Settling himself in the commander's chair, captain Maguire tapped the top of the arm rest which promptly slid open to reveal a small panel. He placed his thumb facing downwards on the panel and white light flashed across the glass panel as his thumb print was scanned.
"Stanley Maguire, captain ", an computer generated voice confirmed. "Emergency codes activated. You may proceed to emergency issue commands".
"Activate emergency power generators and normalise oxygen level, immediately!", ordered captain Maguire. The order was shouted with a sense of urgency, to revive the crew before they slipped into a permanent of death. He was struggling to breath himself and desperately was in desperate need of breathable atmosphere.
"Warning starships powering up weapons", warned the Sandawana's computer generated voice.
Watching the faded display on the giant computer monitor, captain Maguire could see the fleet of Drachalian starships almost approaching firing range.