Chapter 43: Mission E (11)

It was dark; I floated in nothingness. I couldn't feel my body; I couldn't sense anything. Wherever I looked, there was only darkness, true darkness. Nothing. I'm not sure if my eyes were closed or open; I couldn't see anything. It was a strange sensation. I could move, but I wasn't sure if I was really moving. I wasn't breathing; it wasn't necessary. Very strange. I don't know where I am or what this place is. I'm sure I was sleeping a while ago. So, is this a dream? It's like those lucid dreams where you can do whatever you want, but my dream is weird; it's dark. I can't see my own body; I can't see anything. I was feeling a bit uneasy. This has never happened to me. Normally, my dreams are blank, meaning I don't have any specific dreams. But it doesn't feel like a dream either. Somehow, I move my consciousness forward, but everything is just dark. Looking in all directions, I can't find anything in particular. It was bothering me. I tried to wake up or whatever could get me out of this place, but nothing seemed to work. I felt a gaze. I felt small, insignificant, as if my existence was tiny, as if I were nothing more than garbage. The gaze came from above me.

Raising my head, I see a pair of eyes as large as an entire city; they shone like starlight. Vertical pupils with a black color as deep as true darkness surrounded by a variety of colors like auras. It was beautiful, magnificent, simply out of this world. Deep and dark colors painted its eyes, the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, but at the same time, the most terrifying. There was nothing else but its gaze in this place filled with darkness; they shone like two suns alone in the void of space, shining eternally for all eternity.


Opening my eyes, I sit up with my breath caught. I was sweating profusely; I felt it all over my body. I felt very tired, which was strange considering I was sleeping to rest. My soul was restless, as was my bloodline. I didn't know what was happening; I didn't know what those eyes I saw were, or what that place was. But what I did know is that it wasn't something I could just let pass. Considering it happened in my "dream," it could mean that it's part of my consciousness. After all, dreams are representations made based on your desires, whether consciously or unconsciously, but I don't think it was conscious. It could also be due to the interference of other unknown variables.

According to the system, a higher being is linked to me, and the place where it could be is in my soul. Considering that my bloodline is sealed, this could be its representation.

Bloodlines are a mystery that goes back thousands and thousands of years in the past. I have no information on this matter.

Recalling the deep voice from that time, maybe it belongs to this "dragon." So, as a rule, I have to reach the gold rank to know what's happening in my soul. Supposedly, the soul of all living beings is of a crystalline white color, so is my soul black? It's not that surprising. The main cast also has souls of other colors, but there was never a case where it's black. The reason is simple: only monsters are supposed to have a black soul. Corruption is represented with the color black; each color represents something, and black is not the prettiest.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I look at Elsa, who has been watching me with a confused expression. Well, I can't blame her; I literally woke up out of nowhere and then started thinking with a serious face, ignoring everything around me.

With an awkward smile, I ask, "And where's my share of food?"

Still with her doubtful eyes, she hands me a small plate with some grilled meat and a few vegetables. Thanking her, I take out the bottle from my ring and start drinking some water; my throat is dry.

Eating my meal, I observe how much experience Elsa gained since our last encounter.


She's close to advancing to mid-bronze. Since we shared the death experience, she gained a total of 6,500 experience, adding the 3,000 she already had, it equals 9,500. Then, the 65 orbs are multiplied by half, meaning 50 percent, giving a total of 12,750 experience overall.

As for me,


I still need a considerable amount of experience, but I'm not in a hurry; I have plenty of time, so let's take it slow but steady.

"System, open the store."

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the system store]

[Available items]

[Potions of all kinds (only medium level)]

[Footwork games (only four stars)]

[Weapon handling (only four stars)]

Looking at the available options, what most catches my attention, obviously, are the footwork games and weapon handling. My footwork game is 3 stars, but I don't have sword handling. I need both at four stars and mastered to the maximum if I want to face a titan, although I'm starting to doubt if obtaining a true name is the same way as the novel. Hopefully, it continues to be so...

Potions are always welcome. Opening the potion article, My expression changes a bit.


[The host can only buy up to a maximum of 2 potions of each type; after buying 2 of the same type, it becomes deactivated]

[Potions have a different value depending on the type of potion]

[Medium-level mana recovery potion: 1000 points to be able to buy]

I frowned. Considering that I killed a total of 190 rank F monsters, I check how many points I have.

[380 points]

So, each monster was worth a total of 2 points. It's very little, but I can't complain.

[Weapon handling]

[The host can buy 4-star handles]

[Mortal Symphony 4 stars: 2000 points to buy]

[Description: ...]

I sighed. Seriously, I lack a lot of points; I'm poor right now. Besides, these two items are the most expensive in the store, so they are the best available right now.