
Sick of Expectations 3

The morning of the day of the party , Una had an appointment with Mr O' Hare at his studio.She went with Vivian since she was supposed to be helping her prepare herself very well for the party. Mr O Hare was in charge of grooming royals and he had been at work for years. He groomed Queen Ziana for her first ritual and was to do same for Una .

Mr O Hare: Good morning beautiful!how are we today?

Una: very well thank you for asking and you?

Mr O Hare: l see someone has been doing her homework lately and l am doing great.

Vivian: she's here to train.

Mr O Hare:l know, it's what they are all here for, let's get started.

Mr O Hare taught her how to strut while walking and dancing , he also explained further on how to use the different languages and the time to use them. He taught Una the postures to take when talking to an elderly royal, council leaders and so on.

Everyone came for breakfast but Ciara didn't show up.

King Luciel: Damian ,where's Ciara?

Damian: l don't know father, forgive me.

King Luciel: spare me your decency, Princess Ciara is your wife to be and so you should know her whereabouts.

Ms Liane: Princess Ciara is feeling a little bit under the weather. She will be leaving tomorrow.

King Luciel: Oh... , well in that case,we will prepare a feast tonight for my son has chosen his wife.

Just as Damian was about to make an argument, Navine shook his head at him , telling him not to Interfere. Later King Luciel made it official in front of the people of Zaniah.

Una: Oh my God l am so tired and so hungry.

Vivian: Me too , l am allowed to eat while you are not.

Una: oh yeah,Why is that?

Vivian: Queen Ziana instructed that you eat nothing so you don't add that much weight.

Una: That is so not fair at all.

Vivian:Well , rules are rules and we must obey them.

Una: yes l know and l am getting sick and tired of that, l wanna go out there, express myself to the fullest and not having to obey stupid rules every damn day.

Vivian: well dream on dear friend, this is the real world, lighten up to it.

Una : but l don't want to.

Vivian: truth hurts sometimes, you have just gotta accept it.

Damian was thinking of how his life was going to go down the drain and how he was gonna live with that witch for rest of his life.Ms Liane came to him and told him not to marry Ciara if he didn't want to.

Ms Liane:l know princesses like these, and will drain you if they'll have to, it's their motive , especially if their kingdoms are not doing so well. Just think about what I've said and you will see it's true.

Damian: l know about princesses like these , l am just not sure l would want to jeopardize the future of this kingdom .

Ms Liane: l understand you want to do it for the kingdom but it isn't worth it if you're not happy.

Without saying a word, Damian walked away.

Una was so ready and so tired at the same time, she wouldn't have hesitated to sleep but it wasn't an option. Just then ,Queen Ziana came her if she could have a word.

Queen Ziana: l have something to tell you .

Una: okayy, go on.

Queen Ziana: you see you weren't able to wolf shift when you turned sixteen, well when you were little, you had a mark on your wrist which symbolises heart of the moon and it meant that you will never live a normal life. Your father was so angry and did not see why it had to happen to you , luckily we got very powerful sorcerer to hide your mark. History tells us be ready when the dawn of the vampires are upon us and only the one who holds the mark can save us.

Una: Wait wait wait!, so you are saying that one stupid mark is the reason dad has never liked me or sort of always disappointed in me ?

Queen Ziana: calm down.

Una: l am calm,l am calm.

But how could you hide this from me. Okay l am going to the party and going to make father proud. I have risked a lot for this.

At the feast, everything looked great, everyone was happy, everyone was happy except Damian. He went up to the king and said some really threatening things like " If not for wanting what's best for the kingdom, it would've been raining blood in here" and stuff like that.

Navine: Soo!, how's the feast so far.

Damian:You know what? How about we go out in the woods, it's been a long time since l let my vampire self out.

Navine: Oh hell no.

Damian: C'mon , it will be fun,plus it's full moon.

Navine:Fine, but just for a few minutes.

Una looked very stunning in her dress. It suited her black hair and fiery brown eyes. When she went down to the party, she was so happy and was absolutely ready to make it work. Things went according to plan until when it was time for the ritual. She got extremely nervous and when she stepped in the sacred circle, visions of the mark came to her. The priest started the ritual and suddenly, there was a puff of smoke ,it didn't work.

King Cyrus: Start again.

Una: l am sorry father but can't, l.. l am drained.

King Cyrus: This is why l always say you are a disgrace.

Una: It's all because of one stupid mark isn't it?

Before the king could even talk back, she wolf shifted and ran out. Queen Ziana followed to catch up with her, but she couldn't and she shouted telling her that the sorcerer's name was Evidem and his temple was, in a mysterious land, find it she would be safe.Una never looked back. In the woods, she was close to the northern border when she fell off a cliff and became unconscious. Mean while, Damian and Navine seemed to be roaming around that area and saw a grey wolf. It was Una.

Damian: let's keep it.

Navine: No we are not keeping It!.

Damian: Okayy! I want to keep it but promise me this stays between the two of us.

Navine: You know I've got your back, it's what brothers are for, although, we could get onto serious trouble.

Damian: No need to stress your self, l will take the blame if anything goes wrong. Race you back to the castle.