Chapter 34

This little incident didn't bother Zuo Mingran at all. It was just as she had guessed before - the little girl was still up to mischief, trying hard to create a big news story for her and make her life a little less happy.


The instigator of all this sat right in front of her, and Zuo Mingran, having nothing better to do, propped her chin on her hand and stared at him intently.


Yan Yunyang seemed completely oblivious to her gaze. He found a financial magazine from somewhere and casually flipped through it, as if what had just happened had nothing to do with him.


If this man didn't become a businessman, with this face and this attitude, he could easily be a top-tier actor.


The space in the car was not large, with the two of them sitting face to face. Shixia Xia Minruo, who was sitting beside them, keenly sensed a strange atmosphere and raised her head in confusion, asking, "What's wrong?"


Zuo Mingran: "Nothing."


Yan Yunyang: "Nothing."


Shixia Xia Minruo: "..."


Alright, single dogs have no rights, after all.


In the hotel's conference room, Fan Zhenzhen sat angrily in her chair. Just as Zhou Tong finished speaking, she heard the sound of her forcefully slapping the table.


The dull sound made Zhou Tong cringe for a moment. If she remembered correctly, the hotel owner valued appearances, and the table in this conference room was made of top-quality pearwood. Leaving aside everything else, the quality was definitely good. A normal person slapping it like that would at least hurt their hand for a while.


Zhou Tong thought to herself, she didn't expect this Miss Fan to look delicate, but she had quite a bit of strength in her hands.


Tian Min walked in from the door. When Fan Zhenzhen called someone to invite Yan Yunyang, she was also present. Seeing her angry appearance, she immediately understood what had happened.


She quickly walked up to Fan Zhenzhen and spoke gently, "My good daughter, what's wrong? Today is your birthday, not worth getting angry over."


"Mom!" Fan Zhenzhen grumbled unhappily, "I shouldn't have invited Zuo Mingran. Isn't she supposed to be filming on set? How does she have time..."


"Stop saying that." Tian Min comforted her by patting her shoulder. "She's just an insignificant person. You still have to dance the first dance later. Have you decided who to invite as your dance partner?"


Fan Zhenzhen didn't dare to admit that she hadn't found anyone else and was planning to invite Yan Yunyang. She vaguely changed the topic.


Hotels have always been a place where all sorts of strange things can happen, and the incidents that occur are varied and bizarre.


As an employee here, Zhou Tong understood the logic that the more you know, the faster you die. She should have taken the opportunity to leave when Tian Min entered, but when she heard Fan Zhenzhen mention Zuo Mingran, she was rooted to the spot and listened to their conversation.


After working in the industry for a long time, she could deduce multiple meanings from a single sentence. Quietly, Zhou Tong exited the conference room, feeling a cold sweat in her palms.


She hadn't heard much from the conversation just now, but from those few words, she could roughly guess the twists and turns of the situation.


Noble family disputes are full of rumors and controversies. In the past, Zhou Tong would definitely have avoided such situations, but when it involved Zuo Mingran, things became different.


Out of habit, Zhou Tong instinctively took out her phone to share the information she knew with her friends in the fan group. However, halfway through typing, she thought for a moment and deleted everything.


Some things are not meant to be known by more people, especially private matters. Instead of spreading it around, it was better for her to take care of it later.


With that in mind, Zhou Tong put away her phone and expressionlessly glanced at the closed conference room door before turning around and leaving briskly.


The flashlights on the red carpet were shining particularly bright, almost blinding Zuo Mingran's eyes.


Yan Yunyang, not being from the entertainment industry and having his status, left an air of mystery around him. It was rare for him to be invited to such an event, and not only did he not take the private entrance, but he also accompanied Zuo Mingran on the red carpet.


The reporters who were pleasantly surprised went crazy snapping photos, already envisioning the contents of the press release they would send out later.


Strictly speaking, this was their first official public appearance after their marriage.


The red carpet wasn't very long, and Zuo Mingran intimately linked her arm with Yan Yunyang's. When she saw Fan Zhenzhen waiting at the autograph wall, she almost couldn't contain her smile.


"Why is she still here?"


According to the order, as the protagonist, Fan Zhenzhen should naturally be the first one, and Zuo Mingran's position wasn't towards the end, but rather the third spot.


However, even so, Fan Zhenzhen should have already entered the banquet hall instead of waiting here.


Zuo Mingran was quite self-aware and knew that she wasn't the rabbit Fan Zhenzhen was waiting for. She gently pinched Yan Yunyang's arm and whispered, "Can you handle this on your own?"

