Chapter 75: Dragon Dance

A familiar forest appeared before my eyes, an infinite tangle of trees rising towards the sky hidden by the dense fog that envelops everything in a grayish cloak. The trees, tall and leafy, cluster in dense forests that seem to have no end, their intertwined branches creating a canopy that barely lets the sunlight through, diffused and weak through the mist.

The fog, thick and enveloping, glides between the trunks and branches like an ethereal veil, hiding the details of the landscape and creating an atmosphere of mystery and bewilderment. The air is laden with moisture, making it heavy and difficult to breathe, while the ground is covered by a carpet of thick fog; if you take off your shoes in certain areas, you will find damp moss and fallen leaves that cushion your steps.

Silence reigns in this place, sounds seem to distort in the fog, creating a sense of unreality and making it easy to get lost in this labyrinth of trees.