181: Hiking (2)

As the group rested on their way up to the mountain, the girls started to have a short conversation. Chen Senya and Su Rukia were out of breath, and they were the only ones in the group.

As for Yue Rukia and Gou Yura, they were as calm as the other two men in the group. They could understand in the case of Gou Yura, who is a well-known sports enthusiast.

Chen Senya said, "Since when has your stamina been boosted to this extent? It doesn't seem like you got affected by our hiking, and your breathing is neutral as if you haven't walked before. Did you start exercising, Ruru?"

"Hm~, my elder sister dragged me for training, and my body has changed a lot since then," said Yue Ruxia.

Gou Yuki said, "Your sister did well. A good body foundation will save you in case of an emergency."

"Indeed, so wifey. You should at least join me in my morning jogging," said Zhen Rian.