Chapter 200: Arabella and Alexandra

"Who is this young man, Charlotte?" Arabella asked her sister with curiosity. Charlotte's eyes sparkled with pride as she placed her hands on her hips and responded, "My future husband!" pointing excitedly at Anthony.

Arabella nodded calmly, turning her gaze back to Anthony. Her eyes examined him closely, and after a few moments, they showed a slight flicker of surprise. Anthony responded with a smile and dismounted from the horse.

"He's quite the actor, Miss Arabella," Anthony commented with a grin, acknowledging Arabella's shrewdness.

Arabella gave him another glance and smiled in response. Anthony realized that, despite her apparent calmness, Arabella was capable of maintaining an unwavering control with her purple eyes. It was evident that she had a sister complex, while her mother had a daughter complex. Now that he thought about it, Anthony realized that Charlotte was the most grounded in her family.