I was about to approach Jasper when a thick glass wall appeared in front of me, blocking the only way towards where Quinnie actually was. It seemed to be their security measure in case someone attempted to infiltrate the area.

I glanced at Jasper, who had just stood up. He was holding some kind of gadget, and it looked like he was the one who created the glass wall. Jasper cleaned himself and elegantly stood up again.

"What a power you have there, Alex. Would you mind me giving it a test?" Jasper pressed something on the gadget, and two flamethrowers appeared above me. I quickly stepped back to distance myself while it charged. In an instant, it unleashed a deadly fire. I managed to shield myself, but I still felt the heat.

I couldn't wait for this to end. I needed to end this myself. I destroyed the flamethrowers, stopping the flames. Jasper was still on the other side of the wall, patiently watching as those flames engulfed me.