"How did you find the bodies?" a police officer asked me. Sky told us telepathically what we should answer. We couldn't just tell them that we conducted our own investigation, as the police might think we were trying to lead them.

"We were just walking in the forest to document for our research," I lied, and the police officer believed it immediately.

"Where did you see them?" he asked next. This was a tricky question. If our answers were inconsistent, we would surely be exposed.

Luckily, Sky had already briefed us on what to answer. "Near a big tree," I innocently replied.

"And how did they get their injuries?" he added.

For the third time, I answered while trying to sound sincere and pitiful, "We don't know. They already had injuries when we found them."

"Thank you for your cooperation," the police officer concluded and closed his notebook. I nodded at him, and he left to attend to his other colleagues.