

The boy lets slip a quick whine before silencing himself. Tiva must have really done a number him for Lapu to show this much vulnerability.

You decide not to let his submission go to your head. If you know Lapu, he'll be back to his old overconfident self any minute now.

The restricted building is exactly where you thought it would be, sitting nestled deep in the embrace of a ferocious-looking barbed wire fence. You're momentarily disappointed that the building itself isn't actually black. Chalk one up for newly learned misnomers, you think to yourself.

Lapu darts forward, and you grab him by the scruff of his neck, pulling him back into the shadow of a nearby building.

"We need to be smart about this," you whisper, pointing out two human guards that Lapu missed in his enthusiasm. "If we get caught here, it's all over. A scolding from the elders will be the least of our worries."

How have your long years of learning prepared you for this moment?