Chapter 214: A great river

"Darn river, when will we get out of this place?" cursed Persephone, her green eyes shining with frustration as she watched the piece of land seem to be a bit larger than before. They had been at sea for three days, and of the seven coconuts they had, only two remained. She looked at the white-haired boy, who was holding a stick with a thread of darkness at its end, improvising a fishing rod. He had an expectant expression as he watched the water.

Persephone's eyes shone with incredulity. "How can you be so calm?" she asked with frustration, feeling like she might lose her sanity at any moment. Anthony looked at her with amusement. "If you want, you can swim and see if you can get there before the boat," he joked. A knot of anger formed on Persephone's forehead as she clenched her fists. She felt like pushing him into the water right at that moment. Anthony watched her with a smile, knowing how easy it was to annoy her.