Chapter 189: Base-Fallen rank creature (2)

Pov Charlotte's

My eyes widened in horror as I witnessed the complete transformation of the being before us, their sudden rise in rank was something none of us could face alone. The pressure in the air was palpable, as intense as the day we first met Professor Athena, but this time, although overwhelming, I managed to keep it at bay.

I heard Anthony's words clearly, urging us to activate our bloodlines, as if it were the only recourse left to us. It was as if a switch flipped in the other kids, awakening an inner strength that had lain dormant until then.

My eyes settled on Anthony's back, although my height had reached an impressive 1.80 meters, he remained as tall as ever. However, in the blink of an eye, he vanished before my eyes, as if swallowed by the darkness itself.