038: Grandma Hialun's 83rd Birthday (4)

As Su Rukia had already been discovered, she simply went to the table where Yue Ruxia and Yue Jixia were seated, and instead of being upset that she had joined them, they welcomed her even more.

The video call with Yue Xuexia is still ongoing. On the screen,

Xuexia: [I still need to buy a few more things. After I finish my business, I will be there. See you later!]

Ruxia said, "Bye bye, Dajie~"

"Jie, if you find a Starbu*ks drive-thru can you buy me some coffee?" asked Yue Jixia.

Xuexia: [The usual one?]

Yue Jixia said, "Yes!"

"Me too! Dajie, I want a customized drink of matcha latte. The one with cold foam, oatmeal milk, and brown sugar. I want a large cup and Iced!" said Yue Ruxia.

Xuexia: [Sure. What about you, Rukia? What drink would you like from the same store? I'll buy a cup for you too.]

Xia Rukia responded, "T-Then... White chocolate mocha. Iced, please. Thank you."

Xuexia: [Noted. I will be there soon. Bye~]


Yue Xuexia ended the call, but the three did not care and carried on with their games. Since there were now three of them, they decided to play as a squad, or group team, and they began playing M*bile Leg*nds.

When Qu Yurei, Xia Rina, and Xia Rinne noticed the small group gathered at the vegetable garden's corner, they became interested in the brands of iPhone and tablet that Yue Ruxia and Yue Jixia were using, rather than the game itself. The three of them began playing without regard for the others.

Despite the fact that both are Apple brands and cost more than a few hundred thousand rmb, these so-called impoverished offspring of the Yue Family were able to afford two of the newest iPhones and tablets, with the total estimated cost reaching at least half a million rmb.

Qu Yurei was unsure of how the Yue Family could afford it because, as all members of the Xia Family were aware, the family had no steady source of income—none of them even had a monthly salary—and barely had enough money to buy food for their daily needs.

Xia Rina whispered, "Is that the latest released Apple phone? How can they afford that? I heard that it costs 150,000 rmb!?"

"That tablet is Apple brand too. I was browsing it last night and it cost half a million to get one as it was the latest model! How could they suddenly have money to buy for each of the two of them!?" whispered Xia Rinne.

Qu Yurei said, "I am more interested in why Xuexia is still not here. I heard she still doesn't have a regular job and does home-based freelancing jobs. With just that, how could they have enough money to buy an Apple brand device?"

"Are those even legit? Maybe it's an imitation or something?" mumbled Xia Rinne.

Because Su Rukia, who is holding Yue Ruxia's extra phone, had seen this iPhone in the mall a few times and was saving enough money from her salary to afford one, she is the only one who knows that she is holding an original model. The other three think that all of the Apple devices that Yue Ruxia and Yue Jixia own are imitations.

Xie Rukia asked, "This iPhone and Tablet... is it really original? Do you know how much each is? Who bought it?"

"Eh? Are you talking about the one in your hands or the one in mine?" asked Ruxia.

Yue Jixia spoke, "The one in your hand is a spare one bought by Ruru online using the credit card Dajie gave us. The other iPhones and tablets were bought by Jie for the whole family."

"Ma and Pa also have a phone and tablet each, like I and Ruru, all in various colors. Of course! Dajie also has her own," said Yue Ruxia.

Su Rukia asked, "Does Aunt Xuexia have work already?"

"Work? Ah~ well something like that. But she still always stays at home. She only leaves the home once in a while (when she has a meeting or something)," said Yue Ruxia.

Filled with curiosity, Su Rukia nonchalantly asked, "Do you know how much Aunt Xuexia makes monthly?"

"You mean her salary? I don't know~ it varies every day. I don't know the exact amount. The last time I saw her cash out some... I think it was a few million..." mumbled Yue Ruxia. "Ah! Erjie! Assist! ASSIST! They're ganking me!!! Ahhh~"

"Shut up! I'm on my way!" said Yue Jixia. "Hey! Don't AFK Xiao Kia!"

"S-Sorry~," said Su Rukia as she focused back on the game.

Qu Yurei, Xia Rina, and Xia Rinne, on the other hand, were all in bewilderment at what they had just heard, staring at Yue Ruxia and Yue Jixia in shock.

Xia Rina exclaimed, "Ah! That's why the clothes they are wearing are a bit familiar. Isn't that this year's fall-winter seasonal fashion clothing? Family set! I heard someone mysterious bought this year's Paris collection design for fall and winter family clothing sets."

"Are you kidding me? That Paris collection is very expensive!!" said Xia Rinne.

Qu Yurei's look is nearly impossible to interpret. Ultimately, she chose to inform her mother of this information. Despite the extraordinary nature of what she had heard, she feels that it is not completely true at this moment.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" asked the Xia Sisters, but they were ignored by Qu Yurei, who was walking away with hurried steps.

A few moments after the three left, Yue Ruxia, Yue Jixia, and Su Rukia watched their disappearing backs with a background defeat announcement in the background.

Yu Ruxia said, "I told you! They are eavesdropping!! Hmp!"

"Ignore them. They wouldn't dare approach us and embarrass us now. They are too afraid of Dajie. They have always been like that since childhood," said Yue Jixia.

