Chapter 226: Queen ant

Anthony, Estefany, and Perséfone followed the plant, whose attitude remained completely indifferent. They advanced through corridors covered in moss, guided by the plant assuring them it would lead them to the heart of the main volcano. The plant expressed its willingness to help in their search for what they needed. Anthony hesitated at first, but he remembered he was protected by two sacred-ranked beings, so he decided to move forward without worries.

They walked for several hours, delving deeper into an underground tunnel. From that place, they had a perfect view of the imposing volcano in front of them. The plant continued to advance indifferently until it abruptly stopped, its green eyes focused on Anthony. With its vines, it pointed forward. Anthony approached and followed its gaze, discovering a large number of ants coming in and out of the volcano, some carrying plants or animals with them.