Chapter 6 : WAKE UP part 1

Waking up, my soft bed hugs my back and, for a few moments, allows me to forget the responsibilities that await outside these walls. Dawn light filters through the windows, drawing patterns of shadow and light on the quilt.

There is no rush in these first minutes of the day; It is a sacred time for me, a moment of stillness before the world demands my attention. I stretch slowly, feeling every muscle awaken with me.

The silence of the room is broken only by the soft hum of life outside the mansion. I sit on the bed, my feet touching the cold wooden floor, and take a deep breath, filling my lungs with the cool morning breeze that comes through the half-open window.

I get up and walk to the bathroom, where I face my reflection in the mirror. A quick face wash helps me clear away the last vestige of sleep.

The routine is always the same: brush my teeth, smooth my unruly hair, and a light touch of cold water on my eyelids to fully wake up.

I go back to the room to get dressed. The shirt, although ill-fitting for my thin body, has something comforting about it. Every fold and every button are reminders of my purpose and my place in this world.

The fabric conforms to my body, preparing me both mentally and physically for the day ahead. Once dressed, I head to the kitchen. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee guides me almost by instinct.

The kitchen is already bustling with activity; Some of my companions are already there, talking softly while eating breakfast. I pour myself a cup of coffee and join them, exchanging greetings and sleepy smiles.

Breakfast is a mix of healthy foods that provide us with the energy necessary to face our workouts and classes: fresh fruits, cereals, and some protein. With the cup in my hand, I look out the window that overlooks the backyard.

The sun is already higher in the sky, its rays illuminating the faces of those who are out there, practicing or simply enjoying the peace of the morning.

I join them soon after, empty cup in hand, ready to begin the rigors of the day at the academy. With my mind clear and my body ready, I head into the classroom ready and relaxed to learn something new.

Here, every day is an adventure, and I can't wait to see what today has in store for me. Heading towards the mansion, walking through the green gardens along the way, I observed my destination.

Entering the X Mansion is always an overwhelming experience. From the outside, its imposing stone façade looks like something taken from a bygone era, with its large arched windows and towers pointing to the sky. It is surrounded by sprawling green gardens that at any moment can be filled with mutant students showing off their unique abilities, a constant reminder that this is no ordinary school.

Walking through the front door, the foyer greets me with its classic elegance; shiny marble floor and a spiral staircase that seems to extend forever upwards. The air is filled with a respectful silence, but also with the vibrant energy of young mutants learning to harness their powers.

To the right, the main hall functions as a meeting point for teachers and students. With its leather sofas and shelves filled with books ranging from classic literature to complex science manuals and mutant philosophy, this space is a welcoming heart to the mansion. Here, students can relax and share, always under the watchful eye of the portraits of the founders and mutant heroes that adorn the walls.

Beyond the lounge is the danger room. This advanced facility, almost futuristic compared to the rest of the mansion, is where the X-Men train. It is a camera capable of simulating any environment and challenge, adapting to the user's powers to test their limits and teach them control and strategy.

The dining room is another living space, with a long table where all the residents of the mansion gather to share meals. It is a place of camaraderie, where stories are exchanged and friendships are forged, under the soft glow of chandeliers.

Finally, the hallways that connect these areas are decorated with art objects and artifacts that tell the story of mutants through the ages, a mix of museum and home that serves as a daily reminder of the X-Men's mission: coexist in peace with humanity, protecting those who fear and misunderstand their gifts.

Every corner of the X-Mansion is a testament to the struggle, hope and resilience of mutants.




But sooner rather than later I arrived at my destination, the classroom of my respective classes with Professor Xavier, the children settled in their seats waiting for the last ones to arrive like me.....

- Good morning Aleis - as always sitting and n the chair that defies the laws of physics by keeping his invalid and bald body in motion

-Good morning teacher- With a greeting back I proceed to sit down to start the boring history classes.

As I settled into my seat, Professor Xavier began class with his characteristic calm and wisdom.

His voice echoed through the classroom as he guided us through the annals of mutant history, from the earliest records of supernatural powers to the most recent events that had shaped our world.

I immersed myself in the lesson, absorbed by the stories of bravery and sacrifice of those who came before us.

Professor Xavier's every word was like a thread weaving the tapestry of our mutant heritage, reminding us of our responsibility to honor and protect that heritage. As the class progressed, I found myself reflecting on my own role in this story.

As a student at the X-Mansion, I had the privilege and burden of carrying on the legacy of the After history class, we headed to the training ground for our daily powers practice session.

There, under the watchful eyes of our instructors, we embark on exercises designed to strengthen and control our unique abilities.

The training ground was a melting pot of energy and activity, with mutants of all ages and abilities working together to improve.

From telekinetics lifting objects with our minds to pyrokinetics controlling dancing flames, each of us was engaged in our journey of self-discovery and growth. After an intense training session, we met in the dining room to have lunch and share our experiences of the day.

