

Image Description: Dove, Nosferatu Enforcer

The Nosferatu glares down at you, but the Prince, seated beside her, only laughs, his tone warm and friendly.

"Dove has little interest in the creatures of the night. Her dark gifts maintain this Elysium," he says, "but she is most useful for what she knows. And right now she wants to know what those USBs hold. I imagine you do, too."

You've yanked her around enough, so you set the USBs on Prince Lettow's table.

"Thank you, Cvjo," he says.

Lettow's laptop is an old Asus, probably intended to read information once before it's destroyed.

When the Prince inserts the USB, a folder appears with a video and a few .txt files.

"Feel free to watch, Cvjo," Lettow says. He checks his Vacheron Constantin. It's 1:49 a.m. Then he looks east. He stares for a long time, as if with longing, then shakes his head. "I don't think this interests you directly, but I try not to keep secrets here in Tucson."

A warm, friendly smile, and eyes that watch you like a…where did that bird go?

The video opens awkwardly, with a hand holding a webcam. You see a man's face, and then you see the ritual chamber.
