

You stand in the mouth of the alley, transfixed by the wriggling forms of three soldiers dangling from a horizontal bar like a pendulum swing. The force of each man's struggles brings him to bear against his brothers, the squad in a state of perpetual motion. Hesitating for a moment, you look closer at the ground below the suspended humans, spying five more looped metal cords lying in wait of further victims.

Whoever set this trap wasn't taking any chances. Heavy chunks of rebar-lined concrete provide a counterweight, more than heavy enough to keep several adult-sized humans trapped until either the cord snaps or someone releases them.

Is this part of Ahote's plan? It doesn't seem like his style. It's been over a week since the elder's resistance efforts began, and you're on a scavenging mission. You didn't expect to encounter anything like this.

One of the soldiers spots you and cries out, more of a moan than words. "Help us! Please! My leg is broken and my head feels…there's so much pressure!"

You search the alley for any sign of the wolf who laid the trap, turning up nothing. Either the trap was set up to strike patrols at random, or someone has led the soldiers into it and left them here to die. Either way, the results will be the same if you don't intervene.

"Please! I feel like I'm going to pass out. I don't want to die like this!"