Su Rukia asked, "So is it fake? Everything you said just now?"

"Of course not! Everything is real! Why would I lie to you? It is true that Dajie would leave home for unknown days. Like today, she didn't come with us because she had a business meeting and could only join us in the afternoon, but Dajie is mostly at home. Her assistant would bring work to our home for her to sign, and that's all," said Yue Ruxia.

Yue Jixia said, "Jie's source of income is in stocks. She doesn't need to go to work regularly as she can collect as much money as she needs at home as long as she has a computer or a tablet with her. These tablets and phones were bought for that reason originally."

"Are you guys rich again?" asked Su Rukia in disbelief.

Yue Ruxia said, "We are richer than before. At least Dajie had more than millions in her account. She also bought cars for each of us, but Ma didn't allow me to drive mine~ Here. Here, look at this photo. This is the car Dajie bought for me! Cute, right?"

She was showing off her rose pink-colored boat tail Rolls-Royce photo saved in her tablet's gallery.

Yue Jixia said as she saw Xia Rukia looking at her, "Mine is a white Lamborghini Sian. I also didn't bring mine over. We rode on Papa's Armored Cullinan to come here."

"Rolls-Royce Boat Tail, Lamborghini Sian, Armored Cullinan. Doesn't every one of those cars cause more than a few million? If you add it should be able to reach almost half a billion!" said Su Rukia.

Yue Ruxia said, "Don't be so surprised. Even Ma has her own car. Dajie even has two in the underground parking lot."

"Anyway~ forget about that. I want to ask if you can request a long Christmas vacation—at least a week's vacation... Do you think you can have such a long vacation from your work?"

"Maybe if I add up my Christmas vacation and save paid leaves. Why did you ask?" Su Rukia asked.

Yue Ruxia excitedly held her hands and jumped around happily.

"That's great! Save those vacations for December, okay? Come with us to Korea and Japan! No need to worry about money! I will pay for your expenses. Well~ it's Dajie's money though. You only need to prepare a few clothes and your passport. Our family has a private jet!"

"Wow~ so cool!!! I will definitely go!!!" said Su Rukia as she jumped around with Yue Ruxia.

Disregarding the two, Yue Jixia resumed her game, playing the squad on her own. Meanwhile, the daughters of Grandma Hialun gathered inside Madam Su's small mansion. Some assisted in the kitchen, some carried out food preparation, and more. When Madam Qu arrived, she immediately went up to Mama Yue, wanting to show off her family's wealth. She was about to pick apart Mama Yue's clothing when her gaze strayed around Mama Yue.

Madam Qu spoke, "Hi~ Lili, how's your family lately? Do you need to borrow money... Huh? Well~... Nice clothes~ a bargain one? Eh?"

The diamond buttons on Mama Yue's jacket, which shone so brightly in the light that it nearly blinded her, seemed real, despite the fact that her clothes were basic.

Madam Qu said, "There are even diamonds, though they seem fake. You shouldn't buy used imported clothes. You don't know what kind of owner used to wear it. What if that owner had some skin disease or something?"

"These are brand new clothes. My Xue'er recently bought them as a family set," said Mama Yue, but obviously her expression doesn't seem good right now. "Moreover, our family debts are all paid. I didn't even borrow some from your family!"

"Why are we talking this way? I did not mean anything bad with my words," said Madam Qu.

Mama Yue retorted, "Oh really~ does that mean you are looking down on me and my family? Asking this kind of question? Are you intentional!?"

Madam Su intervened to break up the sisters' chat because she thought it was getting too hostile and to prevent a fight between them.

Madam Su spoke, "Enough! Are you going to fight on Mother's birthday? Be ashamed!"

Yue Suli and Qu Susu immediately shut their mouths after being scolded by their eldest sister.

Madam Su said, "Xiao Li, go ahead and see your family. The rest can be handled by us. Thank you for the cakes and sweets your family made, especially the three-layered carrot cake you made for your mother."

"I made the carrot cake. It was Xue'er who made it with Ruru and Xiao Ji. The rest were made by all of us. There is no need for thanks. We made it for everyone," said Mama Yue.

Madam Qu cut into their conversation and said, "My Qu family bought a big charcoal-roasted pig!"

Her eyes were taunting and her tone seductive, but Mama Yue had no intention of speaking to him at all.

Mama Yue said to Madam Su, "Jiejie, I'll go ahead and check on Mom to see whether she is awake or not."

"Go ahead," said Mama Yue as she walked away to look for her husband and children.

Madam Qu shouted, "Lili, you..."

She shut her mouth when she suddenly received a glare from her elder sister. Madam Qu could only see Yue Suli leave and no longer taunt her. Madam Su directly warned Qu Susu.

"Susu, stop acting vain in front of Xiao Li. Everyone knows that you used to envy their life before, but you don't have to act this way after their family has become poor, especially now that they are no longer..."

"No longer what?" asked Madam Qu.

Madam Su reminded her that even if she did not stop Qu Susu from acting in this way, Qu Susu's arrogance would undoubtedly be suppressed once Yue Xuexia arrived. Madam Su was informed about the richest member of the Yue family, who is above everyone in their family.

"Nothing. Enough is enough. Don't forget what kind of day it is today."

"I know... I will stop for now."
