The pickup is the newest vehicle on the lot in your price range, though that isn't saying much. It's ugly on the outside, rust-stained and salt-streaked. Did someone drive this thing down from Manitoba? It's not particularly fast, and even though it's fairly new, you know it's going to turn like a '53 Mercury. But all that post-2000 passenger safety know-how counts for something: pound for pound, the Frontier is as tough as the little BMW—and the Frontier has a lot more pounds. If you find yourself rolling into a gunfight, across broken rocks, or back in time to fight Vlad the Impaler's heavy infantry, this is the vehicle for you. And it's black.
You take the Nissan around the parking lot, then around the block a few times with Elena riding shotgun and Yarrk in the roomy back seat. There's plenty of room in here; if you ever need to transport something bigger than a manila envelope, like a cursed sarcophagus, this Nissan is perfect. Still, the driving experience is viscerally unpleasant: it's floaty and slow, the visibility isn't as great as you were expecting, and you think something is wrong with the electrical, because it doesn't feel like the power steering works right. You're going to hate driving this thing. But it drives.
"$280," Elena says.
High-end Suit: $360