Researching Invidia Caul has been difficult even with Julian's interest in recruiting her. Invidia first popped up in a major New York chantry as the errand girl for a far more powerful member of Clan Tremere. When the Beckoning lured elders to the Middle East and the Second Inquisition destroyed the Tremere's most important chantry in Vienna, she grabbed as many resources as she could and fled into the desert. Like plenty of scholarly Kindred, Dr. Caul dreams of breeding animals with human-quality blood.
You're not sure if she's been successful, but you know that her facility, Kiowa Xenogenetics, has connections to biomedical firms all over the world. Too many connections, in fact—those connections don't exactly represent a breach of the Masquerade, but the whole situation is too close to daylight for Prince Lettow's liking. No wonder he's shutting her down. He'd probably wipe KXG off the map if he could.
She isn't going to like that. And vampires tend to shoot the messenger.