Chapter 119: The guardian has arrived

Pov Elsa Frostine

After coming out of my daze, I looked around, my eyes widening with astonishment.

The small underground river wound its way through the darkness, its waters shimmering with an ethereal and magical glow. Each ripple of water seemed to emit its own light, illuminating its surroundings with a soft and charming luminescence. Around the waters, huge crystals of different colors rose majestically, like sentinel guardians of the underground river. Standing at approximately 50 centimeters tall, these crystals emitted pure mana that filled the air with a sense of power and mysticism.

The ground surrounding the river was covered in a shiny black stone, reflecting the light from the crystals and adding a dark yet beautiful contrast to the landscape. Every step on this stone seemed to resonate with a magical echo, as if it were imbued with the same energy flowing through the river.