

The ripe scent of too many wolves in too-tight quarters wafts up the stairwell leading from the roof to the meeting hall below along with the rise and fall of muted debate. Raised whispers clash like padded hammerblows as each wolf tries to be heard over the general din without shouting loudly enough to attract the attention of the pacification squads roaming outside.

Organizing is now seen as a criminal offense by the powers that be, and if this meeting is discovered, painful examples will be made to discourage potential repeat offenders.

You reach the bottom of the stairs, and your attention is immediately drawn to a long dinner table, atop which both Elder Ahote and Haken stand. They face the packed crowd of wolves around them as they implore the public and exchange jibes with each other. A soft murmur passes through the crowd as Haken jumps down to the floor, causing a group of smaller wolves to scatter or be crushed by his great weight.

"I stand here among our people, Ahote, not preaching from a platform, not looking down on the assembled wolves as though I know what's better for them. What do the humans care for peaceful protest? Have you forgotten what landed us in this glorified prison?" Haken spreads his arms wide in appeal as his eyes search the crowd for support. "Did the humans care for our protestations when they slaughtered our men, women, and children during the Purge? When they created the technology that tracked and corralled us in here like dogs? Even if we wanted to escape, they'd know the second we passed the wall! Slaves don't get to protest. They revolt!"

"How quickly you forget," barks Ahote in a gravelly voice disused to speaking publicly at length. "Where would we be without organization and protest?"

Haken stares murder at the old wolf.

"We live," Ahote says with a grand sweeping gesture taking in the entirety of the room, "because several groups of humans banded together with a singular purpose—protesting their government, their military, to put an end to the genocide of our species. We would do well to learn from their example, Haken."

The crowd explodes in clashing cries of cheers and boos, and you feel compelled to join the chorus.