"There is something I don't get there", said captain Maguire to the duplicate.
"What is it, feel free to ask away after all I owe you that much", replied the duplicate with more than a hint of arrogance in its attitude.
"How did you fit into my head if you are appearing before me the same size as myself?", asked captain Maguire wearing a puzzled expression on his face.
"I see how that would present a challenge to your faculty of thought", smiled the duplicate triumphantly. That's because captain, you're thinking of it all wrong", said the duplicate.
"I don't understand", said captain Maguire.
"You see captain, you approach the subject with of proportion from a purely bio-mechanical mindset. Yet unlike you I am not a bio-mechanical nor am I a physical being".
"Meaning the natural laws of proportionality do not apply to you, because you are made of pure energy", reasoned captain Maguire.