Call of duty

"So let me get this straight", said captain Maguire sitting in one of the two visitors' chairs in admiral Gwangwa's office."You people created a smart probe of some kind. You went on to arm it with the most powerful weapon known to mankind. Then it's computer went haywire and it launched itself into outer space if I understand you correctly?"

"Ah kind of ...", began captain Lucinda hesitatingly.

"Yes captain, that's exactly what happened", said admiral Gwangwa cutting off captain Lucinda in mid statement, "and I am ordering you to go after the that probe and if possible bring it back in one piece".

"And if not?", asked captain Maguire.

"The probe does not just carry a powerful weapon which Space command wants back, it also contains other sensitive items of technology. The onboard computer contains information relating to our entire defensive network. It is vital that the probe does not fall into alien hands".