At this moment, Yan Yunyang surprisingly still had the mood to joke. He stretched out his hand, palm facing up, playfully looking at Zuo Mingran and said, "Perhaps I need the help of my wife."


Zuo Mingran: "..."


She resignedly placed her hand in his, and in an instant, the sound of shutters went crazy. The lenses of the media captured the intertwined fingers of the two, and even their eyes locked with overflowing affection.


What was this?


This was a fairy-tale love!


Everyone present was forcefully fed a spoonful of dog food, except for Fan Zhenzhen. She looked at their tightly clasped hands, her eyes almost shooting out knives, desiring to ruthlessly split them apart.


When three people stood on the same stage, one of them would inevitably stand in the middle. With Yan Yunyang holding Zuo Mingran's hand, they created a little drama with themselves centered.


Okay, with this kind of footwork, he would not be wasting his talent in gaming.


Fortunately, they didn't stay long at the signing wall, but when they were leaving, they had to descend some stairs. Zuo Mingran was supported by Yan Yunyang, holding up her skirt, and couldn't help but whisper, "I will be angry with whoever makes me wear such high heels next time."


As soon as she finished speaking, a cry of astonishment came from behind, followed by a dizzying sensation. Before Zuo Mingran could react to what had happened, she found herself lifted off the ground, and her entire body was embraced by Yan Yunyang.


Zuo Mingran: "???"


Media: "!!!"


Major news!


Zuo Mingran: "What's going on?"


She struggled to turn her head to look back, and saw Fan Zhenzhen, who was wearing a long trailing dress, sitting on the ground. The nearby staff quickly rushed over, blocking the media's cameras while trying to help her up.


No way, did she really go to such lengths?


Zuo Mingran was shocked. Fan Zhenzhen deliberately let them go ahead earlier, and she thought that this person had finally learned to be humble, but she didn't expect that she had a hidden card prepared for her.


With one person falling in front and Fan Zhenzhen falling right behind her, in terms of distance, it was just enough to "accidentally" press down on her dress. In addition, she was wearing off-shoulder attire today, so there was a possibility of a wardrobe malfunction. With so many reporters present, it wouldn't take long for her to become the real-time hot topic.

Zuo Mingran wanted to see more, but Yan Yunyang directly carried her down the stairs, disappearing from everyone's sight in a few steps.


Fan Zhenzhen, who had been helped up by the staff, stared in the direction they had left for a while. She then turned around with a slightly embarrassed smile and said to the media, "The high heels were too high. Next time, I'll wear sneakers on the red carpet."


Her playful remark elicited laughter from the crowd. Just as the next person walked onto the red carpet, this small incident was quickly forgotten.


The banquet hall blocked out the noise from outside. Zuo Mingran jumped down from Yan Yunyang's arms and steadied herself by holding onto his arm. When she turned around and saw that Fan Zhenzhen hadn't followed, she casually said, "Actually, you just didn't want to help her, right?"


From what had happened just now, Yan Yunyang could have used another method to help Fan Zhenzhen avoid the fall. There was no need for him to go through the trouble of carrying her directly. The only reason he chose to do so was because both his hands were occupied and he couldn't do anything else, such as helping the lady who had accidentally fallen.


Yan Yunyang remained silent. The situation had happened suddenly, and even he hadn't expected Fan Zhenzhen to do that. If he hadn't been slightly more attentive, Zuo Mingran could have been injured because of him.


He lowered his eyes and his gaze lingered on Zuo Mingran's face for a moment. "I'm sorry. There won't be a next time."


Zuo Mingran was in the midst of adjusting her wrinkled skirt when she suddenly heard his words. She immediately raised her head and said, "No, it's not your fault. You don't have to..."


The rest of her sentence got stuck in her throat as Yan Yunyang reached out his hand, palms touching each other. The warmth from their hands transferred to each other through their palms. Zuo Mingran stammered, "Wha... What's happening?"


Having just come in from outside, neither of their hands could be described as warm. However, when they held hands, apart from the initial coldness, it was quickly replaced by warmth.


"Stay with me later and don't wander off," Yan Yunyang said in a barely noticeable blush.


Zuo Mingran's face turned slightly red. She coughed and tried to pull her hand away, but she didn't completely free herself from his grasp. Annoyed, she said, "I'm not a three-year-old child."


There were already quite a few people in the banquet hall, and their entrance had attracted many gazes. People who wanted to establish a relationship with Yan Group's only heir were eager to approach them. However, upon seeing the interaction between the two of them, they all instinctively stopped in their tracks.


Forget it, the spotlight above their heads was already bright enough.


Compared to award ceremonies and the like, birthday banquets were much simpler. After Fan Zhenzhen changed her clothes and came downstairs, she couldn't find Yan Yunyang anywhere when it was time to dance. Even Zuo Mingran had disappeared without a trace.


