Chapter 69: Name

"Roberto was happy to present the gold coins to his family; all three were crying tears of happiness and hope.

I found myself crying in my heart; I only have 8 gold coins left. Holding the coins tightly, I kept them in my ring.

"It's hard to be poor," I thought to myself.

Watching Elsa, she was still swinging her new sword, excited. She really liked her new gift, it seemed.

I was more than happy with my new sword; I didn't need a new armor. So, the only thing missing was the armor that Roberto would bring for Elsa, but right now, he was spending quality time with his family. I don't want to interfere, so I'll just wait quietly.

After a few minutes, Roberto went to a specific place. Seconds passed, and he brought back armor in his hands. He came towards us and went straight to Elsa to hand it over. There was a breastplate, pauldrons, vambraces, and knee guards, etc.