
"Admiral, the entire building is being evacuated. We need to leave now!", a female aide announced standing in front of admiral Gwangwa's desk.

"See to it you get everyone out", admiral Gwangwa ordered "I will stay and finish off here".

"Have you not heard a single word I said?", asked the aide sounding exasperated.

"Mind you language captain, keep in mind whom you are talking to. I am not one of your surbodinates", admiral Gwangwa reprimanded the aide.

He didn't enjoy having to pull rank on junior officers but he felr it was necessary to maintain the highest levels of discipline, more over in their current predicament. He felt it gave surbodinates a semblance of continuity, that said the command structure was still intact.

It was one of the reasons why he was reluctant to evacuate with the others. He believed so long as there was someone at space command giving orders, Earth still had a fighting chance. There were still starships on the other side of the anomaly giving him reason not to give up.

If only they could be brought into the fight, he thought to himself. It would make all the difference between defeat and victory.

Her hand held communicator came alive, a male voice was reporting,

"The aliens have landed ground forces and have initiated an assault on space command headquarters. Our situation could not be more hopeless as we do not have the manpower to hold the building..."

"Thank you lieutenant", said captain ending the transmission

"Did you hear that?", captain Lucinda said sarcastically

"Perfectly", admiral Gwangwa, replied emotionlessly.

"We have done everything that can be done. There is nothing more for us to do here", captain Lucinda added trying to sound persuasive.

"Captain Lucinda Mago, up until his moment you have exhibited exemplary courage during this time of crisis. It will be noted in my report", admiral Gwangwa said.

"Thank you admiral', said captain Lucinda Mago.

"You are to evacuate immediately with the others!", admiral Gwangwa barked at her, "this is an order!"

Captain Lucinda Gwangwa would have argued but the look on the admiral's face advised against that course of action.

"Admiral!", a male voice urgently came over the communicator on his desk. "We think we have found a way to bounce communications around the anomaly".

"What do you need", the admiral promptly asked.

"Well for now it's only a theory but ..."

"Well are you or aren't able to do it!?", admiral Gwangwa cut him off impatiently.

"We 'll need a few minutes to get the system set up", speaker replied reluctantly.

"We don't have any more time left", an exasperated captain Lucinda screamed.

"You heard the man", said admiral Gwangwa. "Gather your security team. "We are going to buy the technicians the precious time they need".

"Captain!", a voice coming over captain Lucinda's hand held communicator announced. "Alien ground forces have burst into the ground floor. Everyone who is still in the building is cut off from escape".

"Thank you admiral', said captain Lucinda Mago.

"Now leave!", admiral Gwangwa barked at her, "this is an order!"

Captain Lucinda Gwangwa would have argued but the look on the admiral's face advised against that course of action.

"Admiral!", a male voice urgently came over the communicator on his desk. "We think we may have found a way to bounce communications around the anomaly".

"What do you need", the admiral promptly asked.

"Well for now it's only a theory but ...", the technician started.

"Well can you or can't to do it!?", admiral Gwangwa screamed in to communicator impatiently cutting him off in mid statement.

"We 'll need a few minutes to get the system set up", speaker replied reluctantly.

"We don't have any more time left", an exasperated captain Lucinda screamed.

"You heard the man", said admiral Gwangwa. "Gather your security personal team. "We are going to buy the technicians the precious time they need".

"Captain!", a voice coming over captain Lucinda's hand held communicator announced. "Alien ground forces have burst into the ground floor. Everyone who is still in the building is cut off from escape".

Pulling out a blaster from a side holser, captain Lucinda spoke quickly into her communicator, "All security personnel, converge on the 1st floor. Aliens have taken the ground floor, proceed with caution".

Booted feet thundered through the building's corridors. As armed security personal rushed to the first floor, blasters held ready to fire.

"Admiral communication system is now set to bounce signals around the anomaly", the technician announced. "You are set to transmit".

Admiral Gwangwa needed no further urging he knew what he wanted to say and he tapped on the transmit icon, assuming an authoritative tone began,

"This is Admiral Gwangwa of space command. All star ships are ordered into the anomaly. You are to proceed to the other side which opens up on Earth and give support to the Sandawana which has already arrived and has engaged the alien ships".

"Captain, we have sustained a direct hit on power rods, we are losing power", reported lieutenant Tashinga.

"We have one last card to play before this starship calls it curtains", said captain Maguire with that devil may care smile on his face which the bridge crew were familiar with. They knew from experience that they saw that smile it meant he was thinking of something out of the box. It was a smile they had learnt to dread and for good reason.

Once having made up his mind there seemed to be no power in the world or the next one able to dissuade him.

"Engine, give us maximum power for one last ride", captain ordered speaking into his hand held communicator.

"Lieutenant Tashinga, we take us directly above the alien flagship. If we are going to be shielded from blasting it out of the sky with our lasers, we are going to dive bomb it out of the air".As captain Maguire was speaking, the aliens starships were criss crossing in a in frenzy between the Sandawana and the flagship. This made it impossible to hit it with the Sandawana's lethal lasers. Every massive explosion revealing that it had been another one of the other alien ships that had been hit.