Between bites of food and laughter, we grew stronger not only physically, but also emotionally, remembering that together we were stronger than any adversity that could face us. At the end of the day, I returned to my room in the X-Mansion, exhausted but full of energy.

As I prepared to go to sleep, I reflected on the day that had passed and on the challenges I would face mastering these new powers that I have, the psychic mutation fused with my innate vector ability in the face of the nightmares of days past haunting me, my insomnia got the best of me and I ended up leaving the house. room at night going down and down the stairs I find the entrance to the garden that leads to the school cemetery I decide to walk through it.

The night enveloped the cemetery with its dark mantle, and a soft breeze made the leaves of the nearby trees dance.

I stopped in front of the sculpture, observing the inscription on the tombstone with curiosity and respect. "In the name of Jean Grey, beloved student and wife." The words echoed in my mind, evoking a feeling of melancholy and reverence. Jean Grey. He had heard her name before in the stories circulating around the X-Mansion, but he had never had the opportunity to meet her.

According to what he had heard, Jean had been an extraordinary mutant, gifted with unmatched psychic powers and a noble and brave heart.

I stood there for a moment, reflecting on the life and legacy of Jean Grey. I thought about her stories of her exploits as a member of the X-Men, her fight against evil and her ultimate sacrifice to protect those she loved.

Her memory seemed to inhabit the cemetery, permeating the air with her indomitable spirit and her eternal presence. As I looked at the other headstones scattered around the cemetery, I realized that each one told a unique story of bravery, sacrifice, and love.

They were reminders of those who had come before us, of those who had given their lives to the mutant cause and of those who had left an indelible mark on the world. I was humbled by the greatness of those who had passed through the X-Mansion before me.

Their stories were a reminder of the responsibility we shared as mutants, of the need to defend and protect our community, even as we faced our own inner demons and challenges.

With a sigh, I silently said goodbye to Jean Gray and the others resting in the cemetery. As I returned to the As I walked back to the X-Mansion, doubts and questions continued to flutter in my mind.

Was there anyone else in the world with powers like mine? Someone who could really understand what it meant to be able to control and manipulate vectors? 

I felt alone in my thoughts as I walked through the quiet garden of the mansion.

Although he was surrounded by fellow mutants, none Not one of them seemed to share my unique gift. How could I feel truly understood if no one else had a similar experience? Upon entering the mansion, the feeling of loneliness intensified.

Although the halls were full of life and activity, I felt separate, like I was in a world apart because of my special ability.

The need to find someone who could relate to me, who could understand what it meant to be different in that way, became an obsession in my mind. I decided to look for answers.

I headed to the mansion's library, a quiet and serene place where I knew I could concentrate and look up information about mutants with powers similar to my own.

I spent hours going through books and archives, looking for any hint of someone who shared my experience.

After hours of exhaustive searching in the library, my eyes finally landed on an ancient text that seemed to hold the key to what I was looking for. The book told of a legendary being, a mysterious figure with red hair who had existed throughout the centuries and was said to possess an extraordinary amount of psychic powers.

I devoured every word hungrily, absorbing every detail about this enigmatic being. According to the text, this figure had witnessed countless events throughout mutant history, from the first manifestations of power to the most critical moments of the fight for coexistence between mutants and humans.

As I read, I realized that this figure could only be the equivalent of a mutant messiah and soon after reading I found myself realizing that I wasted hours and hours of my life reading a children's story about Jesus with the x gene.

. As I closed the textbook, a feeling of disbelief and disappointment washed over me.

My hopes of finding answers about my own power were dashed by the reality that what

I had been reading was simply a mythological story, a tale that had become exaggerated over time. I felt frustrated at having wasted so much time and energy on a fruitless search, and I wondered how I could get carried away with the excitement and excitement of finding a quick solution to my deepest questions.

With a resigned sigh, I closed the book and returned it to its place in the library. I promised myself to never fall into the trap of wishful thinking and rumors again, and instead focus on accepting and understanding my own power through practice and patience.

As I left the library and returned to my room in the X-Mansion, I decided that even if this search had been in vain, there was still much to discover and learn about myself and the mutant world around me.

Even if I didn't find easy answers, I was determined to move forward with perfect control of my telepathy.







. Like Charles Xavier, I feel surrounded by the stillness of my study. Bookshelves full of ancient and modern books surround me, each containing a fragment of knowledge I have accumulated over the years.

I glide across the room in my wheelchair, feeling the soft carpet under my hands as I pass by the window, looking out over the gardens of the X-Mansion beyond. My mind is full of thoughts and worries, as it always is.

I care about every student here, every mutant who seeks refuge in our mansion, every life that is in my hands. But I am also filled with hope, an unwavering faith in the potential of each of them to change the world for the better.

My psychic powers give me a unique perspective, a window into the minds and hearts of those around me. I often spend hours in meditation, tuning into the emotions and thoughts of my students, seeking guidance on how to guide them down the right path.

