Chapter 82: Zone 3

In the midst of this desolate space, where the ground lies covered by a blanket of multicolored leaves, the absence of trees in sight seems both comforting and unsettling. Although the distance between me and those silent witnesses of nature is considerable, their presence looms over me like an ominous shadow.

The sensation of being watched persists, penetrating my consciousness with disturbing intensity. To test the reality of this feeling, I decided to take action against one of those distant trees, splitting its trunk with my sword. However, the result was perplexing and disappointing at the same time: the tree fell silently, disintegrating on the ground without further ceremony.

The speed with which the tree vanished only adds another mystery to this strange place, leaving behind an ominous void that whispers dark secrets in the wind. What unknown force governs this forgotten corner of nature, and what other enigmas await in the shadow of these absent trees?