Chapter 152: Crimson the Ancient

In the midst of the vast desert, Crimson the Ancient stood face to face with a snake of colossal proportions. The titanic body of the serpent writhed in chaotic movements, defying the tranquility of the arid landscape that surrounded them. For a few moments, both beings remained motionless, observing each other with an intensity that resonated in the tense-filled air.

Finally, it was Crimson the Ancient who broke the silence with their melodious and serene voice. "I do not like this place," they declared calmly, their tone resonating in the confines of the desert. Their scarlet eyes swept over the desolate landscape, scrutinizing every corner for any hint of hidden danger.

The serpent, known as Serpent of Damnation, responded with a deep, guttural voice. "What do you want, Crimson?" it growled, its tone filled with disdain and distrust. Its own eyes, cold and shining, were fixed on its adversary.