At the Twin Chevalier Building Two.
After Gou Yuki and Zhen Rian had introduced themselves to Yue Ruxia and Su Rukia, the latter also did the same thing. This is actually the first time Yue Ruxia has met these two people. After all, like her elder sister, these two are already working adults.
"I'm Yue Ruxia, and this is my niece, Su Rukia. We will be in your care!"
Gou Yuki and Zhen Rian were already informed that the infamous Miss Yue's youngest sister will be someone whom they would meet today. So, it was no surprise that they were seeing Yue Ruxia with them. They were already told by their parents that they will have to not only guide but also protect the ladies in the group during hiking.
Gou Yuki said, "Don't worry. Hiking might be hard for the first time, but we can take our time."