Big Daddy Is Confused

(Jiwon's POV)

It was now Friday, after school. Band practice yesterday was relieving. Timothy wasn't there so it wasn't that difficult. Reviewing old sets and no harrasment. After what Braedon told me, I feel closer to him now. I did feel bad for him though. To have someone harass you for such a long time and then to..kill them. It was terrible! He opened my eyes to what Timothy could really drive me to do.

I was waiting around the band room for Braedon and it was scary. Timothy was here today, but he was in his office talking to some seniors. The only senior who wasn't in there was Braedon, which was kinda odd. If he doesn't show up soon I'll have to run to catch my bus. Tick tock tick tock! Ugh where is he?! I then saw Damien and some girl from the color guard walk in.

"Hey Jiwon, are you waiting for Jinah or something?" Damien asked me. The color guard girl went in Timothy's office along with everyone else.