Now!", ordered captain Maguire as the Sandawana backed up slipping just out of range of the Bydanian ships relentless firing. Executing the dual feat of lifting the electro magnetic shield and opening gunports in one swift motion, the Sandawana launched a ferocious attack on the seven Bydanian ships. Lasers smashed into the unprotected hulls in a relentless hail of lasers tearing mercilessly into the super structures. The attack continuing until the Bydanian ships were no longer firing.
"Threat level neutralised", reported lieutenant Tashinga.
"Cease fire!", captain Maguire ordered.
As the Sandawana broke off the attack, the broken hulks of the Bydanian ships were drifting helplessly against the murky darkness of space.
"Set course for Byda", captain Maguire ordered lieutenant Tashinga.
The starship shot past the drifting hulks proceeding on a direct course to Byda.
"Open channel to Byda", captain Maguire ordered, lieutenant Tanaka at communications.