John has an evil brother?

The man nodded and John released his hold on him.

What exactly was Tyler wood's agenda? Firstly, it was him pretending not to recognize him, now he even sent a professional private investigator to stalk him. What was he hoping to achieve? Does he suspect him of something or what?

He brought out his phone and dialed Jackson's number. "Jack, we have to go somewhere!"

Few minutes later, Jackson drove down in a sleek black car and he explained that Isaac had sent it as a compensation of the other one.

"I need information on a particular man. Tyler Wood, that's his name." He informed Jackson as soon as he entered the car.

Jackson didn't speak for moment, then as if he suddenly remembered, he tilted one side of his lips. "The son of a bitch is the CEO of Cobra tech company. He once hired me to do some dirty Jobs for him some years back which I declined. He has a reputation of being a womanizer." He finished.

So Ashley ended up.with a womanizer, huh? He thought dryly. Good for her.

He explained everything that had happened to Jackson and why he needed to see Tyler. "Do you have his address info. I need to hunt the bastard down!"

Moments later, they were driving into the driveway of a luxurious villa. Jackson picked the lock of the gate and they went in and past the security men who were fast asleep. One of them raised his head as they passed and John signalled to Jackson to deal with him.

Hinges popped and the door burst open. There he was, Tyler Wood, naked and banging a redhead who obviously was a whore. 

John wrinkled his nose and stared at him with disgust. The bastard was even cheating on Ashley. Well, that served her right.

"How dare you barge in!?" He quickly got dressed and sent the prostitute out. "Guards!" He yelled, but got no response.

"Shhhh!" Jackson said as he walked towards him. "You can reserve your voice till I start torturing you!" He said coldly and Tyler shuddered in fear.

"Those guys?" He motioned towards the door. "They're probably dead by now. I made sure to tuck them in properly."

"John O'Connor. Why are you doing this!?" He demanded, losing his cool.

"This?" John scoffed. "I'll make you regret ever hiring someone to stalk me. Jack, deal with this piece of shit!" He ordered.

"Please, no!" Tyler went down to his knees with a loud thud. "I hired him because I suspected you and Ashley were having a affair. I heard that you're her ex-boyfriend. And she has been acting all strange for a while now, so I wanted to be sure she wasn't cheating on me. Please, forgive me!"

John was momentarily taking aback. Does that mean they've been dating for so long? That means Ashley had also been dating Tyler even when they were still dating. Wow! And she was cheating on Tyler too. Or did she hire the big guy that she was with the other day? Well, he couldn't care less now.

He brushed it aside and stooped low to his level. "So you, a womanizer are keeping checks on your woman, why!?"

Tyler opened his mouth to say something, but he cut him short with a wave of his hand. "So why did you pretend not to recognize me?"

Panic settled in Tyler's eyes. What does he mean? Has he regained his memory? Fear gripped him at the very thought of that. He studied John closely and changed his mind. He couldn't possibly have recovered his lost memory.

He cleared his throat. "I'm so sorry. I wanted to give you some space to adjust back to work life, before I told you. I'm so sorry. I was stupid, I should've done that sooner."

John forgave him and they hugged each other. Tyler explained how they were both colleagues at Syphon. He also told him that they'd been very close and that when he heard that he was dead, that it took a toll on him.

He took a breath of fresh as he stepped into the porch of his apartment, after his unexpectedly long day. As he entered, he couldn't fail to notice how disorganized his living room was. Someone had come here. He could still smell their scent, which meant that they were probably still in there.

His gaze flew to his bedroom and he started in the direction until he felt a slight pull. "Shh!" Jackson stood in front of him, whispering. "If you go in like that, you might alert the intruder."

Jackson walked stealthily towards the room with John following closely behind him in the same manner. Jackson suddenly jerked the door open and alas! The room was empty.

"The bastard just got out! Hmmmph!" Jackson groaned as he pointed at the window which was slightly open. He bolted out the door in pursuit of the intruder, but he soon returned.

"The bastard must be smart, boss!" He told John. "What the hell did he even come to steal!?"

That was when John remembered that his old briefcase was nowhere to be found. The bastard had stolen it. Who was this person that had been going in and out of his house? What was their agenda and what were they after?

"He stole the old briefcase." He informed Jackson and the latter suddenly smiled.

"He thinks he's smart but I'm smarter. I suspected this kind of thing would happen, so I put a tracker on the briefcase.

Soon, they were driving down a sloppy road. As they went further, the road became familiar , leaving John to wonder who the thief could really be. Jackson suddenly halted the car. 

"Here we are!" He announced and John frowned in confusion.

What the hell was going on? This was his former house. Well, Ashley's house now. Does that mean that Ashley had stolen the briefcase?

With anger boiling in him, he barged into the house. Ashley was sitting in the sofa, watching the local news.

"John?" She was so surprised to see him.

"What? You're still pretending? Cut the act, you sly fox!" John barked and Ashley frowned in confusion.

His phone buzzed his pocket at that moment. It was a message and it read it, "Quit trying to find me. You would never succeed! Good luck wasting your time, though!"

John groaned in frustration. He had come so close to beating Ashley up. "I'm sorry for barging in." He managed to say as he went out.

"Here, boss!" Jackson held out the briefcase to him. Only that it was empty. Apparently, the thief had kept it in Ashley's house to divert their attention to the wrong direction.

He took the briefcase from him and searched the bag properly, scrutinizing every nook and cranny of it. He found a piece of paper in one little compartment of the bag. He recognized it as a part of the diary.

Some words were scribbled on it. He read it out loud. "Dec 12th, 2018. Turns out my step brother is a monstrous beast. He's my worst nemesis and I should've figured it out sooner, but it's too late now!"

He shuddered in horror as he finished reading it. 

What!? He had a brother? A deadly one at that?