Everyone was still waiting, but Fan Zhenzhen had no choice but to randomly point to a friend she had a good relationship with to dance with.

The number of people attending the banquet was considerable, and due to the nature of the social circles, they were almost divided into two distinct groups.


On one side were the business partners associated with the Fan family, while on the other side were the celebrities from the entertainment industry. Zuo Mingran and Yan Yunyang were pulled apart by different people from each side and quickly lost sight of each other.


Outside the hotel was a garden, and in the chilling November air, only bare branches remained. The female celebrities present were wearing short dresses that might not be considered warm, even though it was clear that even Zuo Mingran had tried to hide several warm patches under her skirt. The banquet hall, although spacious, was slightly stuffy despite the heating being turned on.


Zuo Mingran managed to break free from the crowd and stood near the terrace window to get some fresh air. In order to look good for the camera, she hadn't eaten much since waking up in the morning, and although she had a light meal in the afternoon after getting her hair done, she was now starving.


Although it was called a dinner banquet, there wasn't much food to be had. Everyone was holding their glasses, mingling and networking, increasing their social connections and influence.


With her dress lacking convenient pockets, Zuo Mingran had left her phone and other belongings with Angel, so she sat idle and bored for a while, planning to find Yan Yunyang. However, an unfriendly voice called out to her from behind, stopping her in her tracks.


It had been a while since Fan Zhenzhen had seen Zuo Mingran since their previous encounter.


She didn't want to ruin her own birthday banquet by feeling uncomfortable, and originally only planned to invite Yan Yunyang alone. However, she didn't know what her father had said to Yan Yunyang, and it ended up with both of them being invited as a couple.


It was said that a rival would be envious upon seeing each other, although in this case, it was only Fan Zhenzhen's one-sided wishful thinking. But now that Zuo Mingran was right in front of her, she couldn't just push her away.


"Miss Fan," Zuo Mingran raised her glass, smiling as she offered her birthday wishes, "Happy birthday."


With no one else around, and having recently suffered a setback, Fan Zhenzhen no longer felt the need to hide her emotions. She scrutinized Zuo Mingran critically, "I heard you're an orphan?"


As an experienced gamer and a devoted fan, Zuo Mingran almost thought that Fan Zhenzhen was about to confront her right then and there.


"Not exactly," Zuo Mingran smiled, "Although my parents have passed away, they were with me for over ten years of my life."


As a popular actress, Zuo Mingran's background was not difficult to investigate. Her parents died in a car accident when she was seventeen, and despite her many years in the industry, there was little information available about her other relatives. However, as the Zuo Mingran of her previous life, her parents were still alive. Even though she had now changed her identity, it was still a little uncomfortable to hear someone say otherwise.

The number of people attending the banquet was considerable, and due to the nature of the social circles, they were almost divided into two distinct groups.


On one side were the business partners associated with the Fan family, while on the other side were the celebrities from the entertainment industry. Zuo Mingran and Yan Yunyang were pulled apart by different people from each side and quickly lost sight of each other.


Outside the hotel was a garden, and in the chilling November air, only bare branches remained. The female celebrities present were wearing short dresses that might not be considered warm, even though it was clear that even Zuo Mingran had tried to hide several warm patches under her skirt. The banquet hall, although spacious, was slightly stuffy despite the heating being turned on.


Zuo Mingran managed to break free from the crowd and stood near the terrace window to get some fresh air. In order to look good for the camera, she hadn't eaten much since waking up in the morning, and although she had a light meal in the afternoon after getting her hair done, she was now starving.


Although it was called a dinner banquet, there wasn't much food to be had. Everyone was holding their glasses, mingling and networking, increasing their social connections and influence.


With her dress lacking convenient pockets, Zuo Mingran had left her phone and other belongings with Angel, so she sat idle and bored for a while, planning to find Yan Yunyang. However, an unfriendly voice called out to her from behind, stopping her in her tracks.


It had been a while since Fan Zhenzhen had seen Zuo Mingran since their previous encounter.


She didn't want to ruin her own birthday banquet by feeling uncomfortable, and originally only planned to invite Yan Yunyang alone. However, she didn't know what her father had said to Yan Yunyang, and it ended up with both of them being invited as a couple.


It was said that a rival would be envious upon seeing each other, although in this case, it was only Fan Zhenzhen's one-sided wishful thinking. But now that Zuo Mingran was right in front of her, she couldn't just push her away.


"Miss Fan," Zuo Mingran raised her glass, smiling as she offered her birthday wishes, "Happy birthday."


