They were shocked to see their old high school friend, who they had not seen in years, suddenly become a millionaire and the proprietor of a five-star hotel, and they were relieved that Yue Xuexia is not the kind to show off her fortune.
Yue Xuexia said, "If you have any requests, as long as the hotel can do it, just tell Executive Manager Zhang about it."
"Xiaxia..." Chen Yiling called.
She hesitates when he calls Yue Xuexia by her pet name, which is how she used to address her friend in high school. Yue Xuexia turned to face her, just as she had in the past, but the innocence and immaturity of her friend's expression have long since vanished, replaced by a composed and refined manner that perfectly reflects her current fairy-like beauty.
Hu Yiran tried to lighten the mood on the table and asked, "Xiaxia, how are you now? Are you married as well? Or do you have a boyfriend?"
"None. I'm too busy with work to find a man. There are too many things to handle, and my free time is spent with my family. I have no time to waste." Yue Xuexia responded as if her men were just a waste of time.
The three were a little stunned. In high school, Yue Xuexia is the type to go at her own speed, but at least she would set aside a few hours to spend with them. Besides, one of their classmates was once her ex-boyfriend, Sui Lengya, who is still close to Xu Xingju.
When Yue Xuexia was in high school, she would always sleep in the corner of the classroom. No one bothered her because she had the kind of personality that does not lend itself to bullying. She was intelligent and had a strong presence when she was awake. Her weak health prevented her from participating in many physical events, but the school excused her from them.
Her grades are so good that she did not need to take extra credit in physical education classes; she is the only student in the class who did not have to attend PE. Instead, she volunteers her time to help teachers with exam checks, tutor younger students, and occasionally act as an invigilator for examinations in lower grades. She is very strict about following school rules, and most of her teachers like her.
Even though Hu Yiran and Chen Yiling are not as intelligent as she is—in fact, their intelligence is merely average and not among the best—Yue Xuexia did not mind making friends with them. Rather than basing her friendships on grades, she chooses friends based on her feelings for them; the other topnotchers were not close to her either because he clearly avoids bothersome situations. Yue Xuexia is only close to her friends; the other classmates are only familiar with her. Chen Yiling and Hu Yiran are not close to her.
There is a covert hierarchy among the students in the international school where they attended high school. They were divided into four groups: the devil-may-care group, which includes Hu Yiran, Chen Yiling, and Yue Xuexia; the popular and wealthy group, which includes Xu Xingju and Sui Lengya; and the intelligent group, which includes the bullied group.
Yue Xuexia is a top achiever, so why is she not in the first one? The answer is simple: she is lazy. She will finish her exams with a perfect score, but she never participates in academic events; instead, she would rather play with her friends or sleep in a quiet corner. As long as nobody gets in her way, she does not care about anything else.
Though Yue Xuexia had many friends in all the groups, she still spent more time with Chen Yiling and Hu Yiran. In addition, due to health issues, she avoided participating in physical activities like dancing and singing. The students in the rich and popular group are primarily intelligent and gregarious; Xu Xingju leads this group, which includes Sui Lengya because he plays basketball and is popular.
Prior to Hu Yiran becoming Xu Xingju's girlfriend, Yue Xuexia had no social interactions with any members of the second group; on occasion, Chen Yiling and Yue Xuexia would go out for lunch, grab some snacks, or visit shopping and movie theaters together.
Sui Lengya was the first to approach Yue Xuexia. Initially, she showed no interest, but after spending more time in a group, the two of them became closer, and eventually, Sui Lengya persuaded Yue Xuexia to become his girlfriend. At that point, Yue Xuexia agreed to it because Sui Lengya understood Yue Xuexia's personality, so he would stay beside her and spend time together whenever he saw her resting in the corner of the room. Their friends were supportive of the two's new relationship, but this tranquil scene did not last long because Sui Lengya was a popular group member who was highly regarded, especially by those in the lower grades.
Due to Yue Xuexia's health, she does not go to many events in high school but instead spends time with her boyfriend watching all of his matches. She also does not go to the night parties that Xu Xingju organizes because of her health; instead, Chen Yiling and Hu Yiran would go and report back to her the following morning.
Three months into their relationship, Sui Lengya—who is not used to not having changed in his life—made a mistake at one of the evening parties. He was so inebriated, and the celebration of the occasion made him more brave, and that night he forgot about Yue Xuexia. Their group enjoys drinking alcohol and playing games like spin the bottle and truth or dare, so it is normal for single men and women to flirt without any strings attached.
The young lady had to fulfill a dare to share a kiss with her crush, and it so happened that Sui Lengya was her crush. That night, Sui Lengya made a mistake, and in his drunken stupor, he did accept the dare of a lower-class female student who had a crush on him. The drunk Sui Lengya was too influenced by his drink and the ambience of the party and accepted his little admirer's request.
Though it was only supposed to be a cheek kiss, the brave girl went for a French kiss; Sui Lengya, longing to be swayed by wine, forgot all and simply performed the deed. At the party this evening, Chen Yiling happens to decline for some reason, and only Hu Yiran showed up as Xu Xingju's girlfriend to keep his admirers away from his man.
