Fire on the mountain

"Captain there is vessel bearing down on captain Maguire's position", reported liuetenant Tanaka sitting at the communications console.

"We 'll just have to make sure we get to him first", said acting captain Lucinda.

"I 'm afraid that won't be possible, they seem to have got a headstart and are closer to his position than we are", reported lieutenant Tanaka looking up from the console before him.

"How are far are we from the other vessel?", captain Lucinda asked.

"Let me just say at present speed we 'll be reaching captain Maguire at the same time. But they will reach him slightly ahead of us", said lieutenant Tanaka.

"Maybe we can not reach him before that vessel, but we can give him advance warning of what is coming his way", said captain Lucinda wiping out her hand held communicator, she tapped on the transmit.

Captain Maguire's attention was drawn to the vibrating communicator on his utility belt. Retrieving the device, he tapped on the accept icon.