John is kidnapped!

Funny how life can turn out sometimes. John smiled ruefully as he struggled to get up. If anyone had told him last week, that this kind of thing could happen to him the following week, he wouldn't have believed. But now look who's been forced to believe. This was reality! He had lost his girlfriend, and his job on the same day. And his house. He realized with a jolt.

Wait a minute, where did he even think he was going before? For some moment, he had forgotten he had nowhere to go and nowhere to stay any longer. He had no family, no friends, no nothing at all. Well, if he had some time ago, he couldn't remember anymore. It's not like he even had a memory of who he was five years ago.

The only person he'd ever gotten close to for the past five years was Ashley and then Mrs. Nora. Yes! Mrs. Nora. She was his lifesaver, always rendering him help from time to time. Probably, she would be able to help now.

He walked down the street, past his house---- former house, to put it correctly. Then he was standing in front of Mrs. Nora's house. He prayed fervently that Ashley wouldn't see him. He wasn't ready to see her face just yet. 

He knocked on the door and waited for a few minutes, but no one answered. "Hello? Is anyone in?" He banged on the door again. "Mrs Nora? Are you in there?" He banged again and the door creaked open slowly under the pressure of his hand.

"Huh? She didn't lock the door?" He said to no one but himself. He was met with an unsightly sight when he finally entered. Everywhere was scattered, there was broken glass on the floor and he had to tread carefully. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling. He suddenly felt nauseous. And there was this thick smell of spoilt food and the like that was threatening to override his senses.

Does that mean Mrs. Nora had left this place long since? He had been so busy with work that he hadn't even noticed. Shit! What would he do now?

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" A voice sounded from the front door. It was a man's voice. 

"Shit!" He swore as he made his way to the backdoor. He could be arrested for burglary when he was in fact innocent. He stumbled over a table and fell to the ground. "Not this time!" He groaned. The front door opened and he could hear footsteps approaching. He quickly stood up.

That was when he saw it. A little paper lying on the floor. He hurriedly picked it up, shoved it into his pocket, and went out of the house. Finally, he could breathe well now! He thought as he walked down the street.

The sun shone brightly above, with an intensity that was almost blinding. He walked down and down the street, without knowing where he was heading to. He just walked. The heat scorched the street and he could feel perspiration revering down his back. His throat was dry and that was when he remembered that he hadn't eaten anything since today.

He dipped his hand into his pocket to check if he had some cash. He breathed in relief and brought the money out. Only that it wasn't money, he realized as he sighed angrily. It was the paper he had found at Mrs Nora's house. 

He squeezed it and was about to throw it away when he noticed it had some writing on it. He read it out loud, "Do you want to find out more about the $ 100, 000, 000 in your account?"

What!? How did anyone know about that? And how did they know he would go to Mrs. Nora's place? He brought out his phone and checked his bank account balance. The money was still there. What!? Does that mean it belonged to him?? He thought in horror. So, how would he find out? What was he supposed to do? 

He checked the paper again and saw some kind of address on it. "Moon field alley?" He knew the place. It was on the outskirts of the town. What if it was a trap? He thought as he walked down the street. Even if it was, he was ready to take that risk. Surely, one thing must kill a man. And besides, he was going to die either way. He didn't have food or shelter, so one way or the other, he was going to die sooner or later.

The sun had gone down and his legs were becoming very weak. His hunger was getting the best of him. Should he just kill himself? He shook his head to get the thought out of his mind. No! He wasn't ready to die now. One way or the other, he would try to survive this. He would make Ashley regret cheating on him! The sudden surge of determination had him quickening his footsteps.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him but when he turned to check, he saw no one. The street was quiet and dark now. And fear crept onto his mind slowly. What if it was really a trap? He scanned the street, but he saw no one. He heard the footsteps again and he was sure someone was following him. He quickened his steps and began running. 

He heard the screeching sound of a car's tires, then saw the shadow of a burly man approach him. He tried to run but it was as if his feet were glued to a spot.

He felt his heart beat faster as the man reached him. He balled his hand into a fist and swung it at the man's face. Only that it didn't touch the man's face. His hand was twisted roughly to the back and he shrieked in pain.

"Help!" He screamed in the dark, but no response came.

"Please don't kill me!" He screamed. "Plea-----"

He felt something heavy and cold slam against one side of his head and the world seemed to stand still and then it went blank. Hazily, he glimpsed a familiar face. His head reeled as he tried to put a name to the face. Mrs. Nora??

He screamed but no sound came from his neck. Had she instigated his kidnap? Why would she do it??? That was the last thing that crossed his mind before everything became dead silent----- and he was subjected to utter darkness.