Anyone who seeks my wrath shall find it!

John burst out laughing. This sergeant really had a dry sense of humour. "Please cut the joke and uncuff me." He told the policeman amidst laughter.

The policeman frowned in puzzlement. "Joke? The only person joking here is you, Mr John O'Connor. Mr Isaac, the CEO of Eon Innovations was killed an hour ago and your fingerprint was found on the crime scene."

"Also, the CCTV footage from the crime scene further confirmed that you committed the murder. Once again, you have a right to remain silent." He nudged John forward.

John felt like he was dreaming. How could Mr Isaac be dead? Who killed him? And why is this person trying to frame him? Was it his stepbrother again? Different thoughts jumbled up in his mind. He was so confused and clueless.

Suddenly his phone beeped, jolting him out of his straying thoughts. "Let me at least check the message." He told the policeman.