A wife and a son?

"Do something John!" Mrs Nora hollered in panic.

What if they all died in here? Different thoughts competed for attention in John's head. What could he do? 

"Let's break the door open!" The president said authoritatively as he started towards the door.

For some reasons, John knew that wasn't going to work. The door will never open. He had to somehow diffuse the bomb and get to Eon Innovation before they razed it down. Panic surged through him as he thought of what he could do.

Summoning his courage, he walked to the far end of the room where the time bomb was beeping as it counted down. He noticed it had three different colour cable attached to it; blue, red and green. 

He knew he had to cut one of them to diffuse the bomb. How should he go about it? What if he cuts the one that would immediately blow up the entire place.

"Goggle!" He yelled as he suddenly remembered.

"Let's search it on goggle! Bring out your phones right now!"