Since Yue Xuexia is her best friend, Hu Yiran was not expecting Sui Lengya to make this mistake. She was furious and quickly pulled away the little bitch that had attacked Sui Lengya, but what really infuriated her was that Sui Lengya had not avoided the girl or pushed her away—instead, he had even given her a hug.
Since her friend's health is a concern, Sui Lengya and Yue Xuexia's connection is platonic. Her boyfriend was aware of this, but it appears that he was dissatisfied with their existing relationship and took matters into his own hands by doing this.
Actually, the real reason Chen Yiling and Yue Xuexia did not show up for this party was that Sui Lengya's birthday was approaching, so they went to the mall to buy a gift, with Yue Xuexia usually picking it out and Chen Yiling helping her choose. Hu Yiran stayed at the party because they wanted her to keep an eye on Sui Lengya so that he would not look for Yue Xuexia and his gift would not be a surprise anymore. This is also the reason Sui Lengya is depressed tonight—because Yue Xuexia turned down his invitation to the party tonight and ended up drinking more.
Of course, it wasn't only Hu Yiran who was shocked about what happened. Xu Xingju and Sui Lengya himself were stunned. The latter only woke up when Hu Yiran slapped him awake.
Hu Yiran asked, "Do you know what you just did?!"
"I didn't do it on purpose. Yiran, please don't tell Xiaxia. I beg you!" Sui Lengya pleads.
"You are crazy! Fuck!"
Hu Yiran was terrified because she knew her friend would respond badly. Although Yue Xuexia appeared to be mild-mannered most of the time—a fact that her lover and most of the other students in the class agreed with—she was different because she understood how frightening Yue Xuexia's fury could be.
Xu Xingju said, "Babe, this is an accident. Leng drank too much tonight. Just... let's pretend this never happened."
When Hu Yiran discovered the true reason why Yue Xuexia and Chen Yiling had not attended the party tonight, she became even more enraged with the modest Xu Xingju for trying to persuade his girl to ignore the disaster.
The other male friends of Xu Xingju and Sui Lengya also tried to convince her.
"It's not on purpose. Lengya drank too much tonight!"
"Moreover, it's just a game. It's nothing serious."
"Nothing serious! Are you guys insane!?" Bellowed Hu Yiran as she glared at her man as if thinking of something. "Don't tell me something like this happened to you as well, and you guys helped to hide it from me!?"
Most of the boys shut up, but Xu Xingju approached his girl and said, "It's not that serious. At least I won't kiss any other girls even if I am drunk."
Ring. Ring. Ring.
The phone that was ringing was Hu Yiran's phone, and she saw it was Yue Xuexia calling. She answered it as usual and accidentally pressed the loudspeaker.
[Um. Are you still at the party? Can you help me ask your boyfriend what Leng likes? We've been looking all afternoon for his gift, but I can choose anything that he might like. [Maybe Xu will know Something.]
One thing that surprised everyone when they heard this was Sui Lengya's pale and terrible expression. It is hard to find a beautiful girl with brains for a girlfriend. Yue Xuexia's only drawback is that she avoids anything too intimate because her body is fragile and her health is not the best. Other than that, nothing is a problem because she is devoted and affectionate.
Xu Xingju coughed and said, "Yue, are you still there? Leng likes caps. You can choose any design that he might like."
[Is that so? Thank you, Xu. Yiran, be careful on your way home. Don't drink too much. Please look after Leng for me too. Don't let him drink too much. [See you guys tomorrow.]
Everyone turned to look at Sui Lengya when they saw the call end, and his pale face gave him the impression that Yue Xuexia was growing bored with him and that is why she did not want to go out with him tonight, not to mention that she would not let him send her home and was being secretive about something. Now that he knew why, he felt like a scumbag.
Hu Yiran looked at Sui Lengya and said, "In reality, almost everyone knows you don't deserve her, even Chen Yiling, and I thought so too. I mean, what do you have? You are popular and know sports, but your level of intelligence is below average, the same as mine. You always told me I don't fit Xingju most of the time. But Xu Xingju loves me for who I am, and that's why you accepted me. Have you ever wondered why Ling'er and I treat you as a friend? This is because Xiaxia chose you. But what have you done? At least I am loyal to Xu Xingju. What about you? Can't you control yourself? How embarrassing."
The more these words from Hu Yiran struck Sui Lengya, the more depressed he became. Sui Lengya's little admirer shielded him and scowled at Hu Yiran. Most of them are seniors who are graduating. This little admirer of Sui Lengya is a sophomore, a grade below theirs, and well-known in her grade, so his confidence is also very high.
The little admirer's name is Cui Ruru. "Please don't blame Senior Sui. It's my fault. I shouldn't have done that dare!"
"Hah! Shouldn't have? Isn't that your plan from the start? Don't think I am a blind little slut," Hu Yiran whispered as she saw this little girl flirting with the senior, who is also one of the hosts of this party. She obviously asked for his help by acting coquettish.