"You're a clairvoyant, Trisha?" Clairvo...what? I raised an eyebrow at Sky's statement. What he just said was actually out of my vocabulary.
"Clairvoyance is a psychic ability to see things that aren't visible to normal people's eyes. In short, you can see things that only you can see. That's how you see Incubus. Incubus is an evil spirit, and spirits are not generally visible to ordinary eyes," explained Alex, shedding light on the matter.
"So, does that mean I can also see ghosts?" I asked, scanning my surroundings, hoping to see something, but at the same time, hoping not to.
"Sort of," Alex replied, causing a shiver to run down my spine. It's not that I'm afraid of ghosts, as long as they appear beautifully, without blood, wounds, or ugly faces.
"Well, that's just scary," I commented as I embraced myself after getting goosebumps.