healing: To heal others with one's own telekinetic powers.

Remote Telekinesis: To manipulate matter that is not within the user's location, e.g. controlling a rock 2000 miles away.

Technology Manipulation: To manipulate the functions and properties of technology and all forms of high-tech machinery.

Telekinetic Heat Vision: To generate beams of heat through the eyes with telekinesis.

Telekinetic Invisibility: To use telekinesis to turn yourself or others invisible.

Telekinetic Regeneration: To regenerate one's own cells via telekinetic manipulation or gathering telekinetic energy to do so, e.g. using telekinesis to induce molecular/biological manipulation.

Telekinetic Shapeshifting: To use Telekinesis to shapeshift.

Telekinetic Teleportation: To teleport oneself or others via telekinesis.

Coordinate Tethering: To restrain and drag objects and individuals through teleportation.

Remote Teleportation: To teleport matter/energy without physical contact.

Weather Manipulation: To manipulate the weather, e.g. create lightning storms.

Ultimate Level

Cosmic Telekinesis: To manipulate matter on a cosmic level.

Fundamental Forces Manipulation: To manipulate the fundamental forces of the universe.

Quantum String Manipulation: Use precise psychokinetic application to tug at the very causalic strings of possibility/probability.

Reality Warping: To manipulate reality

Power Warping: To give, take away, or alternate meta ability potential in those without.

Subatomic Manipulation: To control all elemental forms at the subatomic scale. e.g. manipulating the quantum nature of the universe and beyond.

Self-Subatomic Manipulation: To manipulate self at the subatomic level.

Space-Time Manipulation: To manipulate and distort the space-time continuum.

Dimensional Travel: To bend the very fabric of dimensional barriers, allowing travel through wormholes or teleportation-like movement.

Power Modification: To use precise psychokinesis to modulate ability usage in others.

Absolute Level

Absolute Force Manipulation: Control all forces of existence.

Absolute Will: To control the willpower of anyone as well as themselves.

Omni-Manipulation: To manipulate anything and everything.

Particle Manipulation: To manipulate matter at the basest of levels.

Charged Particles Manipulation: To manipulate all electrically charged particles.

Particle Energy Manipulation: To manipulate particle energy.

Self-Particle Manipulation: To manipulate self at a particular level.

Universal Manipulation: To manipulate the fabric of the universe.


Ambient Resource Construction: Telekinetically construct any object.

Binding: To keep object/being from moving.

Homing Effect: To make any object automatically follow.

Levitation: To lift an object, e.g., raising a pitcher several inches into the air.

Object Calling: To call any object to one's hand.

Orbital Field: To make objects and possibly energy orbit around the user.

Pull & Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user

Radar: To "see" one's surroundings using telekinesis, e.g., sensing a target from a distance.

Remote Telekinesis: To manipulate matter that is not within the user's location.

Simultaneous Interaction: To interact with multiple objects at a time.

Telekinetic Attacks: To release/use telekinesis to various attacks.

Telekinetic Aura: Possess powerful telekinetic extension fields from oneself.

Telekinetic Choking: To choke or strangle others without physical contact.

Telekinetic Combat: To utilize telekinesis in the combination of physical combat.

Telekinetic Compression: To crush an object, e.g., squeezing a chair into a ball.

Telekinetic Constructs: To create weapons, objects, and creatures out of telekinetic energy.

Telekinetic Defense: To utilize telekinesis to defend oneself.

Telekinetic Destruction: To make an object explode, e.g., blowing up a table.

Telekinetic Enhanced Strike: To use Telekinesis to enhance one's physical attacks.

Telekinetic Flight: To use telekinesis to fly.

Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g., keeping the tides from washing a friend away.

Telekinetic Heat Vision: To generate beams of heat through the eyes with telekinesis.

Telekinetic Invisibility: To use telekinesis to turn yourself or others invisible.

Telekinesis Negation: To negate telekinetic abilities.

Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course.

Telekinetic Pressure: To use telekinesis to damage the surrounding area.

Telekinetic Regeneration: To regenerate one's own cells via telekinetic manipulation.

Telekinetic Shapeshifting: To use Telekinesis to shapeshift.

Telekinetic Solidification: To solidify telekinetic energy/force, possibly to create various objects.

Telekinetic Strike: To use Telekinesis to punch, push, pull, throw, or otherwise kinetically strike a target.

Telekinetic Surgery: To conduct complex surgery through telekinetic means.

Telekinetic Tethering: Use telekinesis to tether and move objects.

Telekinetic Teleportation: To teleport oneself or others via telekinesis.

Telekinetic Twisting: To twist with telekinesis.

Wave Manipulation: To influence waves via telekinesis.


Ballistic Telekinesis


Chi Telekinesis

Cosmic Telekinesis


Demonic Telekinesis

Dimensional Telekinesis

Divine Telekinesis

Angelic Telekinesis

Telekinetic Orbing


Esoteric Telekinesis

Force-Field Telekinesis


Inorganic Telekinesis

Elemental Telekinesis






Electrical Telekinesis


Magical Telekinesis


Organic Telekinesis

Plant Telekinesis



Quantum Telekinesis

Quintessential Telekinesis


Spatial Telekinesis

Spiritual Telekinesis

Tactile Telekinesis

Technological Telekinesis

Telekinesis Manipulation

Telekinetic Force Manipulation

Thread Telekinesis



Vector Manipulation

Vector Telekinesis


Universal Differences

Some universes include Telepathy as a form of telekinesis.


Remote Interaction

Free Action

Superior Human Physiology

Esper Physiology



Telekinesis Immunity

Telekinesis Negation can negate this power.

May be able to affect only targets that they can physically perceive or that are within a certain range and distance from them.

User may not be able to affect objects above a certain momentum or that are already moving.

An opponent with greater physical strength than the user's Telekinesis may break free, or even have a sort of "limited immunity" to the ability.

Might be weakened, nullified or interrupted by stress, fear, distractions, disbelief, lack of confidence, and willpower, etc.

Might be linked to or unwittingly triggered by emotions, thoughts, dreams, causing the user to be unable to control or possibly even access their ability.

May require intense amounts of concentration, focus, and mental effort to use properly, preventing the user from being able to perform other tasks at the same time, to the point where the user may be completely unable to move while using the ability.

Use of the ability may be channeled through the motion of the eyes, hands, or fingers and the user may need to perform specific gestures to utilize the ability, such as touch their heads, meaning that their abilities could be nullified if the user is unable to move their bodies or visualize their target.

User may not have control over the speed of which the target moves.

Might be physically or psychologically fatiguing, straining, or even crippling for the user, with the user either bleeding from the nose or eyes, falling unconscious, entering a coma, or even dying from the mental effort of using the ability.

May not be able to manipulate magic-based matters/energies.

Could be ineffective against those who control themselves at fundamental levels.

User may only be able to manipulate targets after touching them.

User may only be able to manipulate inorganic targets.f