The last bell of the day rang, notifying us that today's classes had ended. Our professor bid us farewell and reminded us about our assignment due tomorrow. Sky, Maica and I were still packing our things into our bags. After a minute, we were done. Since our professor was still here, we also said goodbye to him. He waved as we made our way toward the door.

As we stepped outside, Trisha arrived right on time. She had the same exhausted look as Maica. "The classes were so boring!" Trisha commented.

"You said it," Maica agreed. I looked at Sky, who was emotionless, looking at me.

"Are we going?" Trisha asked, making me turn to her. She must be referring to Trevor's invitation to their club. I looked at Sky, hoping to get a response, but I failed. He must be hesitating whether to go or not. But if I were to decide, I would go.

"If Alex wants to go, then we'll go," Sky said. All eyes turned to me after what Sky said. They were waiting for my response, so I nodded.