With no one else around, and having recently suffered a setback, Fan Zhenzhen no longer felt the need to hide her emotions. She scrutinized Zuo Mingran critically, "I heard you're an orphan?"


As an experienced gamer and a devoted fan, Zuo Mingran almost thought that Fan Zhenzhen was about to confront her right then and there.


"Not exactly," Zuo Mingran smiled, "Although my parents have passed away, they were with me for over ten years of my life."


As a popular actress, Zuo Mingran's background was not difficult to investigate. Her parents died in a car accident when she was seventeen, and despite her many years in the industry, there was little information available about her other relatives. However, as the Zuo Mingran of her previous life, her parents were still alive. Even though she had now changed her identity, it was still a little uncomfortable to hear someone say otherwise.

Fan Zhenzhen rolled her eyes indifferently; she didn't care about when Zuo Mingran's parents had passed away. She didn't come here to have a casual conversation with Zuo Mingran.


She casually brushed her hair behind her ear, revealing the sapphire bracelet on her wrist. She spoke in a coquettish tone, "Is that so? Then, you must not be able to help Yunyang brother with anything, right?"


The overhead chandelier reflected off the bracelet, and Zuo Mingran subconsciously felt a sense of familiarity. She had quite a collection of accessories, and she couldn't recall it immediately.


She smiled and said, "He... Yunyang always tells me not to worry, as long as I am well, I am his strongest support."


This line was a script's dialogue. Back when they were filming this scene, it had taken multiple takes as Zuo Mingran was repulsed by her own words. But clearly, Fan Zhenzhen fell for it, and her face visibly darkened.


"If you are so clueless, then I'll be straightforward. Someone like Yunyang brother is not someone anyone can match. He will eventually take over the Yan Corporation. A flower vase like you, who wants for nothing, should recognize your identity early, so as not to become a laughingstock in the future."


Fan Zhenzhen flicked her hand, trying to act dominant despite being slightly shorter. It ended up looking quite comical.


Zuo Mingran was startled by Fan Zhenzhen calling him "Yunyang brother." It was a term she had only seen or heard in novels and TV dramas. It was not something everyone could handle.


"Is that all you wanted to say?" Zuo Mingran looked at her calmly and, after she finished speaking, casually replied, "As for my identity, Miss Fan doesn't need to remind me. But have you recognized your own identity?"


She sighed, raised her left hand, and ran her fingers through her hair. The size of the nameless ring on her ring finger was as big as a pigeon egg. Zuo Mingran usually didn't wear this ring as it was cumbersome, but she happened to see it when she was leaving today and decided to wear it, not expecting it to come in handy here.


Unintentional flaunting was the most piercing, especially in comparison to the sapphire bracelet on Fan Zhenzhen's wrist. Fan Zhenzhen almost bit her lip in frustration.


Zuo Mingran observed her expression and smiled sweetly. It was as piercing as a sharpened nail. "Speaking of which, when Yunyang and I got together, he confessed to me, proposed to me, and personally placed this wedding ring on my finger. We are legally married, and my identity is naturally his lawful wife."


Zuo Mingran's sweet smile fell into Fan Zhenzhen's eyes, leaving her feeling like she had been struck by a heated nail. "Don't get too cocky. Uncle Yan will..."


"As for you, Miss Fan," Zuo Mingran interrupted her, her expression suddenly sharpening. "I've heard a few things about you from others, unlike Miss Fan's understanding of me."

Fan Zhenzhen took a deep breath and said coldly, "Zuo Mingran, I warn you not to push your luck."


I warn you not to toast without drinking and suffer the consequences."

With so many people in the banquet hall, Fan Zhenzhen may be willing to go crazy, but Zuo Mingran is not willing to risk losing this person by accompanying her.

Slightly lifting her chin, Zuo Mingran crossed her arms and said calmly, "Since Miss Fan is so confident, why waste our breath arguing here? Are you waiting for me to create a chance for you two?"

It is said that when fighting a snake, one should attack its weak point. The same goes for dealing with people. Fan Zhenzhen must have not gained any benefits from Yan Yunyang, so everything she's doing now is just empty threats. Zuo Mingran's words were undoubtedly telling her that no matter how she causes trouble, Yan Yunyang will always stand by her side, and Fan Zhenzhen is just a clown, incapable of causing any harm to her.

Sure enough, after hearing her words, Fan Zhenzhen's face darkened completely. She stared at Zuo Mingran firmly and said firmly, "Fine, just you wait."

Zuo Mingran shrugged indifferently, "I'll look forward to it."

Fan Zhenzhen left, and Zuo Mingran sighed silently, silently recording a debt of peach blossoms for Yan Yunyang in her heart.