But today, in this moment of calm before teaching, I allow myself a moment of personal reflection. I remember my own story, my own journey from the dark days of my youth to becoming the mentor and leader of the X-Men.

Every experience, every challenge, has contributed to forming the man I am today. I wonder about the future, about the legacy I will leave behind when I am gone. Have I done enough to prepare the next generation of mutants for the challenges they will face? Have I been a good leader, a good mentor, a good friend?

These questions continue to swirl in my mind, but I find comfort in the knowledge that I have done all I can with the gifts I have been given. My purpose is clear: to work tirelessly for a world where mutants and humans can coexist in harmony, where peace and understanding reign over fear and hatred.

With a renewed sense of determination, I settle into the chair and I prepare to face another day. There is a lot of work to do, but I am ready to face any challenge that arises. Because I am Charles Xavier, and as long as I breathe, I will continue fighting for a better future for all.





In the main room of the Xavier Mansion, the students are seen like a honeycomb, moving between hallways and teachers' rooms.

One specific hallway got much of the attention of the male students, gawking at the group of girls in which they stood out; They were all blondes.

The attention they received from the other gender did not go unnoticed by the adults who were only heading to the main room on their way to Xavier's office, ignoring the commotion.

At the same time, a pale, thin boy walked in the direction of the blonde who seemed to start a conversation with the three of them without any problem.

When their eyes met, the albino immediately started a conversation with her.

-Hey! Ashley, are you available? -He said, somewhat nervous because of the looks on her back.

-Hello, Aleis, first let me introduce you to my friends: Phoebe, the youngest, Mindee as my dear, and Celeste, the oldest. They are triplets, it's great isn't it? -

-Ah, hello everyone. Nice to meet you, I'm Aleis - the boy responded with a friendly smile.

- Ashley, could we talk alone for a moment? I have something important to tell you.

-Of course, Aleis. Girls, do you mind if we step back for a moment? -Ashley asked her friends.

-Of course! See you later, Ashley - the triplets responded in a chorus, waving goodbye as they walked away.

Ashley nodded towards a more secluded spot and the two walked away from the bustle of the main room.

Once they were far enough away, Aleis took a breath and looked at Ashley determinedly.

-You see, Ashley, I've been thinking about you a lot lately...





In Charles Xavier's office the doors opened, respectively letting in only the professors who were called by him.

Logan only entered with his cigar in hand and his beer, sitting on the couch following the action of the clawed mutant, the others sat down.

"Well, for starters, these last few weeks the cases of attacks on mutants have increased and the X-Men are not enough to stop all the cases," said the psychic, sitting down in his floating chair.

"Professor, we should discuss the recent anti-mutant protests in the streets," said Ororo.

- Is the real reason for this meeting because of those brats and the entity, Charles? -Logan said while he drank without any manners. The only ones paying attention to the real issue were Scott and Hank.

- Huh? Is that true, professor? - said the white-haired girl.

"This and for the only time I agree with the furry animal," Emma said as she filed her nails without giving much importance to the topic of discussion.

"Well, my concerns are for both of you and I wanted to ask about your progress in class," Professor Xavier said in his floating chair.

"The girl is a pain at reading minds and she learns quickly, nothing more remarkable," Logan said, taking the beer from him.

-The same thing I say, it stands out in her notes but nothing extraordinary-McCoy's opinion is not different from that of his partner.

- My opinion about both of them is the same, they are just teenagers having fun in class, they are not really problematic - said the white-haired girl.

-She definitely has talent, Xavier-with just that comment, Emma Frost finishes her evaluation of her.

- ... - At that moment, Charles Xavier remained silent, analyzing his students' evaluations.

- At the moment, the only person who has responded for both of them is Ororo.

- Don't you have something to say about young Aleis or is it the same opinion? - addressing everyone in the room, Professor X.

- The boy is...

- Pathetic.

- Wimpy.

- Not very productive.

-Too relaxed-

-I'm just saying that he is incapable of doing three push-ups without losing his lung in the process-

-. ....- .






























I would love to hear the reasons for his problems but classes are about to start; "We should finish the talk for the day, we have to teach," said Charles, moving in his chair towards the door.

With the end of the talk, everyone in the office began to retire to their respective rooms to teach classes to the young mutants.

Charles glided through the hallways, his mind filled with worries about the challenges his students faced and how he could help them overcome them. Arriving at the classroom, he found the students eager to learn and develop their mutant abilities.

The passion and determination on his face inspired him, reminding him why he had dedicated his life to guiding and protecting young mutants. With a smiles Reassuringly, Charles began the class, sharing his knowledge about controlling mutant powers and the importance of using them responsibly.

As he spoke, he could feel the positive energy and curiosity of his students, which filled him with optimism for the future.

At the end of the day, as the students dispersed through the hallways, Charles stayed in the classroom for a moment of reflection.






